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Applicaiton code in the flash memory is not getting executed

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, TM4C129DNCPDT

                  TI ARM Linker PC v5.1.1                      
>> Linked Fri Jul 25 16:55:40 2014

OUTPUT FILE NAME:   <SampleProject.out>
ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: "_c_int00"  address: 00000415


         name            origin    length      used     unused   attr    fill
----------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ----  --------
  FLASH                 00000000   00100000  00000550  000ffab0  R  X
  SRAM                  20000000   00040000  00000814  0003f7ec  RW X


run origin  load origin   length   init length attrs members
----------  ----------- ---------- ----------- ----- -------
00000000    00000000    00000550   00000550    r-x
  00000000    00000000    00000208   00000208    r-- .intvecs
  00000208    00000208    00000328   00000328    r-x .text
  00000530    00000530    00000020   00000020    r-- .cinit
20000000    20000000    00000814   00000000    rw-
  20000000    20000000    00000800   00000000    rw- .stack
  20000800    20000800    00000014   00000000    rw- .data


 output                                  attributes/
section   page    origin      length       input sections
--------  ----  ----------  ----------   ----------------
.intvecs   0    00000000    00000208     
                  00000000    00000208     tm4c129dncpdt_startup_ccs.obj (.intvecs)

*          0    00000000    00000000     UNINITIALIZED

.text      0    00000208    00000328     
                  00000208    0000009c     rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib : memcpy_t2.obj (.text)
                  000002a4    00000094                                   : auto_init.obj (.text)
                  00000338    0000007c     main.obj (.text)
                  000003b4    0000005e     rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib : copy_decompress_rle.obj (.text)
                  00000412    00000002     --HOLE-- [fill = 0]
                  00000414    00000048                                   : boot.obj (.text)
                  0000045c    00000044                                   : cpy_tbl.obj (.text)
                  000004a0    00000044                                   : exit.obj (.text)
                  000004e4    00000018                                   : args_main.obj (.text)
                  000004fc    00000014                                   : _lock.obj (.text)
                  00000510    0000000e                                   : copy_decompress_none.obj (.text:decompress:none)
                  0000051e    0000000c     tm4c129dncpdt_startup_ccs.obj (.text)
                  0000052a    00000006     rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib : copy_decompress_rle.obj (.text:decompress:rle24)

.cinit     0    00000530    00000020     
                  00000530    0000000f     ( [load image, compression = rle]
                  0000053f    00000001     --HOLE-- [fill = 0]
                  00000540    00000008     (__TI_handler_table)
                  00000548    00000008     (__TI_cinit_table)

.stack     0    20000000    00000800     UNINITIALIZED
                  20000000    00000800     --HOLE--

.data      0    20000800    00000014     UNINITIALIZED
                  20000800    00000008     rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib : _lock.obj (.data)
                  20000808    00000008                                   : exit.obj (.data)
                  20000810    00000004                                   : stkdepth_vars.obj (.data)


__TI_cinit_table @ 00000548 records: 1, size/record: 8, table size: 8
	.data: load addr=00000530, load size=0000000f bytes, run addr=20000800, run size=00000014 bytes, compression=rle


__TI_handler_table @ 00000540 records: 2, size/record: 4, table size: 8
	index: 0, handler: __TI_decompress_rle24
	index: 1, handler: __TI_decompress_none


address    name
--------   ----
000004a1   C$$EXIT
0000051f   ResetISR
20000800   __STACK_END
00000800   __STACK_SIZE
20000200   __STACK_TOP
00000548   __TI_CINIT_Base
00000550   __TI_CINIT_Limit
00000540   __TI_Handler_Table_Base
00000548   __TI_Handler_Table_Limit
00000001   __TI_args_main
000002a5   __TI_auto_init
20000808   __TI_cleanup_ptr
00000511   __TI_decompress_none
0000052b   __TI_decompress_rle24
2000080c   __TI_dtors_ptr
00000000   __TI_static_base__
00000209   __aeabi_memcpy
00000209   __aeabi_memcpy4
00000209   __aeabi_memcpy8
ffffffff   __binit__
ffffffff   __c_args__
20000000   __stack
000004e5   _args_main
00000415   _c_int00
20000800   _lock
0000050b   _nop
00000503   _register_lock
000004fd   _register_unlock
20000804   _unlock
000004a5   abort
ffffffff   binit
0000045d   copy_in
000004ad   exit
00000000   g_pfnVectors
00000339   main
20000810   main_func_sp
00000209   memcpy


