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Website search doesn't find TS5A3159 or TS5A3359 analogue switches

Since these appear to be active products, it seems the search engine database needs to be tweaked. There may well be more but I haven't the time to try them all.

And why the inconsistencies between the product selection tables for 'analogue switches <= 5V' and 'analogue switches > 5V'? Eg. only the latter includes Ron flatness, charge injection and off leakage etc. which are useful.

Also what is 'crosstalk "yes" or "no"' meant to mean in the former?

Tony H

  • Tony,

    Thanks for the feedback.  I spoke with our team and there was a system glitch a couple of days ago which may have cuased the devices to not show up as expected.  We did a quick check and those 2 Signal switches do show up in the respective searches.

    Also, we have provided your feedback on the parameter values to the informaiton owners for review for addition.

  • Tony,

    Also what is 'crosstalk "yes" or "no"' meant to mean in the former?

    The ones marked No are single channel SPST devices where crosstalk wouldn't be an issue since there is only one signal path.  The ones marked yes are devices with multiple possible signal paths where cross talk would applicable. 

    Thank you,
