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Storing the data through smart config


I'm storing the network information through smart configuration.So i want to delete the information which is stored through smart config.

In Wlan_Del_Profile API index is there as a parameter.So, with which index the profile information is stored when it is done with smart config

  • Hi Lakshmi,

    Please keep in mind that the non-volatile memory in the CC3000 module is of type EEPROM and has a write-erase cycle limit of 100,000. Also be careful not to call methods that write to the EEPROM more than 100,000 times during the lifetime of your device. These methods are:


    Once you reach this limit your CC3000 module will be dead.

  • If I call wlan_ioctl_set_scan_params(...) with the same parameters does that count as an EEPROM write cycle?

  • Yes, it does. There is no internal logic to check if the values were modified and write only of they were. I reported this issue a few months ago and asked TI to fix it, but as usual they did not.