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BindAddr : transportCreateEndpoint: bind failed: 12, Not enough memory

Hi All,

I was working on DRA7xx Infotainment Applications Processor based on J6 family.

MessageQ_create was failed in ARM side with below bind failed messages.


DSPMGR rocMgrApp_startup success
transportCreateEndpoint: bind failed: 12, Not enough memory
AL_SHM_alloc: size 936 ==> VA: 0x28100000, PA: 0xBA300000


This is the snippet  of the code:

static Int transportCreateEndpoint(int * fd, UInt16 queueIndex)
    Int          status    = MessageQ_S_SUCCESS;
    int          err;

    /* Create a fd to the ti-ipc to receive messages for this messageQ */
    *fd= open("/dev/tiipc", O_RDWR);
    if (*fd < 0) {
        status = MessageQ_E_FAIL;
        printf ("transportCreateEndpoint: Couldn't open tiipc device: %d, %s\n",
                  errno, strerror(errno));

        goto exit;

    PRINTVERBOSE1("transportCreateEndpoint: opened fd: %d\n", *fd)

    err = BindAddr(*fd, (UInt32)queueIndex);
    if (err < 0) {
        status = MessageQ_E_FAIL;
        printf ("transportCreateEndpoint: bind failed: %d, %s\n",
                  errno, strerror(errno));

    return (status);

Can you anyone guide me to find out the issue and also share any pre-procedure for memory initialization.

share me if any documents which is help us to find out the issue?.

Thanks in advance,
