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Where do I find old versions of Fusion Digital Power software?

  • Hey Nathan,

    Which device are you working on? Is there a particular version you are interested in and is there a problem with the latest version that is affecting you?

    We only list the latest versions on the web. For ucd31xx device users we are using Fusion Digital Power Studio( as it split away from Fusion Digital Power Designer.

  • Amiel,

    My device is the UCD90160. I am working with version 1.9.78. Yes there is a problem with the latest version. I was working with Aaron Spaete and Russell Wetherley on it.

    When I take the XML created on the 1.9 version and open it in the new version the names of the rails are not there? I didn't push in further and see if the GPI and GPO names came in or not.

    As a work around I wanted to install an old version on a test station for my technician to work on/with.

  • Sorry for the delay, version 7.0.11 has been uploaded to TI's website and I beleive that this resolves the issue you observed with rail names. digital&tisearch=Search-EN-Everything

    Just going to include a reminder about a  related issue: Rail names are not stored in the UCD device itself. so a new host or a host with a new software version connecting to a device that already has a configuration loaded will not display the rail names in the Fusion GUI.  In this case, just reapply the congiuration file to the device, the GUI will pick up the names and store them to a perf file based on the device and address so that when you connect to a live device in the future, the names will automatically be available.  Note: Because of this feature, it makes sense to use different addresses when using the same device across multiple board designs to avoid confusion if the user will be switching between these designs with regular frequency.