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RTOS/TDA2PXEVM: For adding vision sdk VPE link support convert YUV420 to RGB888 format

Part Number: TDA2PXEVM

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

hi all,

i refer the answer of

my link is : NullSource_Animation (A15) -> Decode -> VPE_Animation -> Display_vid3

i change the code to support convert YUV420 to RGB888  as following:


/* Even for YUV444 we need to use RGB888 data type */
            case FVID2_DF_YUV444I:
            case FVID2_DF_RGB24_888:
                /* Note: The R and B lines are connected to B and R ports of
                 * VPDMA. Hence need to use BGR datatype to capture RGB data and
                 * viceversa.
                 * Same applies for YUV444 output as well - Y and V are
                 * swapped. */
                chObj->vpdmaDataType[0U] = VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_RGB888;

and displayLink_drv.c:

if(dssPrms->inFmt.dataFormat == SYSTEM_DF_ARGB32_8888)
        /* Convert to equivalent Display format */
        dssPrms->inFmt.dataFormat = SYSTEM_DF_BGRA32_8888;

    if(dssPrms->inFmt.dataFormat == SYSTEM_DF_RGB24_888)
        /* Convert to equivalent Display format */
        dssPrms->inFmt.dataFormat = SYSTEM_DF_BGR24_888;

but the red and blue color are swap as follow:

what's more the left and top edge of screen appear strange mosic, my setting VPE parameter code as following:
    UInt16 chId;

    pPrm->enableOut[0] = TRUE;

    for(chId = 0; chId < numLvdsCh; chId++)
        pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].numBufsPerCh = VPE_LINK_NUM_BUFS_PER_CH_DEFAULT;

        pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].width = 1920;
        pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].height = 720;
        pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].dataFormat = SYSTEM_DF_RGB24_888;

        pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.bypass       = FALSE;
        pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.nonLinear    = FALSE;
        pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.stripSize    = 0;

        pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropStartX = 0;
        pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropStartY = 0;
        pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropWidth = 1920;
        pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropHeight = 720;

the correct should be:

  • Hi ,

    In the VPE link, instead of RGB888, can you try outputting BGR888?

    chObj->vpdmaDataType[0U] = VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_RGB888;
    chObj->vpdmaDataType[0U] = VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_BGR888;

  • hi Brijesh,
    thanks for your quickly reply, the color can show normal, but there is a green strip in left edge and mosic in the top edge of screen. my crop parameter of vpe is wrong?
    best regard
  • Hi,

    I think it might be coming because of decoder, decoder adds some padding, that need to be removed.
    Can you try to crop off first 32 pixels and 32 lines?

  • hi, Brijesh
    if set crop offset, source image border will dispear, this is not my expectation. i just want to see the same to the source image.
    i dont know where the decoder add the padding.
    my decode parameter setting as following:
    for (chId = 0; chId < 1; chId++)
    UTILS_assert (chId < DEC_LINK_MAX_CH);
    decPrm = &pPrm->chCreateParams[chId];

    decPrm->dpbBufSizeInFrames = DEC_LINK_DPB_SIZE_IN_FRAMES_DEFAULT;
    decPrm->algCreateStatus = DEC_LINK_ALG_CREATE_STATUS_CREATE;
    decPrm->decodeFrameType = DEC_LINK_DECODE_ALL;

    decPrm->processCallLevel = DEC_LINK_FRAMELEVELPROCESSCALL;
    decPrm->targetMaxWidth = SystemUtils_align(1920, 32);
    decPrm->targetMaxHeight = SystemUtils_align(720, 32);

    decPrm->numBufPerCh = 6;
    decPrm->defaultDynamicParams.targetBitRate = 10*1000*1000;
    decPrm->defaultDynamicParams.targetFrameRate = 30;
    decPrm->fieldMergeDecodeEnable = FALSE;

    /* H264 */
    decPrm->format = SYSTEM_IVIDEO_H264HP;
    decPrm->profile = 3;
    decPrm->displayDelay = 0;

    what's more,

    if not use VPE change YUV420 to RGB888 by the following link, it will display correctly:

    NullSource_Animation (A15) -> Decode -> Display_vid3

    Best regards!

  • hi Brijesh,

    according this modify, i want to convert YUV420 to ARGB8888, so i modify following code:


                  case FVID2_DF_RGB24_888:

                   /* Note: The R and B lines are connected to B and R ports of

                    * VPDMA. Hence need to use BGR datatype to capture RGB data and

                    * viceversa.

