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RTOS/TMS320C6657: 2.5Gbps SRIO setting

Part Number: TMS320C6657

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

Dear Champs,

My customer failed to set SRIO for 2.5Gbps mode(half rate) at mode 4 of configuration 4(4 lanes used) to achieve 10Gbps.

But, there is no issue when they set it 1.25Gbps mode(quater rate). Their SRIO is connected to FPGA.

When they failed in 2.5Gbps mode, they failed at port, link initialization.

Could you please check below their settings and let me know what should be modified?

To change bitrate, they modified MPY value and RATE value only as in below. Are these enough to change bitrate of lane?

Is there any other thing should be modified when birate changed?

/* Set the SRIO Prescalar select to operate in the range of 44.7 to 89.5 */
CSL_SRIO_SetPrescalarSelect (hSrio, 0);

/* Unlock the Boot Configuration Kicker */
CSL_BootCfgUnlockKicker ();

// program the PLL accordingly.
//CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x251); // 5Gbps, half rate, x10
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x229); // 2.5Gbps, half rate, x5

// Configure the SRIO SERDES Receive Configuration. */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig (i, 0x440495); // half rate

// Configure the SRIO SERDES Transmit Configuration. */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig (1, 0x00180795);

full source code is also attached in below.

#include <xdc/std.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <c6x.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/IHeap.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/Error.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/Memory.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/heaps/HeapBuf.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/heaps/HeapMem.h>
//#include <ti/sysbios/family/c64p/Hwi.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/family/c64p/EventCombiner.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/family/c66/tci66xx/CpIntc.h>

/* SRIO Driver Includes. */
#include <ti/drv/srio/srio_types.h>
#include <ti/drv/srio/include/listlib.h>
#include <ti/drv/srio/srio_drv.h>

/* SRIO Driver Include File. */
#include <ti/drv/srio/srio_osal.h>

/* CPPI/QMSS Include Files. */
#include <ti/drv/cppi/cppi_drv.h>
#include <ti/drv/qmss/qmss_drv.h>
#include <ti/drv/qmss/qmss_firmware.h>

/* CSL SRIO Functional Layer */
#include <ti/csl/csl_srio.h>
#include <ti/csl/csl_srioAux.h>
#include <ti/csl/csl_srioAuxPhyLayer.h>

/* CSL BootCfg Module */
#include <ti/csl/csl_bootcfg.h>
#include <ti/csl/csl_bootcfgAux.h>

/* CSL Chip Functional Layer */
#include <ti/csl/csl_chip.h>

/* CSL Cache Functional Layer */
#include <ti/csl/csl_cacheAux.h>

/* PSC CSL Include Files */
#include <ti/csl/csl_psc.h>
#include <ti/csl/csl_pscAux.h>

/* CSL CPINTC Include Files. */

/* IPC includes */
#include <ti/ipc/GateMP.h>
#include <ti/ipc/Ipc.h>
#include <ti/ipc/ListMP.h>
#include <ti/ipc/SharedRegion.h>
#include <ti/ipc/MultiProc.h>

#include <xdc/cfg/global.h>

#include "SCubeDSP.h"

 ************************* LOCAL Definitions **************************

/* These are the GARBAGE queues which are used by the TXU to dump the
 * descriptor if there is an error instead of recycling the descriptor
 * to the free queue. */
#define GARBAGE_LEN_QUEUE           905
#define GARBAGE_TOUT_QUEUE          906
#define GARBAGE_RETRY_QUEUE         907
#define GARBAGE_PROG_QUEUE          909
#define GARBAGE_SSIZE_QUEUE         910

/* SRIO Device Information
 * - 16 bit Device Identifier.
 * - 8 bit Device Identifier.
 * - Vendor Identifier.
 * - Device Revision. */
//#define DEVICE_VENDOR_ID            0x0E
//#define DEVICE_REVISION             0x4
#define DEVICE_VENDOR_ID            0x30
#define DEVICE_REVISION             0x0

/* SRIO Assembly Information
 * - Assembly Identifier
 * - Assembly Vendor Identifier.
 * - Assembly Device Revision.
 * - Assembly Extension Features */
//#define DEVICE_ASSEMBLY_ID          0x0
//#define DEVICE_ASSEMBLY_INFO        0x0
#define DEVICE_ASSEMBLY_ID          0x0
#define DEVICE_ASSEMBLY_INFO        0x0100

 ************************* Extern Definitions *************************

extern const uint32_t DEVICE_ID1_16BIT;
extern const uint32_t DEVICE_ID1_8BIT;
extern const uint32_t DEVICE_ID_FPGA_16BIT;
extern const uint32_t DEVICE_ID_DSP_8BIT;

/* Defines number of DIO sockets used in this example */

/* Defines number of transfers done by DIO sockets in this example */

/* ISR timeout value (in cycles) used in this example */
#define SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT        200000

CSL_SrioHandle  hSrioCSL;
Srio_SockBindAddrInfo   bindInfo;

/* Array containing SRIO socket handles */
Srio_SockHandle srioSocket[SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS];

/* Source and Destination Data Buffers (payload buffers) */
UInt8  **srcDataBufPtr = NULL, **dstDataBufPtr = NULL;

/* Global debug variable to track number of ISRs raised */
volatile UInt32 srioDbgDioIsrCnt = 0;

/* Global variable to indicate completion of ISR processing */
volatile UInt32 srioLsuIsrServiced = 0;

/* Global variables to count good and bad transfers */
volatile UInt32 srioDioLsuGoodTransfers = 0;
volatile UInt32 srioDioLsuBadTransfers  = 0;

extern UInt32 malloc_counter;
extern UInt32 free_counter;

/* Defines the core number responsible for system initialization. */
#define CORE_SYS_INIT               0

extern int32_t SrioDevice_init (void);
Int32 sendSrio(uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr, uint8_t BYTE_SIZE);
Int32 receiveSrio(uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr, uint8_t BYTE_SIZE);

UInt32          coreNum = 0xFFFF;

/* These are the device identifiers used in the Example Application */
const uint32_t DEVICE_ID1_16BIT     = 0x0285;
const uint32_t DEVICE_ID1_8BIT      = 0x01;
const uint32_t DEVICE_ID_FPGA_16BIT = 0x02;
const uint32_t DEVICE_ID_DSP_8BIT   = 0x01;
//const uint32_t DEVICE_ID3_16BIT    = 0x1234;
//const uint32_t DEVICE_ID3_8BIT     = 0x12;
//const uint32_t DEVICE_ID4_16BIT    = 0x5678;
//const uint32_t DEVICE_ID4_8BIT     = 0x56;

