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Verify flow with CCS Uniflash and MSP430Flasher

Guru 16800 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH


I think that the "verify" is execute the following step.
Please let me know whether my understanding is correct.

1. The program file such as .txt is loaded into the flash memory.
2. The PC tool such as CCS Uniflash and MSP430Flasher read data from the flash memory.
3. The PC tool compares the written data and read data.

Best Regards,


  • Nomoto-san,

    This is pretty much how verify works. However note, that if you execute only a verify step (not a verify in addition to a program load) it's not going to load the part, but rather simply read it and check this against a provided code file (a subtle difference). So basically, if you tell the flasher only to do the verify and not to load the program (e.g. you called it with -v but not -w), it will just do steps 2 & 3 you listed. If you tell it to also load the program as a step (-v and -w), then it will do 1, 2, & 3 that you listed above.


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