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CC1310: Interrupt issue when switching from SDK 2_10_00_36 to 3_20_00_23

Part Number: CC1310

I have an LSM6DSM IMU connected to a CC1310 via SPI. I recently updated to the latest SDK and the interrupts for this

device are no longer working.  Is there something changed in the interrupt configuration API that I need to change when

updating to SDK 3_20_00_23?

My driver for the device is attached:

 * lsm6dsm.c
 *  Created on: Jul 26, 2018
 *      Author: Victor Valencia
 *   Copyright: Willowview Consulting 2018
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ti/drivers/GPIO.h>
#include <ti/drivers/SPI.h>
#include <ti/drivers/rf/RF.h>
#include <ti/drivers/PIN.h>
#include <ti/drivers/pin/PINCC26XX.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/task.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/event.h>
#include "board.h"
#include "swdefs.h"
#include "lsm6dsm_reg.h"
#include "lsm6dsm.h"
#include "bolusProto.h"
#include "wvcSpi.h"
#include "timeFuncs.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "stats.h"

#define ACCEL_DEBUG(fmt, ...) \
            do { if (_ACCEL_DEBUG == 1) printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
                 if ((_ACCEL_DEBUG == 1) && (_TRACE_ENABLED == 1)) {snprintf(tracePrintBuf, sizeof(tracePrintBuf), fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
                                           trace(tracePrintBuf); } \
            } while (0)
axis3bit16_t  data_raw_acceleration;
axis1bit16_t  data_raw_temperature;
uint8_t       whoamI;
uint8_t       rst;
lsm6dsm_ctx_t accel_ctx;

accelConfig   lsm6dsmDefaultConfiguration = {
                                             .accelDataRate      = 1,  // 12.5 hz
                                             .gyroDataRate       = 0,
                                             .accelScale         = LSM6DSM_2g,
                                             .gyroScale          = 0,
                                             .accelFilter        = LSM6DSM_XL_ANA_BW_400Hz,
                                             .gyroFilteringChain = 0,
                                             .fifoThreshold      = FIFO_THRESHOLD,
                                             .accelDecimation    = LSM6DSM_FIFO_XL_NO_DEC,

uint16_t getWordsInFifo(void);
int16_t accelClearFifo(void);

 * For debug...
void printAccelConfig(void)
    uint8_t idx;
    uint8_t regVal;

    for (idx = 0; idx < 0x75; idx++)
        lsm6dsm_read_reg(&accel_ctx, idx, &regVal, 1);
        printf("[0x%02.02x] = 0x%02.02x\n", idx, regVal);

RET_CODE accelLoadConfig(accelConfig *cfg)
     *  Check device ID.
    whoamI = 0;
    lsm6dsm_device_id_get(&accel_ctx, &whoamI);
    if ( whoamI != LSM6DSM_ID )
      return(RET_CODE_ERROR);      /* device not found */

     *  Restore default configuration.
    lsm6dsm_reset_set(&accel_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE);
    do {
      lsm6dsm_reset_get(&accel_ctx, &rst);
    } while (rst);

     * id samples that are taken prior to settling time
    lsm6dsm_filter_settling_mask_set(&accel_ctx, 1);

     * Set Output Data Rate.
    lsm6dsm_xl_data_rate_set(&accel_ctx, (lsm6dsm_odr_xl_t)cfg->accelDataRate);

     * Set low-power mode
    lsm6dsm_xl_power_mode_set(&accel_ctx, (lsm6dsm_xl_hm_mode_t)LSM6DSM_XL_NORMAL);

     * Power down gyro
    lsm6dsm_gy_data_rate_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_GY_ODR_OFF);

     * Set fifo interrupt threshold
    lsm6dsm_fifo_watermark_set(&accel_ctx, cfg->fifoThreshold);

     * Set decimation
    lsm6dsm_fifo_xl_batch_set(&accel_ctx, (lsm6dsm_dec_fifo_xl_t)cfg->accelDecimation);

     * Set fifo mode
    lsm6dsm_fifo_mode_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_FIFO_MODE);

     * Set to stop on watermark
    lsm6dsm_fifo_stop_on_wtm_set(&accel_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE);

