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New to Tiva and seeking plain English explanation of dac

Hi all,

I’ve been learning Tiva Cortex M4 since the beginning of the year.  All I really have to study is the data book (VERY dry), and the C API book.  Is there documentation that actually teaches the dac (for that matter the rest of the preferables) of the Teva chips in plain English? Maybe some videos too.   I find that data books are really for reference and don’t really teach things like this.  I have the Yiu book, but that’s for the core.


  • Hi george,

    i don't think any Tiva has a DAC. You should be able to use a PWM signal for that, with some external components, depending on your aplication

    I learnt alot from just the C API book and the datasheet. The TivaWare driver peripheral is very good in that matter. note that the one to download in TI website is out of date for a long time, you need the one inside the TivaWare folder

    There's also this workshop for the tm4c1294xl launchpad wich could help:

  • Hello George

    The important thing to make it more practical is decide what application you want to be developing with the Tiva devices. Once that is decided, isolating the required hardware and creating the interfacing board comes next.

    That is when code development commences and the long drag of the data sheet and API book would become reference.

    Luis's pointer on the online workshop is also a great way to start. By the way do you have the LaunchPad to start the development.



  • Long past - this vendor produced (Award Winning) "Understanding Microcontrollers" series of paperback books.  These are written in a detailed, narrative format - which I suspect will prove much more to your liking.  Author's of such books aim to sell their written words - and achieve that by the clear/detailed conveyance of content.

    MCU manuals (only barely a "data book") provide essentially, "Just the facts."  It's assumed that the vast percent of users will have a good understanding of Peripherals - their care & handling - thus MCU manuals provide fine, "inside tech detail" - but indeed are dry and not effective as introductory teaching nor learning aids.

    Suggest your visit to local library - or online - for a search for, "General Microcontroller Usage" titles. 

    Knowing what to look for - and where - is a critical skill.  Believe you're (now) properly redirected.  (note: once again - ability to see "big picture" - think bit beyond vendor's MCU "blinders" - provides a welcome, alternative path {a superior one, in this case - I believe})