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MCU register map

In the APIs, we see several places where hardcoded register numbers are used, and there seems to be no reference to these registers anywhere in the datasheet. For example audio wifi example has DMAPingPongCompleteAppCB_opt function with line

HWREG(0x4402609c) = (1 << 10);

All we see that is close to the address rangein datasheet is 0x4402.6000 0x4402.6FFF MCU configuration space.

On the code side, we see #define APPS_CONFIG_BASE 0x44026000. Also hw_apps_config.h seems to have offsets defined as #define APPS_CONFIG_O_DMA_DONE_INT_ACK 0x0000009C. 

But still, there are no documents describing a full picture of the app register mapping, and what these registers mean.

Could you refer which document to look to find what register we are modifying? Are these closed documents, perhaps?