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[FAQ] Queries related to mmWave Demo Visualizer

Here are the list of queries on mmWave Sensor Visualizer.


Q1. Where can I find mmWave Demo Visualizer User guide document?

In the mmWave Demo Visualizer page, user guide document is linked under the help menu, please refer this snapshot


Q2. Not able to connect from mmWave Demo Visualizer


  • Make sure that TICLoudAgent Bridge (browser extension) is installed on the browser (preferably Chrome) to use the Visualizer.
  • Refer troubleshooting page to find some level of solution regarding the TICloudAgent
    • Make sure USB cable with EVM is already connected with the system before starting the Visualizer or refresh the Visualizer page.
    • Goto Visualizer-> Options-> Serial Port: click refresh button on the popup window.
    • Try connecting COM port from other serial application (e.g. TeraTerm) to make sure that COM port is accessible to connect.
    • Restart the PC if COM port is blocked by some application in the background.


Q3. Not able to get the Plot with mmWave Demo Visualizer


  • Compatible application (mmw demo) should be running on mmwave sensor and it should be of same SDK version and device type which Visualizer supports.
  • If sending config commands doesn’t appear to ‘console message’ window then
    • first check if right COM port is connected to CFG_PORT and DATA_PORT with right baud rate.
    • Disconnect COM ports from Visualizer and now try to connect CFG_Port with a serial Terminal tool (as TeraTerm) and hit enter, you should get the prompt “mmwDemo:/>”. Try giving “version” command over same prompt, is it reverting right version?
    • Before sending any cfg command, Visualizer sends ‘version’ command in background to get to know the matching version. If it doesn’t get any response from the application over data_port or non-support version then it won’t proceed further to send cfg commands. So check over serial terminal for ‘version’ command.
  • Next assuming Visualizer is able to send all the cfg commands but still not getting any plot
    • Again go back to TeraTerm connection but this time connect two separate COM ports (CMD_Port and Data_Port) at same baud rate.
    • Send one by one all the CFG commands from *.cfg (in mmw demo profile folder) over TeraTerm (CMD_port) and check if all the commands return DONE message.
    • At last, when you send sensorStart command from the same TeraTerm console, on another console (DATA_port) you should see some data coming up (may not be readable: binary object result data). So this way it proves that device is fine and pumping out object data over Data_port, there is some issue with Visualizer connection or execution.
    • At this step try to use other browsers or PC to open Visualizer. Or reinstall the TICloudAgent extension.


Q4. Adding a new plot to visualizer or sending in b/w result data out.

Answer: mmWave Demo Visualizer is a javascript based tool which user can import to their workspace ( and modify it as needed. Please refer these similar threads-


Q5. Capture the object result to a file using mmWave Demo Visualizer

Answer: Refer related thread:


Q6. How to parse captured object data file from Visualizer?

Answer1: refer related thread

Answer2: For mmawave SDK 3.2 and Visualizer version 3.5, updated python script can be found in this thread: