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BQ24616 charger input voltage 12v and battery of 3S3P 11.7V nom

Hi ,

We are using BQ24616RGER battery charging device with 12V input voltage and 11.7V 3S3P battery voltage. is this configuration ok to use or we should have input voltage greater than the battery voltage.



  • Chandra,

    With the 0.3V difference, it is possible that your BATFET will almost always be on (connecting battery to system), because of the ACN-SRN comparator. This may or may not be an issue for you, but you should at least know.

    The 24616 needs about 150mV difference between VCC and the battery voltage, or it goes into sleep mode. While you are not quite there, if your adapter  voltage sags much at all you will probably enter sleep mode. 

    I would recommend increasing the adapter voltage a little, if you can swing it.

  • Thanks David,

    This I tried already now system is working.
