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Paste image from clipboard

Is there a straightforward way to paste an image (like a screenshot) into a post from the Windows clipboard? I tried doing this using the usual Windows shortcut (Ctrl+V) in the Rich Text editor window, and the images did appear in that window, but when I posted the message the images had all disappeared!

I did find an FAQ at which describes how to insert an image from a file, but for a screenshot that procedure seems cumbersome and over-complex (save the screenshot locally, click on Insert/Edit Media, navigate to the file you saved, specify exact pixel width and height, wait for the green Uploaded message, click Insert, which seems to provide a Preview then you have to Insert again) compared with just typing Ctrl+V. And if Ctrl+V doesn't work, it's not ideal that it appears to work until you send the post.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member
    Unfortunately, at this time, pasting from the clipboard does not work correctly with the built in Editor in E2E. This is a known problem and we will be looking to fix it with the next software upgrade. For now, the only reliable way to insert images is via the method described in the FAQ. I apologize for the inconvenience.