     * Set fifo data rate
    lsm6dsm_fifo_data_rate_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_FIFO_12Hz5);

     * Enable Block Data Update.  Required since we're using
     * the FIFO.
    lsm6dsm_block_data_update_set(&accel_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE);

     * Enable auto-increment.  Required since we're using
     * the FIFO.
    lsm6dsm_auto_increment_set(&accel_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE);

     * We are not providing an external sampling trigger.
    lsm6dsm_den_mode_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_DEN_DISABLE);

     * Set interrupt output to active low
    lsm6dsm_pin_polarity_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_ACTIVE_LOW);

     * Set interrupt routing
    lsm6dsm_int1_route_t intRouting = {
                                       .int1_full_flag     = 1,

    lsm6dsm_pin_int1_route_set(&accel_ctx, (lsm6dsm_int1_route_t)intRouting);

     * Set the interrupt mode
    lsm6dsm_data_ready_mode_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_DRDY_LATCHED);

    lsm6dsm_xl_data_rate_set(&accel_ctx, (lsm6dsm_odr_xl_t)cfg->accelDataRate);

     * Set full scale.
    lsm6dsm_xl_full_scale_set(&accel_ctx, (lsm6dsm_fs_xl_t)cfg->accelScale);

     * Configure filtering chain(No aux interface).
     * Accelerometer - analog filter.
    lsm6dsm_xl_filter_analog_set(&accel_ctx, (lsm6dsm_bw0_xl_t)cfg->accelFilter);

     * Accelerometer - LPF1 path ( LPF2 not used ).
    //lsm6dsm_xl_lp1_bandwidth_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_XL_LP1_ODR_DIV_4);

     * Accelerometer - LPF1 + LPF2 path.
    lsm6dsm_xl_lp2_bandwidth_set(&accel_ctx, (lsm6dsm_input_composite_t)cfg->accelBandwidth);

     * Accelerometer - High Pass / Slope path.
    //lsm6dsm_xl_reference_mode_set(&accel_ctx, PROPERTY_DISABLE);
    //lsm6dsm_xl_hp_bandwidth_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_XL_HP_ODR_DIV_100);


 * Get number of 16-bit words remaining in the fifo
uint16_t getWordsInFifo(void)
    uint8_t tmp[2];
    lsm6dsm_read_reg(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_FIFO_STATUS1, tmp, 2);
    return(tmp[0] | ((tmp[1] & 0x7) << 8));

 * In order to restart fifo after a read we must
 * change modes.
void accelFifoRestart(void)
    lsm6dsm_fifo_mode_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_BYPASS_MODE);
    lsm6dsm_fifo_mode_set(&accel_ctx, LSM6DSM_FIFO_MODE);

 * Read in a loop until the fifo is empty
int16_t accelClearFifo(void)
    int16_t accelData[3];
    int16_t count = 0;

    while(getWordsInFifo() != 0)


 * Interrupt handler for accelerometer fifo full.
void accelInterrupt(uint8_t index)
    Event_post(mainThreadEvent, EVENT_ACCEL_DATA_READY);

 * Kick off accelerometer interrupts
void accelStart(void)
    /* Enable interrupts */


void accelStop(void)
    /* Disable interrupts */


void accelInit(void)
    accel_ctx.write_reg = (lsm6dsm_write_ptr)spi_write;
    accel_ctx.read_reg  = (lsm6dsm_read_ptr)spi_read;
    accel_ctx.handle    = 0;

     * configure the device registers
    if (accelLoadConfig(&lsm6dsmDefaultConfiguration) != RET_CODE_OK)
        ACCEL_DEBUG("Error initializing accelerometer\n");
        ACCEL_DEBUG("Accelerometer initialized.\n");

     * Clear fifo so that we
     * catch the first falling edge.
    int16_t numReads = accelClearFifo();

    int16_t temperature = accelGetTemp();

    lsm6dsm_reg_t reg;
    lsm6dsm_status_reg_get(&accel_ctx, &reg.status_reg);

    /* config interrupt pin for falling-edge */

    /* install interrupt callback */
    GPIO_setCallback(4, accelInterrupt);


 * Read a single-byte register
RET_CODE accelReadReg(uint8_t regIdx, uint8_t *value)
    return(lsm6dsm_read_reg(&accel_ctx, regIdx, value, 1));

