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MotorWare Updated: 1_01_00_12


MotorWare has been updated to version "12", and will be live in the next 12 hours.

As always, the full revision notes can be viewed by running
or directly through:

Here are the key items.

  1. Change in naming of MotorWare peripheral interface files "drv" to "hal" (hardware abstraction layer) to align with other TI software standards and facilitate some future work we are doing
  2. Motor ID for Induction Motors significantly enhanced
    1. You will notice new logic and functions added to each lab starting with proj_lab2a
      1. recalcKpKi(CTRL_Handle handle)
      2. setFeLimitZero(CTRL_Handle handle)
      3. acim_Dir_qFmtCalc(CTRL_Handle handle)
    2. This is working very well with all motors that we can run with TMDSHVMTRINSPIN.  We are still having some ID stability issues with low inductance / high current Induction motors that we will continue to work on and address in MotorWare _13
    3. Note, these enhancements are in MotorWare _12 only, the stand-alone InstaSPIN GUI firmware is not being updated.
  3. Error Checking Added
    1. USER_checkForErrors(&gUserParams) and gMotorVars.UserErrorCode added to each project
      1. This has the same goal as the "Setting user.h" spreadsheet I have posted. It checks the critical scaling elements during compile time (does NOT use any CPU cycles) and reports if there is an error.  You can see the 91 errors it checks for at the bottom of user.c
      2. Note that this is checking EXACT variable limits, it doesn't have any built in buffering like the spreadsheet does. My recommendation is to use the spreadsheet for set-up and the ErrorCode to double check your work
      3. Please give us feedback.  In my opinion some of the errors it reports are not immediatly helpful. Ex: USER_ErrorCode_motor_ratedFlux_Low.   How do you increase the Flux of the motor?  You don't. If you search for this error in user.c you will see that while it is reporting that your flux is too low, the way to solve this is to reduce your IQ_VOLTAGE or increase your EST_FREQ to create a minimum flux value lower than the flux of the motor.
  4. InstaSPIN Projects & Labs User's Guide Updated
    1. Write-up for Lab 7 (Rs On-line) is now updated
    2. Others have small fixes/clarifications to bring them up to date with recent additions/changes

5. Position Control for Induction Motors with slip compensation: with InstaSPIN-MOTION 


Expect MotorWare _13 mid June. Planned key inclusions: 

  • New device support :)
  • Write-ups to complete Projects & Labs User's Guide
  • ACI Motor ID enhancement for low inductance
  • Possibly the first of at least two Initial Position Detection (IPD) libraries
    • We have done some pretty exciting things in this area that I'd really like to get into all of your hands. We just want to make sure it is well documented so it is as easy as possible to use.

There is also this Timeline Document that will give you some insight into what we've done in the past year and where we are headed.

Let me know if you have any questions.