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About BQ500414 Frequency shift


I use the USB INTERFACE ADAPTER to control frequency shift with the BQ500414-EVM and our BQ500414 board.

I put the RX(51013B-EVM) with no load  on the TX.

It's frequecny is 160Khz,I set the frequecny to 190KHz.

But it can not change the frequecny from 160kHz to 190KHz,

But I push the TX(ON/OFF) buttom,the TX be turned off.

Both BQ5004141-EVM and ourBQ500414 are the same.

so the communication is ok with TX(BQ500414).

What's wrong with the frequecny shift application?


  • Sorry to see that you are having problems with this feature. I have used the Frequency Shift application with our bqTESLA TX Tuning Tool and the bq500414 EVM with good results.
    I will contact you off line to work this problem.