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GPIO Pin under HW control

hi frnds

what is the meaning of GPIO pin under HW control?


Er. Sanjay Kumar

  • sanjay kumar3 said:

    What is the meaning of GPIO pin under HW control?

    Believe you raise a good & thoughtful point.

    And - it may be - that a case may be made to challenge vendor's language.

    Many/most(all?) GPIO default to GPIO status/mode upon MCU power up.  Some pins - on some MCUs - violate this "default" rule (to the delight of quick or unread MCU manual users) and such users discover that their (chosen) GPIO pin(s) fail to perform.

    Usually - such GPIO pins have been "forced" into some specific, MCU Peripheral service mode - and it is that (I believe) which vendor's writing describes (bit cryptically - I'd say) as, "under HW control!"  To further detail - many MCUs default many Port "A" pins into SPI, I2C & UART service - rather than their (normal) GPIO mode.  To harvest these pins for (normal) GPIO use - you'll have to reconfigure and retype them.  (normally) 

    Adding to the "fun" very special pins (JTAG/SWD & (most always unwanted NMI)) are encountered.  These pins are "promoted" to unique "lock" mode - requiring users to "jump thru high hoops" to reclaim those pin's for more general usage.  CAUTION: "reclaim of any JTAG/SWD pin may cause MCU lock-out - do that w/past LM3S parts and MCU funeral results - LX4F/TM4C may be saved."  (yet is a distraction, time-waster - prevention trumps repair!)

    I've "winged" this posting (memory only) - others will cut/carve if I'm off-target or have missed key point... (doubtful that!)  

  • hi

    you mean if GPIO pin is left under hw control, then it will in its default state.


    Er. Sanjay Kumar 

  • Hello Sanja,

    When a GPIO is under HW control then the peripheral that is muxed onto it will control the GPIO Pad-Pin. This happens by setting both the AFSEL and PCTL registers in GPIO. The specific function of HW control is to set the corresponding Pad-Pin's AFSEL bit.



  • Prefer (still) far earlier posting's detail from this reporter.  To our group's collective mind, "Peripheral Control" far better describes!  (HW Control remains too vague, uncertain - likely "rushed" by tech writer's boss...Not to ask - HOW I know...)

    We note that the (very specific) mention of both AFSEL  & PCTL registers (seems) to be steering new poster into "Direct Register!"  Is that good?

    Instead - vendor's APIs w/in driver library automate the correct manipulation of any/all such registers - and avoid (but for very rare cases) the uncertainties admitted by Direct Register...

    KISS rules (i.e. safety/comfort of driver lib.) - direct register (or it's suggested use) not so much...