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MSP430g2 and TLC5940nt

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553, ENERGIA, TLC5940

Dear all,

I am working with  HC SR04(ultrasonic sensor).,MSP430G2553 and TLC5940nt. I  want to display a message using TLC5940nt when the HC SR04 detects an object.

P2.1 to VCC

P2.2to GND

P2.4 to trigger

P2.1 to echo


For TLC5940nt,

P1.0 to XLAT

P1.1 to BLANK

P1.3 to DCPRG

P1.4 to GSCLK

P1.5 to SCLK

P1.6 to SOUT

P1.7 to SIN

P2.6  to XERR

P2.7 to VPRG


As I am a beginner please help me out with the connections and also with energia code..Thank you in advance.



Vamsi Krishna.R