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Android kitkat debugging on Jacinto6 board

I am trying to build android image with userdebug option.
I have used :
source build/ ;
lunch full_jacinto6evm-userdebug
I am in impression that, final system image which would be generated would have symbols in it.
But the i dont see any significant change in size of system image also symbol folder.

$android0/out/debug/target/product/jacinto6evm/symbols$ du -h .
2.8M    ./sbin
31M    ./system/bin
5.9M    ./system/xbin
400K    ./system/vendor/lib/hw
680K    ./system/vendor/lib
684K    ./system/vendor
24K    ./system/etc/ppp
28K    ./system/etc
796K    ./system/lib/egl
140K    ./system/lib/ssl/engines
144K    ./system/lib/ssl
844K    ./system/lib/soundfx
388K    ./system/lib/drm
8.5M    ./system/lib/hw
1.8G    ./system/lib
1.8G    ./system
1.8G    .

$android0/out/target/product/jacinto6evm/symbols$ du -h .
2.8M    ./sbin
128K    ./system/bin/asan
42M    ./system/bin
8.9M    ./system/xbin
400K    ./system/vendor/lib/hw
680K    ./system/vendor/lib
684K    ./system/vendor
24K    ./system/etc/ppp
28K    ./system/etc
796K    ./system/lib/egl
140K    ./system/lib/ssl/engines
144K    ./system/lib/ssl
844K    ./system/lib/soundfx
388K    ./system/lib/drm
8.5M    ./system/lib/hw
1.8G    ./system/lib
1.8G    ./system
1.3M    ./data/nativetest/dalvik-vm-unit-tests
2.9M    ./data/nativetest/InputReader_test
1.3M    ./data/nativetest/InputDispatcher_test
5.4M    ./data/nativetest
176K    ./data/nativebenchmark
5.5M    ./data
1.8G    .

Am I missing any configuration, to have system.img with debug symbols in it?


  • Hi,

    I have observed, if we run gdb over locally, then it shows up functions. also I can place breakpoints.

    (gdb) b android::HWComposer::HWComposer(android::sp<android::SurfaceFlinger> const&, android::HWComposer::EventHandler&)
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x1e888: file frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/HWComposer.cpp, line 83.


    If I connect gdb to target, and follow the same, with the same file.

    (gdb) file /home/msutar/Projects/Hypervisor/Jacinto6_Board/6AK.1.1_NativeAndroid/6AK.1.1/mydroid/out/debug/target/product/jacinto6evm/symbols/system/lib/

    (gdb) b android::HWComposer::HWComposer(android::sp<android::SurfaceFlinger> const&, android::HWComposer::EventHandler&)
    Cannot access memory at address 0x1e892

    Could you help to have debugging symbols onto system.img.