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Linux/IWR1443BOOST: Points Near the RADAR

Part Number: IWR1443BOOST

Tool/software: Linux


I am using the IWR1443BOOST with ROS Kinetic to detect obstacles at a distance of 3cm to 6m from the RADAR. I've tried different config files created using the Demo Visualizer, but all of them show some points very near to the RADAR even when there is nothing there. The points sometimes go away when I bring an object in front. Attached an image below-

  • Hello Rupak,

    Please take a look at the following thread to see if it resolves your question. It has a couple suggestions related to phantom objects with the ROS visualizer.

  • Hi John,

    I've tried increasing the Range Detection Threshold, but it doesn't work.

    Reducing the max allowed elev angle from 90 to 20 gets rid of the points. I have some follow up questions-
    1) What are some 'strong reflectors' that might be phantom objects that you mention in the link provided?
    2) Is it possible that the RADAR somehow sees itself? Because it happens even when in an empty room.
    3) Are there any filtering techniques to get rid of it without reducing the FOV?

    Thank you.
  • Hi Rupak,

    Potential strong reflectors are typically metallic objects (water is a good reflector too). For example, metal beams in walls, ceilings, or even floors are often very visible. Also, reflections from strong objects can bounce off other surfaces and make it look like there is an objectbehind that surface.

    It is possible for the Radar antenna to produce near-field effects that can potentially be removed by the out-of-box demo (which is used by the ROS demo) using the 'calibDcRangeSig' CLI command. Please see the mmw demo CLI documentation in the mmWave SDK user guide for more information on that CLI command. It is typically enabled by default but you can experiment with the parameters to see if it helps with the phantom objects you are seeing.

    You can also experiment with post-processing such as filtering if desired. I believe there are ROS packages that can try out as well for tasks like statistical outlier removal, etc. You can search the web for ROS packages that may be of interest.

  • Thanks for the info John!

    How is the elevation angle setup on the radar? If its 90 degrees, is it 45 degrees up and 45 degrees down?
  • Hi Rupak,

    If you are asking about the "max_allowed_elevation_angle_deg" parameter in the ROS launch file (ti_mmwave_rospkg/launch/rviz_1443_3d.launch if using the 1443 3D ROS configuration) described in the post I mentioned above then "90 degrees" means +/-90 degrees (90 up and 90 down). Please tell me if you were referring to something else.

  • Hi John,

    That was exactly what I needed.
  • Great. Please mark the thread as answered if your question is resolved or reply if you have more questions.