Srio_DrvHandle  hDrvManagedSrioDrv;

/* Global SRIO and QMSS Configuration */
Qmss_InitCfg   qmssInitConfig;
/* CPPI device specific configuration */
extern Cppi_GlobalConfigParams  cppiGblCfgParams;
/* QMSS device specific configuration */
extern Qmss_GlobalConfigParams  qmssGblCfgParams;

/* This is the Number of host descriptors which are available & configured
 * in the memory region for this example. */
#define NUM_HOST_DESC               128

/* This is the size of each descriptor. */
#define SIZE_HOST_DESC              48

/* MTU of the SRIO Driver. We are currently operating @ MTU of 256 bytes. */
#define SRIO_MAX_MTU                256

/* This is the size of the data buffer which is used for DIO Sockets. */
#define SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET             24
#define SIZE_RX_DIO_PACKET             16

/* Memory allocated for the descriptors. This is 16 bit aligned. */
#pragma DATA_ALIGN (host_region, 16)
Uint8   host_region[NUM_HOST_DESC * SIZE_HOST_DESC];

/* Shared Memory Variable to ensure synchronizing SRIO initialization
 * with all the other cores. */
/* Created an array to pad the cache line with SRIO_MAX_CACHE_ALIGN size */
#pragma DATA_ALIGN   (isSRIOInitialized, 128)
#pragma DATA_SECTION (isSRIOInitialized, ".srioSharedMem");
volatile Uint32     isSRIOInitialized[(SRIO_MAX_CACHE_ALIGN / sizeof(Uint32))] = { 0 };

/* Memory used for the accumulator list. */
#pragma DATA_ALIGN (gHiPriAccumList, 16)
UInt32              gHiPriAccumList[64];

/* OSAL Data Buffer Memory Initialization. */
extern int32_t Osal_dataBufferInitMemory(uint32_t dataBufferSize);

/* Enable Time Stamp Counter */
extern void CSL_tscEnable(void);

 *********************** DEVICE SRIO FUNCTIONS ***********************

/** @addtogroup SRIO_DEVICE_API
 @{ */

 *  @b Description
 *  @n
 *      The function provides the initialization sequence for the SRIO IP
 *      block. This can be modified by customers for their application and
 *      configuration.
 *  @retval
 *      Success     -   0
 *  @retval
 *      Error       -   <0

#pragma CODE_SECTION(SrioDevice_init, ".text:SrioDevice_init");
int32_t SrioDevice_init (void)
    CSL_SrioHandle      hSrio;
    int32_t             i;
    SRIO_PE_FEATURES    peFeatures;
    SRIO_OP_CAR         opCar;
    Qmss_QueueHnd       queueHnd;
    uint8_t             isAllocated;
    uint32_t            gargbageQueue[] = { GARBAGE_LEN_QUEUE,  GARBAGE_TOUT_QUEUE,
                                            GARBAGE_PROG_QUEUE, GARBAGE_SSIZE_QUEUE };

    /* Get the CSL SRIO Handle. */
    hSrio = CSL_SRIO_Open (0);
    if (hSrio == NULL)
        return -1;

    /* Code to disable SRIO reset isolation */
    if (CSL_PSC_isModuleResetIsolationEnabled(CSL_PSC_LPSC_SRIO))

    /* Disable the SRIO Global block */
    CSL_SRIO_GlobalDisable (hSrio);

    /* Disable each of the individual SRIO blocks. */
    for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
        CSL_SRIO_DisableBlock(hSrio, i);

    /* Set boot complete to be 0; we are not done with the initialization. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetBootComplete(hSrio, 0);

    /* Now enable the SRIO block and all the individual blocks also. */
    CSL_SRIO_GlobalEnable (hSrio);
    for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++)

    /* Configure SRIO ports to operate in loopback mode. */
    //for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    //  CSL_SRIO_SetLoopbackMode(hSrio, 0);
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        CSL_SRIO_SetNormalMode(hSrio, i);

    /* Enable Automatic Priority Promotion of response packets. */

    /* Set the SRIO Prescalar select to operate in the range of 44.7 to 89.5 */
    CSL_SRIO_SetPrescalarSelect (hSrio, 0);

    /* Unlock the Boot Configuration Kicker */
    CSL_BootCfgUnlockKicker ();

    // program the PLL accordingly.
    //CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x251); // 5Gbps, half rate, x10
    CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x229);  // 2.5Gbps, half rate, x5

    // Configure the SRIO SERDES Receive Configuration. */
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig (i, 0x440495);  // half rate

    // Configure the SRIO SERDES Transmit Configuration. */
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig (1, 0x00180795);

    //CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x229);  // 1.25Gbps, quarter rate, x5
    //CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x251);  // 2.5Gbps, quarter rate, x10
    //CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x2A1);  // 5.0Gbps, quarter rate, x20
    //for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    //  CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig (i, 0x004404a5);  // quarter rate

    //for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    //  CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig (i, 0x001807a5);

    //CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x229);  // 5.0Gbps, full rate, x5
    //for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    //  CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig (i, 0x00440485);  // full rate

    //for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    //  CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig (i, 0x00180785);

    /* Loop around till the SERDES PLL is not locked. */
    while (1)
        uint32_t    status;

        /* Get the SRIO SERDES Status */
        if (status & 0x1)

    /* Clear the LSU pending interrupts. */
    CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt (hSrio, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    /* Set the Device Information */

    /* Set the Assembly Information */

    /* TODO: Configure the processing element features
     *  The SRIO RL file is missing the Re-transmit Suppression Support (Bit6) field definition */
    peFeatures.isBridge                          = 0;
    peFeatures.isEndpoint                        = 1;
    peFeatures.isProcessor                       = 1;
    peFeatures.isSwitch                          = 0;
    peFeatures.isMultiport                       = 1;
    peFeatures.isFlowArbiterationSupported       = 0;
    peFeatures.isMulticastSupported              = 0;
    peFeatures.isExtendedRouteConfigSupported    = 0;
    peFeatures.isStandardRouteConfigSupported    = 1;   // SRTC
    peFeatures.isFlowControlSupported            = 1;
    peFeatures.isCRFSupported                    = 1;   // Critical request flow function
    peFeatures.isCTLSSupported                   = 1;   // Common Transfer large system support
    peFeatures.isExtendedFeaturePtrValid         = 1;
    peFeatures.numAddressBitSupported            = 1;
    CSL_SRIO_SetProcessingElementFeatures (hSrio, &peFeatures);

