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MSP430FR6047: USSLib for water meter: USS_startLowPowerUltrasonicCapture vs USS_startUltrasonicMeasurement

Part Number: MSP430FR6047


In our water flow meter project:

1. We don't have battery power, we use power supply. We have another tasks to do(ADC samples calculations, UART send/receive etc). So we don't need power saving using LPM modes.

2. Due to our crystal resonator we need to put USS_HSPLL_USSXTAL_SETTLING_USEC = 10000. In this case USS_startLowPowerUltrasonicCapture  takes 25mS of CPU time. That is too much.

3. If we don't use __ENABLE_LPM__ and put USS_EOF_SEQUENCE_SELECTION = USS_measurement_end_of_sequence_state_ready then USS_startUltrasonicMeasurement is called instead of USS_startLowPowerUltrasonicCapture and USS_startUltrasonicMeasurement takes only 5mS.

4. Because of very high water flow fluctuations at small water flow ranges we need to do USS measurements as often as possible so USS_startUltrasonicMeasurement is better for us.

So the questions are:

1. Can we use USSLib without __ENABLE_LPM__ so USS_startUltrasonicMeasurement will be called?

2. Is this mode is fully functional and tested?

3. Are there any other ways to increase water flow measurement precision at small flow rates?

Thank You!!!

  • Mihail,

    1. Yes, you can remove the ENABLE_LPM function and call USS_startUltrasonicMeasurement.
    2. Yes, we have done testing without LPM and also with a modification which uses LPM0 instead of LPM3.
    3. It will be helpful if you can provide some more information about what your flow rates are, pipe size, required precision, etc. If you are move comfortable providing this in a non-public forum, please send me a direct message.

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