address    name
--------   ----
00000000   __TI_static_base__
00000000   g_pfnVectors
00000001   __TI_args_main
00000209   __aeabi_memcpy
00000209   __aeabi_memcpy4
00000209   __aeabi_memcpy8
00000209   memcpy
000002a5   __TI_auto_init
00000339   main
00000415   _c_int00
0000045d   copy_in
000004a1   C$$EXIT
000004a5   abort
000004ad   exit
000004e5   _args_main
000004fd   _register_unlock
00000503   _register_lock
0000050b   _nop
00000511   __TI_decompress_none
0000051f   ResetISR
0000052b   __TI_decompress_rle24
00000540   __TI_Handler_Table_Base
00000548   __TI_CINIT_Base
00000548   __TI_Handler_Table_Limit
00000550   __TI_CINIT_Limit
00000800   __STACK_SIZE
20000000   __stack
20000200   __STACK_TOP
20000800   __STACK_END
20000800   _lock
20000804   _unlock
20000808   __TI_cleanup_ptr
2000080c   __TI_dtors_ptr
20000810   main_func_sp
ffffffff   __binit__
ffffffff   __c_args__
ffffffff   binit

[39 symbols]


I am using TM4C129DNCPDT board along with XDS200 USB Emulator. I am writing a boot image verfier program which gets executed after the ROM boot loader code. This program after verification jumps to another memoy location in flash memory and tries execute binary of image of my applicaiton present there. I am writing the binary of my application to flash memory using UNIFLASH. I am creatin the binary of my applicaiton by compiling the application project on Code Composer Studio. I am writing this binary at locatoin 0x4004 in flash memory. I am using TIRTOS and tivaware driverlib also.

1)  when i run a debug session on my boot verifier program and jumps on memory location 0x4004, it doesn't show the application code at that location, but it takes a offset of 0x338 locations and shows the application code from location 0x433c.

2) I also tried to debug my application project(from which i created binary of application and written to flash) independently, in that case also the main code looks to start from the 0x338 location which was suppose to start from memory location 0x0. In this case the debugger lands to the location 0x338(where main starts) skipping the previous instructions which also makes sense.

3) As per the map file of the project what i could understand that before actual start of the application code some intvecs and driverlib code gets also written as it gets used in the application code, which also i think makes sense.

But Now what my problem is : When i jump to the location 0x4004 in case 1) above it starts executing the non-application code present at that location and after executing some instructions it goes into FaultIsr function and Hangs up in an infinite loop and my applicaiton code doesn't get executed at all. Instead of jumping on to the location 0x4004 i also tried to jump to

a)  0x420C( 0x4004 + 0x208(as MAP file shows in itial 0x208 location for some intvecs)) and

b)  0x42A8(0x4004 + 0x2a4 (as Map file shows this memory location also before start of main))

But in both of the above cases also the code hangs up in some infinite loop and my application code doesn't get executed at all.

But, if i jump to 0x433c where my application code is present, it works perfectly fine for me. But the problem here is : As here i know that the offset from where i wrote the application binary is 0x338 locations which won't be the case everytime and if there is any upgrade in my boot image it will definitely have some different offset which won't be known to my boot image verifier program. So, in that case the location from where the actual application codeis present will be unknown to my boot image verifier program and i will misbehave.

I am looking for a solution on this problem.

I am attaching the Map file of my sample application code in a text file format. Please find it in the attachments.

Also i am putting below snapshots to get some idea for different scenarios i mentioned above.

1) Address location 0x4004 showing non-application code

2) Location 0x433c showing my applicaiton code present there.

3) When i debug my appllication project code independently, the debugger landing on the main code at location 0x338 as mentioned in above point 2)

Please suggest some solution as this is completely surprising behaviour.

Thanks in advance.