    /* Configure the source operation CAR */
    memset ((void *) &opCar, 0, sizeof (opCar));
    opCar.portWriteOperationSupport = 1;
    opCar.atomicClearSupport        = 1;
    opCar.atomicSetSupport          = 1;
    opCar.atomicDecSupport          = 1;
    opCar.atomicIncSupport          = 1;
    opCar.atomicTestSwapSupport     = 1;
    opCar.doorbellSupport           = 1;
    opCar.dataMessageSupport        = 1;
    opCar.writeResponseSupport      = 1;
    opCar.streamWriteSupport        = 1;
    opCar.writeSupport              = 1;
    opCar.readSupport               = 1;
    opCar.dataStreamingSupport      = 1;
    CSL_SRIO_SetSourceOperationCAR (hSrio, &opCar);

    /* Configure the destination operation CAR */
    memset ((void *) &opCar, 0, sizeof (opCar));
    opCar.portWriteOperationSupport  = 1;
    opCar.doorbellSupport            = 1;
    opCar.dataMessageSupport         = 1;
    opCar.writeResponseSupport       = 1;
    opCar.streamWriteSupport         = 1;
    opCar.writeSupport               = 1;
    opCar.readSupport                = 1;
    CSL_SRIO_SetDestOperationCAR (hSrio, &opCar);

    /* Set the 16 bit and 8 bit identifier for the SRIO Device. */

    /* Enable TLM Base Routing Information for Maintainance Requests & ensure that
     * the BRR's can be used by all the ports. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0);

    /* Configure the Base Routing Register to ensure that all packets matching the
     * Device Identifier & the Secondary Device Id are admitted. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 0, 1, DEVICE_ID_FPGA_16BIT, 0xFF);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 0, 2, DEVICE_ID_DSP_8BIT,  0xFF);

    /* We need to open the Garbage collection queues in the QMSS. This is done to ensure that
     * these queues are not opened by another system entity. */
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        /* Open the Garbage queues */
        queueHnd = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_GENERAL_PURPOSE_QUEUE, gargbageQueue[i], &isAllocated);
        if (queueHnd < 0)
            return -1;
        /* Make sure the queue has not been opened already; we dont the queues to be shared by some other
         * entity in the system. */
        if (isAllocated > 1)
            return -1;

    /* Set the Transmit Garbage Collection Information. */
                                         GARBAGE_RETRY_QUEUE, GARBAGE_TRANS_ERR_QUEUE,
                                         GARBAGE_PROG_QUEUE, GARBAGE_SSIZE_QUEUE);

    /* Set the Host Device Identifier. */
    //CSL_SRIO_SetHostDeviceID (hSrio, DEVICE_ID_FPGA_16BIT);
    CSL_SRIO_SetHostDeviceID (hSrio, DEVICE_ID1_16BIT);

    /* Configure the component tag CSR */
    CSL_SRIO_SetCompTagCSR (hSrio, 0x00000000);

    /* Configure the PLM for all the ports. */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        /* Set the PLM Port Silence Timer. */
        CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortSilenceTimer (hSrio, i, 0x2);

        /* TODO: We need to ensure that the Port 0 is configured to support both
         * the 2x and 4x modes. The Port Width field is read only. So here we simply
         * ensure that the Input and Output ports are enabled. */
        CSL_SRIO_EnableInputPort (hSrio, i);
        CSL_SRIO_EnableOutputPort (hSrio, i);

        /* Set the PLM Port Discovery Timer. */
        CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortDiscoveryTimer (hSrio, i, 0x2);

        /* Reset the Port Write Reception capture. */
        CSL_SRIO_SetPortWriteReceptionCapture(hSrio, i, 0x0);

    /* Set the Port link timeout CSR */
    CSL_SRIO_SetPortLinkTimeoutCSR (hSrio, 0xFFFFFF);
    CSL_SRIO_SetPortResponseTimeoutCSR(hSrio, 0xFFFFFF);
    //CSL_SRIO_SetPortLinkTimeoutCSR (hSrio, 0xFF0FFF);
    //CSL_SRIO_SetPortResponseTimeoutCSR(hSrio, 0xFF0FFF);

    /* Set the Port General CSR: Only executing as Master Enable */
    CSL_SRIO_SetPortGeneralCSR (hSrio, 0, 1, 0);

    /* Clear the sticky register bits. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetLLMResetControl (hSrio, 1);

    /* Set the device id to be 0 for the Maintenance Port-Write operation
     * to report errors to a system host. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetPortWriteDeviceId (hSrio, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);

    /* Set the Data Streaming MTU */
    CSL_SRIO_SetDataStreamingMTU (hSrio, 64);

    /* Configure the path mode for the ports. */
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        Uint8          baudSel;
        Uint8          portwidth;
        Uint8          InitializedPortWidth;
        Uint8          pathID;
        Uint8          pathConfig;
        Uint8          pathMode;

        //CSL_SRIO_Enable5GBaud(hSrio, i);
        CSL_SRIO_Enable2_5GBaud(hSrio, i);
        //CSL_SRIO_Enable1_25GBaud(hSrio, i);
        CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortPathControlMode (hSrio, i, 4);
        CSL_SRIO_GetPLMPortPathControl (hSrio, i, &pathID, &pathConfig, &pathMode);
        System_printf ("SrioDevice_init: pathID:%d, pathConfig:%d, pathMode:%d \n", pathID, pathConfig, pathMode);

        CSL_SRIO_GetPortBaudRate(hSrio, 0, &baudSel);
        CSL_SRIO_GetSupportedPortWidth(hSrio, 0, &portwidth);
        CSL_SRIO_GetInitializedPortWidth(hSrio, 0, &InitializedPortWidth);

        System_printf ("SrioDevice_init: baudSel:%d, portwidth:%d, InitializedPortWidth:%d \n", baudSel, portwidth, InitializedPortWidth);
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): SerDes Macro Status Register : 0x%x, 0x%x \n", coreNum, *(unsigned int*)(0x02620154), *(unsigned int*)(0x02620360));


    /* Set the LLM Port IP Prescalar. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetLLMPortIPPrescalar (hSrio, 0x21);

    /* Enable the peripheral. */

    /* Configuration has been completed. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetBootComplete(hSrio, 1);

    /* This code checks if the ports are operational or not. The functionality is not supported
     * on the simulator. */

    //for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    //    while (CSL_SRIO_IsPortOk (hSrio, i) != TRUE)
    //    {
    //        Bool isInstallPort = CSL_SRIO_IsPortInitialized(hSrio, i);
    //        static int checkCount = 0;
    //        checkCount++;
    //    }


    /* Set all the queues 0 to operate at the same priority level and to send packets onto Port 0 */
    for (i =0 ; i < 16; i++)
        CSL_SRIO_SetTxQueueSchedInfo(hSrio, i, 0, 0);

