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Compile Error with IQmath, function "_IQdiv2" declared implicitly, but other IQmath functions like _IQmpy work fineI'm

I'm modifying a very well debugged production project in CCS v6.1.0. I'm using DSP/Bios and C compiler 6.4.6. I had good success today when using just the _IQmpy(A, B) function with no compile errors or warnings. But when I added either _QNtoIQ( int A) or _IQmpy2(_Iq A) functions, I get the function declared implicitly error and the following additional compile errors:

--Description Resource Path Location Type unresolved symbol __IQdiv2, first referenced in ./SingenX400a_3Ph.obj SingenX400a_3Ph C/C++ Problem

--Description Resource Path Location Type #171 expected a declaration SingenX400a_3Ph_variable_defs.h /SingenX400a_3Ph line 57 C/C++ Problem

--Description Resource Path Location Type<a href="file:/c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10234.html">#10234-D</a> unresolved symbols remain SingenX400a_3Ph C/C++ Problem

--Description Resource Path Location Type unresolved symbol __IQdiv2, first referenced in ./SingenX400a_3Ph.obj SingenX400a_3Ph C/C++ Problem

That's it in a nutshell. When I remove the offending iq math functions, it's ok, but I need those so I can replace floating point math that's bogging down my code SWIs, with much faster IQmath. Of course, I have the proper IQmathlib.h reference in my main C file, and I set the math type to IQ and the Global IQ value to iq15. Anyway, I don't hjave problems until I start using those additional iq math functions. 

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.