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EMB1428Q: how to solve the falut descriped in "Table 3 fault codes"?

Part Number: EMB1428Q


When i send cmd 0x10  to EMB1428 then the CPU receive 0xA1 from EMB1428.

How to resolve Fault 0b1010?

  • I don't think you have a problem. Table 3 / p22 shows fault code 0b1010 as meaning "No fault condition".
  • Why FAULT_INT triggered show in Table 3/p22 ?
  • Hi  user, Cliff,

    Error code  1010 means that done went high, and the error code from the emb1499 was not 000.  It means that the emb1499 sent an error code of 010 to the emb1428. Error code 010 means that you hit the secondary side overcurrent limit of  the DC-DC converter. You may need to reduce balancing current, change the sense resistor, etc to fix this. You may also want to ensure that you are giving the converter enough time to ramp down between balancing cycles.

  • Hi,

    I want to know the return code from the EMB1499 without any error if I sent cmd 0x10.And I alse want to know If I send the cmd 0x10,the sequence chart of DONE,EN,DIR,DIR_RT .


    Linda W
  • Hi user,

    If there is no emb1499 error then FAULT[2:0] would return 000.

    EMB1428 DIR should go high or low to indicate direction to the EMB1499

    the EMB1499 DIR_RT should be the opposite of DIR, and report this to the EMB1428. This is a handshake to make sure that the parts are aligned in charge/discharge direction.

    DONE should only go low several ms after the transfer is complete. This means that the converter current has ramped down to 0 and that it is ok to initiate another transfer.
  • Hi David,

    The handbook of EMB1499 in P13 (Shutdown Behavior) show that "When inductor current has ramped sufficiently low ,the EMB1499 shuts down and DONE signal is asserted high to tell the EMB1499 that the shutdown process has finished ,and can accept new commands",isn't it different with what you say?

    Iwant to konw the state of DIR ,DIR_RT, DONE, EN when the EMB1428 and EMB1499 power on and the state of DIR ,DIR_RT, DONE, EN when one of the three EMB1428 's CS pin is chose.

    If there is no EMB1499 error then FAULT[2:0] would return 000(when i send 0x10),and what i can receive from EMB1428 0x01 or ox81 or any code else?

    Is the EMB1428 's SPI baud rate must be 1MHZ?


    Linda W