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CC2640 IDLE mode issue

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640

Hello Everyone,

I am working on custom board using CC2640 chip.

I need to put the device is in IDLE mode as long as possible so I used  Semaphore_pend(hSem, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER ); by using Semaphore_Pend I can put the device is in IDLE mode And using BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER device is in IDLE mode for forever time.

But my question is how long device is in IDLE mode? What is time period for BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER

Second question is in my device the BLE advertising for infinite time and device is IDLE mode for long as possible. When I put the device is in IDLE mode for 15 hours and then after when I testing the BLE advertising get stopped.

So what is maximum time period of BLE advertising?

// General discoverable mode advertises indefinitely

Any help will be appreciated.



  • Hi Mahesh,

    The device will only go into IDLE mode when there are no other tasks that require processing. Semaphore_pend tells TI RTOS that this application will yield it's processor time to any other tasks until the handle is posted to.

    This is important to understand, has the time out here is for how long the task will yield processing time until resuming (if the handle never gets posted)

    This time is may NOT be the same as the time while the device is IDLE. Generally another task will wake up the processor, eg Stack task, in order for the BLE Controller to do it's job.

    Regarding your question on advertisements - when you say time period do you mean between advertisements? See the ADVERTISING_INTERVAL for this.
    Or how long does the advertisements continue to occur? Thats indefinitely.

  • Thanks for reply.

    What is maximum time period of BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER?

  • No worries,

    There's no timeout period, or indefinite timeout for BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER