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Reading 32 bit Sigma Delta Filter Data in CLA

Hi Guys,

CCS v 6.2(compiler version = TI v15.12.3.LTS)

TMX320F28075 Control Card

control Suite v 3.4.1

I want to read and store the 32 bit Sigma Delta Filter Data value in a variable inside CLA Task 1. So I wrote in the .cla file:

#pragma DATA_SECTION(SDFM1_Data,"Cla1ToCpuMsgRAM");
long SDFM1_Data1;

__interrupt void Cla1Task1 ( void )
SDFM1_Data1 = (signed long) (*(Uint32 *) ((Uint32) 0x5E16));

And during build, I get an "invalid type conversion" warning. When I run the program SDFM1_Data1 is updated and gives correct results.

But when I run the same code from CPU1 there is no warning. Why is it so and how to avoid the warning in CLA?