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Simple: i2c and SPI on a 22x2

Hi All,

This should be a fairly easy quick question:  Can I do both i2c and SPI at the same time with no special software on an MSP430F22x2 (2272 for the prototype), special pass gates, etc?

I've got an RF module on SPI, and an i2c accelerometer.  I don't need any other perhipherials (e.g. uart) other than a button, so from what I'm seeing in the datasheet, I should be able to do both... USCIA for SPI (P3.0, 3.3-3.5) and USCIB for i2c (P3.1&P3.2).  Am I missing any conflicts in the register settings?

I just want to be sure before I commit to the device for quick project.


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