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2 questions about the simpleBLEPeripheralObserver

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2541

hi, I met 2 issues while studying the combo case.

1.  GAPObserverRole_StartDiscovery( DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_MODE,
                                      DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_WHITE_LIST );     

Question: I can get the correct simpleBLEDevList by calling GAPObserverRole_StartDiscovery(), but how can I get the RSSI of every BLEDev?

2. Sometimes never get the simpleBLEDevList, simpleBLEScanRes shows always zero.

Question: I set a Timer = 1s. When Timeout,  I update the result of scanning. but after several seconds, simpleBLEScanRes becomes 0, and always 0. It seems that 2540 cannot scan BLEDevice any more unless I reset the EVBoard.

Anyone met the same questions? Waiting for your support! Thanks!