    /* Set the Doorbell route to determine which routing table is to be used
     * This configuration implies that the Interrupt Routing Table is configured as
     * follows:-
     *  Interrupt Destination 0 - INTDST 16
     *  Interrupt Destination 1 - INTDST 17
     *  Interrupt Destination 2 - INTDST 18
     *  Interrupt Destination 3 - INTDST 19
    CSL_SRIO_SetDoorbellRoute(hSrio, 0);

    /* Route the Doorbell interrupts.
     *  Doorbell Register 0 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 0.
     *  Doorbell Register 1 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 1.
     *  Doorbell Register 2 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 2.
     *  Doorbell Register 3 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 3. */
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(hSrio, 0, i, 0);
        CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(hSrio, 1, i, 1);
        CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(hSrio, 2, i, 2);
        CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(hSrio, 3, i, 3);

    /* Initialization has been completed. */
    return 0;

static UInt32 l2_global_address (Uint32 addr)
    UInt32 corenum;

    /* Get the core number. */
    corenum = CSL_chipReadReg(CSL_CHIP_DNUM);

    /* Compute the global address. */
    return (addr + (0x10000000 + (corenum*0x1000000)));

static void myDioTxCompletionIsr
    UArg argument
    /* Pass the control to the driver DIO Tx Completion ISR handler */
    Srio_dioTxCompletionIsr ((Srio_DrvHandle)argument, hSrioCSL);

    /* Wake up the pending task */
    srioLsuIsrServiced = 1;

    /* Debug: Increment the ISR count */


 *  @b Description
 *  @n
 *      The function demonstrates usage of interrupts to indicate
 *      the end of DIO transfers
 *  @param[in]  hSrioDrv
 *      Handle to the SRIO driver
 *  @retval
 *      Success -   0
 *  @retval
 *      Error   -   <0

Int32 initBuffer()
    uint16_t                counter;

    srcDataBuffer[0] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET);
    if (srcDataBuffer[0] == NULL)
        System_printf ("Error: Source Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", 0);
        return -1;
    dstDataBuffer[0] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET);
    if (dstDataBuffer[0] == NULL)
        System_printf ("Error: Destination Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", 0);
        return -1;

    srcDataBuffer[0][0] = 0x00;
    srcDataBuffer[0][1] = 0xD8;
    srcDataBuffer[0][2] = 0x20;
    srcDataBuffer[0][3] = 0x00;
    srcDataBuffer[0][4] = 0x00;
    srcDataBuffer[0][5] = 0x00;
    srcDataBuffer[0][6] = 0x00;
    srcDataBuffer[0][7] = 0x00;

    for (counter = 8; counter < SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
        srcDataBuffer[0][counter] = (counter-8);

    /* DIO Write operation */
    srcDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
    dstDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];

    return 0;


void clearBuffer()
    /* Cleanup the source & destination buffers. */
    Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)srcDataBufPtr[0], SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET);
    Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)dstDataBufPtr[0], SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET);

Int32 sendSrio(uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr, uint8_t BYTE_SIZE)
    Srio_SockAddrInfo       to;
    //Uint8*          context;
    //Uint8*          transID;

    /* Populate the DIO Address Information where the data is to be sent. */
    to.dio.rapidIOMSB    = 0x0;
    to.dio.rapidIOLSB    = dst_addr;
    to.dio.dstID         = DEVICE_ID_FPGA_16BIT;
    to.dio.ttype         = Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE;
    to.dio.ftype         = Srio_Ftype_WRITE;

    if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[0], (Srio_DrvBuffer)src_addr, BYTE_SIZE, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example Failed\n", coreNum);
        return -1;

    // Make sure there is space in the Shadow registers to write
    while (1)
        if (CSL_SRIO_IsLSUFull (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, 0) == 0)

    // Get the LSU Context and Transaction Information.
    CSL_SRIO_GetLSUContextTransaction (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, 0,
                                       &context, &transID);

    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg0 (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, 0, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg1 (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, 0, dst_addr);
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg2 (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, 0, (uint32_t)src_addr);
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg3 (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, 0,
                         BYTE_SIZE, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg4 (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, 0,
                        0, //ptr_srioSocket->lsuTransfer.srcIDMap,
                        0, //ptr_srioSocket->lsuTransfer.idSize,
                        0, //ptr_srioSocket->lsuTransfer.outPortID,
                        0, //ptr_srioSocket->lsuTransfer.priority,
                        0, //ptr_srioSocket->lsuTransfer.xambs,
                        0, //ptr_srioSocket->lsuTransfer.supInt,
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg5 (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, 0,
    return 0;

Int32 receiveSrio(uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t dst_addr, uint8_t BYTE_SIZE)
    Srio_SockAddrInfo       to;
    uint8_t                 compCode;

    /* Populate the DIO Address Information where the data is to be sent. */
    to.dio.rapidIOMSB    = 0x0;
    to.dio.rapidIOLSB    = dst_addr;
    to.dio.dstID         = DEVICE_ID_FPGA_16BIT;
    to.dio.ttype         = Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD;
    to.dio.ftype         = Srio_Ftype_REQUEST;

    if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[0], (Srio_DrvBuffer)src_addr, BYTE_SIZE, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example Failed\n", coreNum);
        return -1;

    // Read the completion code filled by the ISR
    compCode = 0xFF;
    if (Srio_getSockOpt(srioSocket[0], Srio_Opt_DIO_READ_SOCK_COMP_CODE, &compCode, sizeof(uint8_t)) < 0)
        System_printf ("Error: Unable to read the completion code in socket\n");
        return -1;

    if (compCode == 0)
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): completion %d \n", coreNum, compCode);

    return 0;

static Int32 initDioSockets (Srio_DrvHandle hSrioDrv, uint8_t dio_ftype, uint8_t dio_ttype, uint8_t BYTE_SIZE)
    //Srio_SockAddrInfo       to;
    //uint8_t                 compCode;
    uint8_t                 counter;
    static int              k;

    /* Get the CSL SRIO Handle. */
    hSrioCSL = CSL_SRIO_Open (0);
    if (hSrioCSL == NULL)
        return -1;

    /* Open DIO SRIO Non-Blocking Socket */
    srioSocket[0] = Srio_sockOpen (hSrioDrv, Srio_SocketType_DIO, FALSE);
    if (srioSocket[0] == NULL)
      System_printf ("Error: Unable to open the DIO socket\n");
      return -1;