 * Snag the current accelerometer values
RET_CODE accelReadAccelXYZ(int16_t *accelX, int16_t *accelY, int16_t *accelZ)
    lsm6dsm_acceleration_raw_get(&accel_ctx, data_raw_acceleration.u8bit);
    *accelX =
    *accelY =
    *accelZ =


 * Read the current accelerometer values from the fifo
RET_CODE accelReadFifo(int16_t *buf)
    int16_t tmpBuf[3];

    lsm6dsm_fifo_raw_data_get(&accel_ctx, (uint8_t*)&tmpBuf[0], 2);
    buf[0] = LSM6DSM_FROM_FS_2g_TO_mg(tmpBuf[0]);

    lsm6dsm_fifo_raw_data_get(&accel_ctx, (uint8_t*)&tmpBuf[1], 2);
    buf[1] = LSM6DSM_FROM_FS_2g_TO_mg(tmpBuf[1]);

    lsm6dsm_fifo_raw_data_get(&accel_ctx, (uint8_t*)&tmpBuf[2], 2);
    buf[2] = LSM6DSM_FROM_FS_2g_TO_mg(tmpBuf[2]);


 * Snag the temperature.  It is not stored in the fifo.
int16_t accelGetTemp(void)
    lsm6dsm_temperature_raw_get(&accel_ctx, data_raw_temperature.u8bit);
    return(LSM6DSM_FROM_LSB_TO_degC( data_raw_temperature.i16bit ));

The initialization function is named "accelInit()". After the initialization is complete the main routine calls "accelStart()". An interrupt 

should be generated about every 52 seconds when the accelerometer FIFO is full.


  • Hi Victor,

    Have you tried debugging the device? Does the device crash? Or, does it run as expected, but interrupts are not firing off?

  • Hi Severin,

    The device is working as far as I can tell.  I am able to manually read the accelerometer values by reading

    the device data register over SPI. I can also read all of the device configuration registers successfully.

    I connected a logic analyzer to the interrupt line going to the CC1310 (DIO 1) and I see it going low at

    about the time I would expect an interrupt (52 seconds from device init).  I set a breakpoint in

    the function accelInterrupt() in the code I provided and it never gets there.

    I verified that if I switch back to the previous SDK I was using ( it works fine and the interrupt

    handler is called.

    Also note that I am using IOID_7 for SPI CS.  It looks like that pin was also used by the PWM module but I

    are not using PWM and I commented out the PWM config structures in CC1310_LAUNCHXL.c. My code is

    manually asserting/de-asserting CS.  If CS was not working, though, I would not be able to read/write the

    accelerometer configuration registers.

  • The issue still occurs after upgrading CCS to version 9.3 (still using SDK 3.20)

    Reverting to SDK 2.10 still resolves the issue.


  • If the interrupt line is DIO1, why are you using DIO4 when configuring accelInterrupt?

        /* config interrupt pin for falling-edge */
        /* install interrupt callback */
        GPIO_setCallback(4, accelInterrupt);

  • For these API functions the first parameter is an index into the GPIO pin array.

    In CC1310_LAUNCHXL.c you will see:

     *  =============================== GPIO ===============================
    #include <ti/drivers/GPIO.h>
    #include <ti/drivers/gpio/GPIOCC26XX.h>
     * Array of Pin configurations
     * NOTE: The order of the pin configurations must coincide with what was
     *       defined in CC1310_LAUNCHXL.h
     * NOTE: Pins not used for interrupts should be placed at the end of the
     *       array. Callback entries can be omitted from callbacks array to
     *       reduce memory usage.
    GPIO_PinConfig gpioPinConfigs[] = {
        /* Input pins */
        GPIOCC26XX_DIO_13 | GPIO_DO_NOT_CONFIG,  /* Button 0 */
        GPIOCC26XX_DIO_14 | GPIO_DO_NOT_CONFIG,  /* Button 1 */
        /* Output pins */

    So it should be connected to GPIO_01


  • My bad, you are correct. I was mixing the two GPIO and PIN API's.

    Could you please test a more simplified version of your application? Maybe test only the interrupt code to see that general interrupt callbacks work.