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TM4C123GH6PGE: Writing on USB Pen drive

Part Number: TM4C123GH6PGE


EK_TM4C123GXL to DK-TM4C123G migration and modify

Why can not I write "Hello :)" in the Err1.txt file?

Please let me know what to do.


static int printFileStructure (void) {

    uint32_t ui32ItemCount;

    FRESULT fresult;
    static char *pcBuf;//[256]="Hello World";
    uint32_t ui32BytesWritten;

            // Open the file by name that was determined above.  If the file exists
            // it will be opened, and if not it will be created.
            fresult = f_open(&g_sFileObject, "Err1.txt", (FA_CREATE_NEW |FA_WRITE));
            if(fresult != FR_OK)
                *(&pcBuf) ="Hello:)";
                f_write(&g_sFileObject, &pcBuf, 20, (UINT *)&ui32BytesWritten);

           fresult = f_write(&g_sFileObject, &pcBuf, 20, (UINT *)&ui32BytesWritten);


    // Open the current directory for access.


    fresult = f_opendir(&g_sDirObject, g_cCwdBuf);

f_write reference location
- TivaWare_C_Series-\third_party\fatfs\doc\en

create File in USB 

- Attach capture

  • Have you gotten the example usb_host_msc to work on your DK_TM4C123G?
  • Hi Bob.
    thanks for your reply

    Bob reply > Have you gotten the example usb_host_msc to work on your DK_TM4C123G?
    reply_A> No, this usb_host_msc example shows the file and directory structure in USB on the OLED display.

    Q1> I referred to Charles as an answer to the source code and link error question.

    The first source code did not work, so I migrated and modified EK_TM4C123GXL to DK-TM4C123G.
    - VBUS EPEN, USB Pin Map is changed and source code is operated.

    Why can not I write "Hello :)" in the Err1.txt file?
    - I added the function f_write, but it is not written to the file when the file is created.


    Jame, Shin
  • Hello

    Why can not I write "Hello :)" in the Err1.txt file?
