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zll Classical Commissioning problem

I'm developing a application over the zll stack. I don't want use the touch-link so I'm trying to use the Classical Commissioning Start. It works great on SampleBridge and SampleLight but the Sample remote can't connect on the network.

I have followed this guide:

I have added this on the SampleBridge with 60 sec and a reload timer that refresh it every minute. 

static void enablePermitJoin( byte duration )
  zAddrType_t dstAddr;
  //only needs to be done once, can be moved to init code
  ZDSecMgrPermitJoining( 0xFF );

  //permit join on the device
  NLME_PermitJoiningRequest( duration );

  //Permit join to network
  dstAddr.addrMode = Addr16Bit;
  ZDP_MgmtPermitJoinReq( &dstAddr, duration, 1, 0 );

And on the Init code of the SampleRemote:

if ( zll_IsFactoryNew )zllInitiator_ClassicalCommissioningStart();

but it doesn't work, what am I missing ?

  • Hi Tommaso,

    I forwarded your query to our ZigBee Lighting support. We will provide the full response here as soon as possible.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Tommaso,

    What you are doing seems correct.

    Are you using a remote configured to be always deep-sleeping unless a button is pressed? If so, please try to pres an arbitrary remote key repeatedly during the time you try to connect the remote to the network. This should keep the remote from entering deep sleep.

    If that succeeds, you can solve this issue by turning on polling in the remote until it joins the network, and after it joined, set the poll rate to 0 to conserve power.

    Best regards,


  • I have tried as you have advised without improvements. So I have deleted the POWER_SAVING define, but it doesn't work yet.
    other ideas ?

  • Today I have took the original Sample Remote with only added the two lines of code previous illustrated, and it doesn't work yet.
    is the first time that you learn this problem ?