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What's wrong with that HW-DMA control packet?

The SW-triggered DMA channel 0 is working fine.
The HW-triggered DMA channel 1 is not working.
SCI is working (tested in polling mode).

void dmaInit(uint32 bufAddr, uint32 nShort) { dmaREG->GCTRL = 0; // SW reset during configuration (HALCoGen-generated code is enabling dma here, the Reference Manual is warning to do so) dmaREG->PAR[0] = dmaREG->PAR[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF; // assign to Port B (no choice) // dmaREG->DMAPCR = 0x0A; // enable parity <======= ToDo // dma channel 0 compresses (in-place) the HTU-delivered data (uint32) to 16-bit-aligned array of uint16 dmaRAMREG->PCP[0].ISADDR = bufAddr +2; // MCU is big endian, copy from little end dmaRAMREG->PCP[0].IDADDR = bufAddr; // copy in-place dmaRAMREG->PCP[0].ITCOUNT = (1<<16) // one frame
+ nShort; // of nShort short ints dmaRAMREG->PCP[0].CHCTRL = (0<<16) // not a chain + (1<<14) // src element size 16 bit (short) + (3<<12) // dst element size 64 bit + (0<< 8) // TTYPE = HW request per frame (ignored for SW requests) + (3<< 3) // src addr mode "indexed" (meaning non-default increments) + (1<< 1) // dst addr mode "post-increment" (by element size, 8 byte) + 0; // AIM = 0, no auto initiation dmaRAMREG->PCP[0].EIOFF = (0<<16) // no non-default dst-addr element increment + 4; // src-addr element increment dmaRAMREG->PCP[0].FIOFF = (0<<16) // no non-default dst-addr frame increment + 0; // src-addr frame increment (never mind, frame count is 1) // dma channel 1 transfers telegram to SCILIN's TD dmaREG->DREQASI[0] = 29<<16; // assign HW request channel 29 (SCILIN TD ready) to channel 1 // sciInit() will execute scilinREG->SETINT = 1<<16; // DMA requests on TD empty dmaRAMREG->PCP[1].ISADDR = bufAddr; dmaRAMREG->PCP[1].IDADDR = (uint32)&(scilinREG->TD); dmaRAMREG->PCP[1].ITCOUNT = (2*nShort<<16)// 2*nShort frames + 1; // of 1 element (byte) dmaRAMREG->PCP[1].CHCTRL = (0<<16) // no chain + (0<<14) // src element size 8 bit + (0<<12) // dst element size 8 bit + (0<< 8) // TTYPE = HW request per frame, not per buffer + (1<< 3) // src addr mode "post-increment" (by 1 element) + (0<< 1) // dst addr mode "const" (not incrementing) + 0; // AIM = 0, no auto initiation after last frame dmaRAMREG->PCP[1].EIOFF = 0; // no non-default increments dmaRAMREG->PCP[1].FIOFF = 0; // no non-default increments dmaREG->GCTRL |= 0x00010000; // enable all this }