    /* DIO Binding Information: Use 16 bit identifiers and we are bound to the first source id.
    * and we are using 16 bit device identifiers. */
    bindInfo.dio.doorbellValid  = 0;
    bindInfo.dio.intrRequest    = 1;
    bindInfo.dio.supInt         = 0;
    bindInfo.dio.xambs          = 0;
    bindInfo.dio.priority       = 0;
    bindInfo.dio.outPortID      = 0;
    bindInfo.dio.idSize         = 0; // 0:8bit, 1:16bit
    bindInfo.dio.srcIDMap       = 0;
    bindInfo.dio.hopCount       = 0;
    bindInfo.dio.doorbellReg    = 0;
    bindInfo.dio.doorbellBit    = 0;

    /* Bind the SRIO socket: DIO sockets do not need any binding information. */
    if (Srio_sockBind_DIO (srioSocket[0], &bindInfo) < 0)
      System_printf ("Error: Binding the SIO socket failed.\n");
      return -1;

     * Run multiple iterations of the example to ensure multiple data transfers work

    /* Send the DIO Information. */
    for( k = 0; k < 10; k++ )
        sendSrio((uint32_t)srcDataBufPtr[0], 0xF0000 + k*8, BYTE_SIZE);

        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): rapidIOLSB : %x, ISR Count: %d\n", coreNum, (0xF0000 + srioDioLsuGoodTransfers), srioDbgDioIsrCnt);
        // Populate the DIO Address Information where the data is to be sent.
        to.dio.rapidIOMSB    = 0x0;
        to.dio.rapidIOLSB    = 0xF0000 + k*8;
        to.dio.dstID         = DEVICE_ID_FPGA_16BIT;
        to.dio.ttype         = dio_ttype;
        to.dio.ftype         = dio_ftype;

        for (counter = 8; counter < SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
            srcDataBuffer[0][counter] = 0x20*k + (counter-8);

        if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[0], srcDataBufPtr[0], BYTE_SIZE, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
        //if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[0], dstDataBufPtr[0], BYTE_SIZE, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
        //if (Srio_sockSend (srioSocket[0], srcDataBufPtr[0], BYTE_SIZE, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example Failed\n", coreNum);
            return -1;

    /* Read the completion code filled by the ISR */
    //compCode = 0xFF;
    //if (Srio_getSockOpt(srioSocket[0], Srio_Opt_DIO_READ_SOCK_COMP_CODE, &compCode, sizeof(uint8_t)) < 0)
    //    System_printf ("Error: Unable to read the completion code in socket\n");
    //    return -1;

    //if (compCode == 0)
    //    srioDioLsuGoodTransfers++;
    //    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): completion %d \n", coreNum, compCode);
    //    srioDioLsuBadTransfers++;

    /* Clear the LSU pending interrupt (ICCx) */
    //CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt (hSrioCSL, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
    //srioLsuIsrServiced = 0;
    /* Debug Message: Display ISR count */
    //System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): rapidIOLSB : %x, ISR Count: %d\n", coreNum, (0xF0000 + srioDioLsuGoodTransfers), srioDbgDioIsrCnt);

    if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD) )
        for( counter = 0; counter < 4; counter++ )
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): srcDataBufPtr checkValue:0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", coreNum, srcDataBufPtr[0][4*counter+0], srcDataBufPtr[0][4*counter+1], srcDataBufPtr[0][4*counter+2], srcDataBufPtr[0][4*counter+3]);

    /* Debug Message: Print error counters */
    //System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion without Errors - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuGoodTransfers);
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion with Errors    - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuBadTransfers);

    Srio_sockClose_DIO (srioSocket[0]);

    return 0;

static Int32 dioSocketsWith (Srio_DrvHandle hSrioDrv, uint8_t dio_ftype, uint8_t dio_ttype)
    Srio_SockBindAddrInfo   bindInfo;
    Srio_SockAddrInfo       to;
    uint16_t                sockIdx, i, k;
    uint16_t                counter, srcDstBufIdx = 0;
    int32_t                 eventId;//, startTime;
    UInt8                   **srcDataBufPtr = NULL, **dstDataBufPtr = NULL;
    uint8_t                 compCode;
    uint32_t                checkValue;
    UInt8                   BYTE_SIZE;

    //System_printf ("*************************************************************\n");
    //System_printf ("******* DIO Socket Example with Interrupts (Core %d) ********\n", coreNum);
    //System_printf ("*************************************************************\n");

    /* Get the CSL SRIO Handle. */
    hSrioCSL = CSL_SRIO_Open (0);
    if (hSrioCSL == NULL)
        return -1;

     /* SRIO DIO Interrupts need to be routed from the CPINTC0 to GEM Event.
     *  - We have configured DIO Interrupts to get routed to Interrupt Destination 0
     *    (Refer to the CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts API configuration in the SRIO Initialization)
     *  - We want this System Interrupt to mapped to Host Interrupt 8 */

    /* Disable Interrupt Pacing for INTDST0 */
    CSL_SRIO_DisableInterruptPacing (hSrioCSL, 0);

    /* Route LSU0 ICR0 to INTDST0 */
    CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 0, 0);

    /* Route LSU0 ICR1 to INTDST0 */
    CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 1, 0);

    /* Route LSU0 ICR2 to INTDST0 */
    CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 2, 0);

    /* Map the System Interrupt i.e. the Interrupt Destination 0 interrupt to the DIO ISR Handler. */
    CpIntc_dispatchPlug(CSL_INTC0_INTDST0, (CpIntc_FuncPtr)myDioTxCompletionIsr, (UArg)hSrioDrv, TRUE);

    /* The configuration is for CPINTC0. We map system interrupt 112 to Host Interrupt 8. */
    CpIntc_mapSysIntToHostInt(0, CSL_INTC0_INTDST0, 8);

    /* Enable the Host Interrupt. */
    CpIntc_enableHostInt(0, 8);

    /* Enable the System Interrupt */
    CpIntc_enableSysInt(0, CSL_INTC0_INTDST0);

    /* Get the event id associated with the host interrupt. */
    eventId = CpIntc_getEventId(8);

    /* Plug the CPINTC Dispatcher. */
    EventCombiner_dispatchPlug (eventId, CpIntc_dispatch, 8, TRUE);

    for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
      /* Open DIO SRIO Non-Blocking Socket */
      srioSocket[sockIdx] = Srio_sockOpen (hSrioDrv, Srio_SocketType_DIO, FALSE);
      if (srioSocket[sockIdx] == NULL)
          System_printf ("Error: Unable to open the DIO socket - %d\n", sockIdx);
          return -1;

