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EQep1Regs, EQep2Regs and GPIO problem

Hello all,

I'm using Example_2833xEqep_pos_speed to run an encoder and read out position.  Using EQep1Regs GPIOs 20, 21, and 22 as EQEP1A, EQEP1B, and EQEP1I respectively, the example code works great! I can read out position, rpm, etc. 

The problem arises when I try using  EQep2Regs  GPIOs 24, 25, and 26 as EQEP2A, EQEP2B, and EQEP2I. While rotating the encoder manually and reading out position, my value goes from 1 to the desired EQep2Regs.QPOSMAX  and it doesn't reach any of the values in between, example; 1-66000 see graph

Where using EQep1Regs GPIOs 20, 21, and 22 as EQEP1A, EQEP1B, and EQEP1I Works as expected and yields the following graph

I've notice that disconnecting GPIO 26, EQEP2I the position value works as expected. Is EQEP2I (index value)  I believe that the Index value of the encoder is optional specially since I'm only interested in the position value. But how does it ONLY work on EQep1Regs?

Here is the encoder that I am using.

The Hz and other settings remain unhanded for both examples.

Any insight will be very appreciated.