                    * Same applies for YUV444 output as well - Y and V are

                    * swapped. */

                   chObj->vpdmaDataType[0U] = VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_RGB888;


    case FVID2_DF_ARGB32_8888:

               chObj->vpdmaDataType[0U] = VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_ARGB8888;



    add the case:

    case SYSTEM_DF_ARGB32_8888:
                            pFormat->dataFormat = FVID2_DF_ARGB32_8888;
                            pFormat->pitch[0] *= 4U;
                            pFormat->bpp = FVID2_BPP_BITS32;

    and my VPE link parameter change to :

    pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].dataFormat = SYSTEM_DF_ARGB32_8888;

    but the result is not show correctly:

  • Hi,

    I think startx is 32 pixels on each line and starty is 24 lines.. So you could set the crop parameters 32x24.. This will remove extra padding without cropping actual image.


  • Hi,

    I am not sure what is incorrect, as i dont know the original image.
    Are you seeing incorrect colors or some artifacts?

  • hi Brijesh,

    thanks for your reply,  colors is incorrect and also left and top edge have mosic pixels.

    original image as following:

  • Hi,

    I think the color issue can be easily resolved by changing




    Can you try changing this?

  • hi Brijesh,

    if change to VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_ABGR8888, also not correct, result as follow:

  • hi Brijesh,

    thanks for your reply, i try all the possible choice:

    if set to   chObj->vpdmaDataType[0U] = VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_BGRA8888; the result as follow:

    if set to chObj->vpdmaDataType[0U] = VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_RGBA8888; the result as follow:

  • Hi,

    Do you really require ARGB format?
    Can we first check with the RGB888 format and make sure that the color are correct?

  • hi,

    now i can use VPE link to convert YUV to RGB888.

    yes i really require ARGB or BGRA format, we design this link path:

    NullSource_Animation (A15) -> Decode -> VPE -> Merge -> Display_Vid1
    DispDistSrc_Navi -> Merge

    as the source format of DispDistSrc_Navi is ARGB, so the other path into Merge link should ARGB too, if i use VPE to convert YUV420 to RGB888 then i switch to play the DispDistSrc_Navi, it will not show correctly, as the two path into merge should the same color fomat.

    what can i do to modify the vpe link code to support this convert?

    best regards

  • Hi,

    VPE supports 4 different output frame format for the RGBA32 format. whereas DSS does not support all of them. I think DSS supports only 2 of them.
    So we need to make sure that the VPE outputs in a format, which is supported by DSS.

    Can you try ARGB32 format in VPE output, which means data type 9 in VPDMA and RGBA32 in DSS, which means format=0xD?

  • Hi,
    thanks for your help, i know type 9 in VPDMA is "VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_RGBA8888", but i dont know what the type in DSS represent the value "0xD"?
    best regards
  • hi,
    i find halDssConvFvid2DataFmt() funciton in vpshal_dssDispcVid.c has the following code:

    case FVID2_DF_ABGR32_8888: /*RGBA32-8888*/
    fmt = 0xd;

    so i try to modify the following code:

    (1) in set VPE prms:
    pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].dataFormat = SYSTEM_DF_ABGR32_8888;

    (2) in vpeLink_drvCommon.c add:

    case SYSTEM_DF_ABGR32_8888:
    pFormat->dataFormat = FVID2_DF_ABGR32_8888;
    pFormat->pitch[0] *= 4U;
    pFormat->bpp = FVID2_BPP_BITS32;

    (3) in vpscore_vpeWb.c add:
    case FVID2_DF_ABGR32_8888:
    chObj->vpdmaDataType[0U] = VPSHAL_VPDMA_CHANDT_RGBA8888 (this value is 0x9);

    but result is also not correct!

    best regards!
  • Hi,

    ok, since your capture data type is RGBA32=0x9, which means A is in lower byte and followed by B and so on. In DSS, you need to use data type 0xD.. could you please try with this?

  • hi Brijesh,

    i had try this, please refer to above message.
    best regards
  • Can we please check in the DSS register that it is set to 0xD?
    From the specs, i see that these formats are matching.

    What do you see in the output for this case?

  • HI Brijesh,

    sorrry i don't know what the DSS register address is? could you please tell me the DSS address or register name so i can check the value by CCS Debug tool.

    the result is look like this one:

  • Hi,

    You could look at the ATTRIBUTE register of pipelines. These registers are DISPC_VID1_ATTRIBUTES(0x580010CC)/DISPC_VID2_ATTRIBUTES(0x5800115C)/DISPC_VID3_ATTRIBUTES(0x58001370)?

  • Hi,

    I am closing this thread, since there is no activity on this thread for long time.
    Let me know if you have any further questions, we can reopen it.