      /* DIO Binding Information: Use 16 bit identifiers and we are bound to the first source id.
       * and we are using 16 bit device identifiers. */
      bindInfo.dio.doorbellValid  = 0;
      bindInfo.dio.intrRequest    = 1;
      bindInfo.dio.supInt         = 0;
      bindInfo.dio.xambs          = 0;
      bindInfo.dio.priority       = 0;
      bindInfo.dio.outPortID      = 0;
      bindInfo.dio.idSize         = 0; // 0:8bit, 1:16bit
      bindInfo.dio.srcIDMap       = sockIdx;
      bindInfo.dio.hopCount       = 0;
      bindInfo.dio.doorbellReg    = 0;
      bindInfo.dio.doorbellBit    = 0;

      /* Bind the SRIO socket: DIO sockets do not need any binding information. */
      if (Srio_sockBind_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx], &bindInfo) < 0)
      //if (Srio_sockBind (srioSocket[sockIdx], &bindInfo) < 0)
          System_printf ("Error: Binding the SIO socket failed.\n");
          return -1;

    //CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg3( hSrioCSL, sockIdx, 128, 0 );

    /* Allocate memory for the Source and Destination Buffers */
        srcDataBuffer[i] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET);
        if (srcDataBuffer[i] == NULL)
            System_printf ("Error: Source Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", i);
            return -1;
        dstDataBuffer[i] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET);
        if (dstDataBuffer[i] == NULL)
            System_printf ("Error: Destination Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", i);
            return -1;

        /* Initialize the data buffers */

        //for (counter = 0; counter < 8; counter++)
        //    srcDataBuffer[i][counter] = 0x20 + (counter * 0x8);
        //    dstDataBuffer[i][counter] = 0;

        srcDataBuffer[0][0] = 0x00;
        srcDataBuffer[0][1] = 0xD8;
        srcDataBuffer[0][2] = 0x20;
        srcDataBuffer[0][3] = 0x00;
        srcDataBuffer[0][4] = 0x00;
        srcDataBuffer[0][5] = 0x00;
        srcDataBuffer[0][6] = 0x00;
        srcDataBuffer[0][7] = 0x00;

        for (counter = 8; counter < (SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET-8); counter++)
            srcDataBuffer[i][counter] = k*SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET + (counter * 0x1);
            dstDataBuffer[i][counter] = 0;
        /* Debug Message: */
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Starting the DIO Data Transfer - Src(%d) 0x%p Dst(%d) 0x%p\n",
                        coreNum, i, srcDataBuffer[i], i, dstDataBuffer[i]);

    if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_WRITE) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE))//Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R))
        /* DIO Write operation */
        srcDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
        dstDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];
    else if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
        /* DIO Read operation */
        srcDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];
        dstDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
        /* Debug Message: */
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Unexpected combination of FTYPE and TTYPE. Example couldn't run. Exiting!!!\n",
        return -1;

     * Run multiple iterations of the example to ensure multiple data transfers work
    for( k = 0; k < 10; k++ )
        for (counter = 0; counter < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS; counter++)
            for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
                /* Populate the DIO Address Information where the data is to be sent. */
                to.dio.rapidIOMSB    = 0x0;
                to.dio.rapidIOLSB    = 0xF0000 + k;//(uint32_t)&dstDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx][0];
                to.dio.dstID         = DEVICE_ID_FPGA_16BIT;
                to.dio.ttype         = dio_ttype;
                to.dio.ftype         = dio_ftype;

                /* Send the DIO Information. */
                if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx], srcDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], BYTE_SIZE, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
                //if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx], dstDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], BYTE_SIZE, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
                //if (Srio_sockSend (srioSocket[sockIdx], srcDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_DIO_PACKET, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example Failed\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;

                //if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
                //    Srio_sockRecv(srioSocket[sockIdx], (Srio_DrvBuffer*)&dstDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx],(Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to);

                /* Wait for the interrupt to occur without touching the peripheral. */
                /* Other useful work could be done here such as by invoking a scheduler */
                //startTime = TSCL;
                //while((! srioLsuIsrServiced) && ((TSCL - startTime) < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT));

                //if (! srioLsuIsrServiced) {
                //  System_printf ("ISR didn't happen within set time - %d cycles. Example failed !!!\n", SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT);
                //  return -1;

                /* Debug Message: Data Transfer was completed successfully. */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket (%d) Send for iteration %d\n", coreNum, sockIdx, counter);

                /* Read the completion code filled by the ISR */
                compCode = 0xFF;
                if (Srio_getSockOpt(srioSocket[sockIdx], Srio_Opt_DIO_READ_SOCK_COMP_CODE, &compCode, sizeof(uint8_t)) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Error: Unable to read the completion code in socket\n");
                    return -1;

                //while (1)
                //    /* Get the completion code. */
                //    if (Srio_getSockOpt(srioSocket[sockIdx], Srio_Opt_DIO_SOCK_COMP_CODE, &compCode, sizeof(uint8_t)) < 0)
                //    {
                //        System_printf ("Error: Unable to get the completion code\n");
                //        return -1;
                //    }
                //    /* Was the transfer complete? */
                //    if (compCode != 0xFF)
                //        break;

                /* Was the transfer good. */
                if (compCode == 0)
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): completion %d \n", coreNum, compCode);


                /* Clear the LSU pending interrupt (ICCx) */
                CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt (hSrioCSL, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                srioLsuIsrServiced = 0;
                /* Debug Message: Display ISR count */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): ISR Count: %d\n", coreNum, srioDbgDioIsrCnt);

                /* Load next set of payload buffers */
                //    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example --- Out of SRC and DST buffers\n", coreNum);
                //    return -1;

    if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD) )
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): srcDataBufPtr checkValue:%x, %x, %x, %x\n", coreNum, srcDataBufPtr[0][0], srcDataBufPtr[0][1], srcDataBufPtr[0][2], srcDataBufPtr[0][3]);
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): dstDataBufPtr checkValue:%x, %x, %x, %x\n", coreNum, dstDataBufPtr[0][0], dstDataBufPtr[0][1], dstDataBufPtr[0][2], dstDataBufPtr[0][3]);
        checkValue = *((unsigned int *)(0xF0000));
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): 0xF0000 checkValue:%d\n", coreNum, checkValue);

    /* Validate the received buffer. */
        for (counter = 0; counter < SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
            if (dstDataBufPtr[i][counter] != srcDataBufPtr[i][counter])
                //System_printf ("Error(Core %d): Data Validation error. Buffer Number (%d): Expected 0x%x got 0x%x @ index %d\n",
                //                coreNum, i, srcDataBufPtr[i][counter], dstDataBufPtr[i][counter], counter);
                //return -1;

    /* Debug Message: Print error counters */
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion without Errors - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuGoodTransfers);
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion with Errors    - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuBadTransfers);

