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Failure to do DHCP

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5232

Dear all,

Hareware: MSP430F5232 + CC3000 

Software: BasicWiFi Application, Home Automation 

I am currently facing a very strange issue: my boards can not do the DHCP correctly any more. What I mean strange is because, in proviously, all the smartconfig, DHCP, socket setup/connection, recv/send works very well. 

This issue just happened after I was trying to do profile management based on BasicWiFi Application. But the profile management did not work completely and I found that issue. Therefore I commentted all the profile management related codes (just several lines), the issue was still there. And I changed to Home Automation project which worked very well before, and changed several APs, and the same issue. 

For further analysis, I found the the smartcofig cound be finished successfully, but it was NOT able to get the event HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_CONNECT, needless to say the event HCI_EVNT_WLAN_UNSOL_DHCP. After reading some posts in this forum, I disable the encryption of smartconfig and also disalbe the encryption of the AP, still no joy. 

Can anyone give me some suggestions? Appreciate it very much! 


  • Hi Andy,

    The problem could probably be in the below areas:

    1) Either a wrong connection policy is set, and this connection policy does not work with connection using profiles. Please make sure that the connection policy is always set to wlan_ioctl_set_connection_policy(0, 0, 1) while using smartConfig or profiles. And also make sure that you reset the wlan (wlan_stop followed by wlan_start(0)) after setting the connection policy.

    2) It could also be a problem with profile space being full. Just make sure you try by Deleting all the profiles using wlan_ioctl_del_profile(255).

    3) It could also be a case where you are deleting all the stored profiles and then making a call to wlan_ioctl_set_connection_policy(0, 0, 1). This would not help.

    If the problem still persists, please try to clear the connection policy wlan_ioctl_set_connection_policy(0, 0, 0) , delete all the profiles, and call netapp_dhcp API to use DHCP and then reset WLAN.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • And if all else fails, just re-apply the version of the patch you were using. A recipe that has never failed me.

  • Hi Raghavendra & Ivor

    Thank you very much for your reply. 

    Although the issue has been fixed, it still makes me very strange. 

    I have 6 boards, all known good. And 4 out of them are frequently used. The issue happened when I tested all of the 4 boards, even after I run the service pack again and again. Finally, I tried to test the other 2 boards, the issue did not happen at all. So I am highly suspecting that the previous 4 boards' Driver/FW could be damaged. No matter how to run the service pack again, they failed at the same place waiting for DHCP flag to be high in call back function. 
