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ez430-rf2500 problems

i have given the pulse output from the energy meter to the eZ430-RF2500 kit....  I have slightly modified the temperature sensor demo program of end device to receive the input signal in pin 4.3 and also grounded the gnd pin. my objective is to increment the count value whenever there is a pulse output from the energy meter and display it in sensor monitor in place of the temperature....... but i'm not getting proper readings. (the pulse voltage is around 2-3 volts and there is *** once in 15 seconds) ... the access point program is unchanged and is same as the demo program. Can you tell me where did i go wrong.

 P3SEL    |= 0x30;

     P2SEL &= ~0x04;                      

    P4SEL &= ~0x08;   

     P2DIR |= BIT2;                              //Trigger

   P4DIR &=  ~BIT3;                              // echo


 if((P4IN & 0x08)!=0x08)





          __delay_cycles(8000000); //~1 sec delay







  • Please do not open duplicate posts with same question.

  • Brian, this isn’t a duplicate post, but rather seems to be a failed posting attempt. Maybe a communication problem when hitting the "post" button, or a second press on this button while the first press was still being processed. I’ve had this a couple of times in the past, which did result in two or even three replies with same or fractional content. But when this happens at a ‘new thread’ post, it will result in multiple new threads and you won't even notice.

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