    /* Cleanup the source & destination buffers. */
    for (srcDstBufIdx = 0; srcDstBufIdx < (SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS * SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS); srcDstBufIdx++)
        Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)srcDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET);
        Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)dstDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET);

    /* Close the sockets */
    for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
        Srio_sockClose_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx]);

    //if (srioDioLsuBadTransfers > 0)
    //    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Transfer Data NOT completed successfully !!! \n", coreNum);
    //    return -1;

    /* Debug Message: Data was validated */
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Transfer Data Validated for all iterations\n", coreNum);

    /* Debug Message: Example completed */
    if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_WRITE) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE))
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Data Transfer (WRITE) with Interrupts Example Passed\n", coreNum);
    else if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Data Transfer (READ) with Interrupts Example Passed\n", coreNum);

    return 0;

static Int32 system_init (Void)
    Int32               result;
    Qmss_MemRegInfo     memRegInfo;

    /* Initialize the QMSS Configuration block. */
    memset (&qmssInitConfig, 0, sizeof (Qmss_InitCfg));

    /* Initialize the Host Region. */
    memset ((void *)&host_region, 0, sizeof(host_region));

    /* Set up the linking RAM. Use the internal Linking RAM.
     * LLD will configure the internal linking RAM address and maximum internal linking RAM size if
     * a value of zero is specified. Linking RAM1 is not used */
    qmssInitConfig.linkingRAM0Base = 0;
    qmssInitConfig.linkingRAM0Size = 0;
    qmssInitConfig.linkingRAM1Base = 0;
    qmssInitConfig.maxDescNum      = NUM_HOST_DESC;

#ifdef xdc_target__bigEndian
    /* PDSP Configuration: Big Endian */
    qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].pdspId   = Qmss_PdspId_PDSP1;
    qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].firmware = &acc48_be;
    qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].size     = sizeof (acc48_be);
    /* PDSP Configuration: Little Endian */
    qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].pdspId   = Qmss_PdspId_PDSP1;
    qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].firmware = &acc48_le;
    qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].size     = sizeof (acc48_le);

    /* Initialize Queue Manager Sub System */
    result = Qmss_init (&qmssInitConfig, &qmssGblCfgParams);
    if (result != QMSS_SOK)
        System_printf ("Error initializing Queue Manager SubSystem error code : %d\n", result);
        return -1;

    /* Start the QMSS. */
    if (Qmss_start() != QMSS_SOK)
        System_printf ("Error: Unable to start the QMSS\n");
        return -1;

    /* Memory Region 0 Configuration */
    memRegInfo.descBase         = (UInt32 *)l2_global_address((UInt32)host_region);
    memRegInfo.descSize         = SIZE_HOST_DESC;
    memRegInfo.descNum          = NUM_HOST_DESC;
    memRegInfo.manageDescFlag   = Qmss_ManageDesc_MANAGE_DESCRIPTOR;
    memRegInfo.memRegion        = Qmss_MemRegion_MEMORY_REGION_NOT_SPECIFIED;

    /* Initialize and inset the memory region. */
    result = Qmss_insertMemoryRegion (&memRegInfo);
    if (result < QMSS_SOK)
        System_printf ("Error inserting memory region: %d\n", result);
        return -1;

    /* Initialize CPPI CPDMA */
    result = Cppi_init (&cppiGblCfgParams);
    if (result != CPPI_SOK)
        System_printf ("Error initializing Queue Manager SubSystem error code : %d\n", result);
        return -1;

    /* CPPI and Queue Manager are initialized. */
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Queue Manager and CPPI are initialized.\n", coreNum);
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Host Region 0x%x\n", coreNum, host_region);
    return 0;

static Int32 enable_srio (void)
    /* SRIO power domain is turned OFF by default. It needs to be turned on before doing any
     * SRIO device register access. This not required for the simulator. */

    /* Set SRIO Power domain to ON */
    CSL_PSC_enablePowerDomain (CSL_PSC_PD_SRIO);

    /* Enable the clocks too for SRIO */

    /* Start the state transition */
    CSL_PSC_startStateTransition (CSL_PSC_PD_SRIO);

    /* Wait until the state transition process is completed. */
    while (!CSL_PSC_isStateTransitionDone (CSL_PSC_PD_SRIO));

    /* Return SRIO PSC status */
    if ((CSL_PSC_getPowerDomainState(CSL_PSC_PD_SRIO) == PSC_PDSTATE_ON) &&
        /* SRIO ON. Ready for use */
        return 0;
        /* SRIO Power on failed. Return error */
        return -1;
    /* PSC is not supported on simulator. Return success always */
    return 0;

 *  @b Description
 *  @n
 *      This function is application registered SRIO DIO LSU interrupt
 *      handler (ISR) which is used to process the pending DIO Interrupts.
 *      SRIO Driver users need to ensure that this ISR is plugged with
 *      their OS Interrupt Management API. The function expects the
 *      Interrupt Destination information to be passed along to the
 *      API because the DIO interrupt destination mapping is configurable
 *      during SRIO device initialization.
 *  @param[in]  argument
 *      SRIO Driver Handle
 *  @retval
 *      Not Applicable

 *  @b Description
 *  @n
 *      This is the main DIO Example Task
 *  @retval
 *      Not Applicable.

static Void dioExampleTask(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
    UInt8           isAllocated;
    Srio_DrvConfig  drvCfg;
    static UInt8    initSrioDrv = 0;

    int counter;

    /* Initialize the SRIO Driver Configuration. */
    memset ((Void *)&drvCfg, 0, sizeof(Srio_DrvConfig));

    /* Initialize the OSAL */
    if (Osal_dataBufferInitMemory(SRIO_MAX_MTU) < 0)
        System_printf ("Error: Unable to initialize the OSAL. \n");

     * The SRIO Driver Instance is going to be created with the following properties:
     * - Driver Managed
     * - Interrupt Support (Pass the Rx Completion Queue as NULL)

    /* Setup the SRIO Driver Managed Configuration. */
    drvCfg.bAppManagedConfig = FALSE;

    /* Driver Managed: Receive Configuration */
    drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.bIsRxCfgValid             = 1;
    drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.rxMemRegion         = Qmss_MemRegion_MEMORY_REGION0;
    drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.numRxBuffers        = 4;
    drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.rxMTU               = SRIO_MAX_MTU;

    /* Accumulator Configuration. */
        int32_t coreToQueueSelector[4];

      /* This is the table which maps the core to a specific receive queue. */
        coreToQueueSelector[0] = 704;
        coreToQueueSelector[1] = 705;
        coreToQueueSelector[2] = 706;
        coreToQueueSelector[3] = 707;

