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Part Number: CC2564


The platform used is STM32F407VGT6 discovery+CC256XEM-STADAPT-V1.0+CC2564MODNEM_v1.0。The problem with demo being used by CC256XSTBTBLESW-v4.0.2.2-Setup in SPPDemo is that the initialization is not successful。  

CC2564 RX connect   STM32:PD8

                                     CC2564 TX connect   STM32:PD9

                                      CC2564 CTS connect   STM32:PD12

                                     CC2564 RTS connect   STM32:PD11

                                      CC2564 nSHUTD connect   STM32:PE14

CC2564 HAL CONSOLE_TXD  connect  STM32 :PA9

CC2564 HAL CONSOLE_RXD  connect  STM32 :PA10

the first problem:

This picture is the logical data that sends openstack when it is on power. It can be seen from the graph that the initialization of BTPS_Init (BTPS_Initialization) has been completed when STM32-CTS is high. Is it normal?

the second problem:

The device indicates that the power-up sequence is complete by asserting RTS low, which occurs up to 100 ms after nSHUTD goes high.Is the 91.68ms satisfied in the picture?

  • Hi,

    user4618137 said:

    the first problem:

    This picture is the logical data that sends openstack when it is on power. It can be seen from the graph that the initialization of BTPS_Init (BTPS_Initialization) has been completed when STM32-CTS is high. Is it normal?

    The host stack prints the "OpenStack ()." string before starting the CC256x power-up and initialization. Printing this string does not indicate that the initialization is complete. The initialization is considered complete when the result (0 for success or negative error code) of the BSC_Initialize() in the OpenStack function will be printed over the debug UART. 

    user4618137 said:

    the second problem:

    The device indicates that the power-up sequence is complete by asserting RTS low, which occurs up to 100 ms after nSHUTD goes high.Is the 91.68ms satisfied in the picture?

    This looks normal. The RTS high to low transition may take up to 100ms (so less than 100ms) after the nSHUTD goes high, to indicate that the CC256x is powered-up.

    Best regards,


  • Does a lower CC2564-RTS (STM32-CTS) mean that CC2564 is powered on successfully, and HSI initialization takes place during the next 5.3S low level? As can be seen from the graph, CC2564-RTS has become high after 5.3S, and USART1 has send stackInit failed -1.unable to open the stack?What are the problems caused by this problem?

  • the second Problem:
    In the mainthread function, VENDOR_BAUD_RATE is defined 921600L?Is the baud rate correct?
    static void MainThread(void)
    int Result;
    BTPS_Initialization_t BTPS_Initialization;
    HCI_DriverInformation_t HCI_DriverInformation;
    HCI_HCILLConfiguration_t HCILLConfig;
    HCI_Driver_Reconfigure_Data_t DriverReconfigureData;

    /* Configure the UART Parameters. */
  • I want to know the specific meaning of the operation code (0x030C, 0x36FF) when initialization. We need to refer to what manual?

  • Hi,

    user4618137 said:
    I want to know the specific meaning of the operation code (0x030C, 0x36FF) when initialization. We need to refer to what manual?

    These questions are addressed in the following duplicate thread.

    Best regards,
