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Support Android-4.3 AOSP on Pandaboard ES rev B3

Dear Omap 4 Community,


I create this post to centralize the information to integrate Android 4.3 on Pandaboard ES rev B3.

I know that some patch already exists to support Linaro distribution, but here I really want to support AOSP.

Why ?

Because to build the Linaro distribution, it requires root/sudo rights that I do not have on my machine.

AOSP build from source is very simple/generic…when it works.


To summarize, in addition to Android release, we need a kernel, bootloader.bin and xloader.bin files.

Bootloader / xloader pre-built files from AOSP (in device/ti/panda) works perfectly on Pandaboard ES rev B2. it does not work anymore on Rev B3.

Kernel also works on Rev B2 but not in Rev B3, source code can be downloaded from

git clone .

git checkout -b android-omap-panda-3.0


So I would like to clarify here how we can support Rev B3. 

-       Bootloader/Xloader:

                         unsigned int reg_value;

                         /* Read MR8 */

                        __raw_writel(8, EMIF1_BASE + EMIF_LPDDR2_MODE_REG_CFG);

                        reg_value = __raw_readl(EMIF1_BASE +EMIF_LPDDR2_MODE_REG_DATA);

                        reg_value = (reg_value >> 2) & 0b1111;

                         /* Update SDRAM_CONFIG if 4Gb geometry fitted */

                        if(reg_value == 0b0110)


                                __raw_writel(0x80001ab2, EMIF1_BASE +EMIF_SDRAM_CONFIG);

                                __raw_writel(0x80001ab2, EMIF2_BASE +EMIF_SDRAM_CONFIG);


-       Kernel :

  • For the kernel, I do not have yet the solution.
  • I do not know the modifications I should apply to my kernel to support Rev B3.
  • Or maybe shall I use another kernel ?

If anyone knows, I would appreciate !!!