        /* Since we are programming the accumulator we want this queue to be a HIGH PRIORITY Queue */
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.rxCompletionQueue = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE,
                                                                         coreToQueueSelector[coreNum], &isAllocated);
        if (drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.rxCompletionQueue < 0)
            System_printf ("Error: Unable to open the SRIO Receive Completion Queue\n");

        /* Accumulator Configuration is VALID. */
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.bIsAccumlatorCfgValid = 1;

        /* Accumulator Configuration. */             = coreNum;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.command             = Qmss_AccCmd_ENABLE_CHANNEL;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.queueEnMask         = 0;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.queMgrIndex         = coreToQueueSelector[coreNum];
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.maxPageEntries      = 2;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.timerLoadCount      = 0;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.interruptPacingMode = Qmss_AccPacingMode_LAST_INTERRUPT;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.listEntrySize       = Qmss_AccEntrySize_REG_D;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.listCountMode       = Qmss_AccCountMode_ENTRY_COUNT;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.multiQueueMode      = Qmss_AccQueueMode_SINGLE_QUEUE;

        /* Initialize the accumulator list memory */
        memset ((Void *)&gHiPriAccumList[0], 0, sizeof(gHiPriAccumList));
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.listAddress = l2_global_address((UInt32)&gHiPriAccumList[0]);

    /* Driver Managed: Transmit Configuration */
    drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.bIsTxCfgValid             = 1;
    drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.txCfg.txMemRegion         = Qmss_MemRegion_MEMORY_REGION0;
    drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.txCfg.numTxBuffers        = 4;
    drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.txCfg.txMTU               = SRIO_MAX_MTU;

    /* Start the Driver Managed SRIO Driver. */
    if( 0 == initSrioDrv )
        hDrvManagedSrioDrv = Srio_start(&drvCfg);

        initSrioDrv = 1;

    if (hDrvManagedSrioDrv == NULL)
        System_printf ("Error(Core %d): SRIO Driver failed to start\n", coreNum);

    /* Hook up the SRIO interrupts with the core. */
    EventCombiner_dispatchPlug (48, (EventCombiner_FuncPtr)Srio_rxCompletionIsr, (UArg)hDrvManagedSrioDrv, TRUE);

    /* Enable Time Stamp Counter */

    /* Run the loopback data transfers on the system initialization core. */
    if (coreNum == CORE_SYS_INIT)

        /* Reset global counters before next run */
        srioDioLsuGoodTransfers = 0;
        srioDioLsuBadTransfers  = 0;

        for( counter = 0; counter < 1; counter++)
            /* DIO Write Operation */
            if (initDioSockets (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, Srio_Ftype_WRITE, Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE, SIZE_TX_DIO_PACKET) < 0 )
                System_printf ("Error: Loopback DIO ISR example for Write operation failed\n");

            /* DIO Read Operation */
            //if (initDioSockets (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, Srio_Ftype_REQUEST, Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD, SIZE_RX_DIO_PACKET) < 0)
            //    System_printf ("Error: Loopback DIO ISR example for Read operation failed\n");
            //    Task_exit();

            /* Debug Message: Data Transfer was completed successfully. */
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket (%d) Send for iteration %d\n", coreNum, 0, counter);


    /* Print out the Malloc & Free Counter */
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Allocation Counter : %d\n", coreNum, malloc_counter);
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Free Counter       : %d\n", coreNum, free_counter);

    /* Check if there is a memory leak? Since we dont implement a 'deinit' API we need to
     * be careful in these calculations
     *  - For the Application Managed Driver Instance
     *      There will be 'numRxBuffers' + 1 (Driver Instance)
     *  - For the Driver Managed Driver Instance
     *      There will be 'numRxBuffers' + 'numTxBuffers' + 1 (Driver Instance)
     *  Take these into account while checking for memory leaks. */
    if (free_counter +
        (drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.numRxBuffers + drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.txCfg.numTxBuffers + 1) != malloc_counter)
        System_printf ("Error: Memory Leak Detected\n");

    /* Control comes here implies that example passed. */
    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO with Interrupts example completed successfully.\n", coreNum);

 *  @b Description
 *  @n
 *      Entry point for the example
 *  @retval
 *      Not Applicable.

void initSRIO()
    Task_Params     taskParams;

    /* Get the core number. */
    coreNum = CSL_chipReadReg (CSL_CHIP_DNUM);

#warn SRIO DIO LSU ISR example is not supported on SIMULATOR !!!
    System_printf ("SRIO DIO LSU ISR example is not supported on SIMULATOR. Exiting!\n");
    System_printf ("Executing the SRIO DIO example on the DEVICE\n");

    /* Initialize the system only if the core was configured to do so. */
    if (coreNum == CORE_SYS_INIT)
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): System Initialization for CPPI & QMSS\n", coreNum);

        /* System Initialization */
        if (system_init() < 0)

        /* Power on SRIO peripheral before using it */
        if (enable_srio () < 0)
            System_printf ("Error: SRIO PSC Initialization Failed\n");

        /* Device Specific SRIO Initializations: This should always be called before
         * initializing the SRIO Driver. */
        if (SrioDevice_init() < 0)

        /* Initialize the SRIO Driver */
        if (Srio_init () < 0)
            System_printf ("Error: SRIO Driver Initialization Failed\n");

        /* SRIO Driver is operational at this time. */
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): SRIO Driver has been initialized\n", coreNum);

        /* Write to the SHARED memory location at this point in time. The other cores cannot execute
         * till the SRIO Driver is up and running. */
        isSRIOInitialized[0] = 1;

        /* The SRIO IP block has been initialized. We need to writeback the cache here because it will
         * ensure that the rest of the cores which are waiting for SRIO to be initialized would now be
         * woken up. */
        CACHE_wbL1d ((void *) &isSRIOInitialized[0], 128, CACHE_WAIT);
        /* All other cores need to wait for the SRIO to be initialized before they proceed. */
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Waiting for SRIO to be initialized.\n", coreNum);

        /* All other cores loop around forever till the SRIO is up and running.
         * We need to invalidate the cache so that we always read this from the memory. */
        while (isSRIOInitialized[0] == 0)
            CACHE_invL1d ((void *) &isSRIOInitialized[0], 128, CACHE_WAIT);

        /* Start the QMSS. */
        if (Qmss_start() != QMSS_SOK)
            System_printf ("Error: Unable to start the QMSS\n");

        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): SRIO can now be used.\n", coreNum);

    /* Create the DIO Example Task.*/
    Task_create(dioExampleTask, &taskParams, NULL);

their target configuration is as below.

Thanks and Best Regards,