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CC1110 Smart RF Studio StartUp - Altering Register Values - bug?


I have noticed that after programming the CC1110 registers to known values using the IAR EWB and the CCDebugger the initial "Current Chip Values" are changed in the "Current chip values:" list when I first start RF Studio, version 6.13.0. However the values reflected in "Normal View" and shown in "Register View" are the same as the original settings and thus do not match the values given in the "Current chip values:" list.

Since the "Register View" settings acquire  the same values as originally programmed it seems as if the CC1110 registers are first read and then changed to default values by SmartRF Studio during the startup. If I press the "Reset CC1110 and write settings" button it correctly sets all the registers to the original values. These original values then become a match in the "Current chip values:" list when the automatically refresh occurs a moment later.

I wonder if this is normal operation or if it is a bug in SmartRF Studio? It seems abnormal as I expected to find the chip values would be left unaltered during the SmartRF Studio startup.

Can anyone here enlighten me about this?
