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Linux/BQ27426: How to read R0-R15

Part Number: BQ27426

Tool/software: Linux

Can someone provide an example of how to use the Bqtool to read registers from the BQ27426 fuel gauge.  We are able to use this tool to program the fuel gauge, but now we are trying to read he R0-R15 dynamic register values. So an example of the BQtool command would be helpful.



  • I don't have the command syntax for bqTool but here is the communications sequence to read Ra0-Ra14:

    1. write 0x59 0x00 starting at register 0x3E. This will select the Ra table data class, block 0

    2. read 30 bytes starting from register 0x40, auto increment.

    R0 = first two bytes
    R1 = next two bytes

    and so no.

    The format is big endian integer.