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CCS/CC1310: CC1310 UART Problems

Part Number: CC1310

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I'am working now since 2 months with my Launchpad-CC1310 and everything worked fine.
I send AT+Commands via Uart to an GSM-Modul and a also get an answer.

Now I only changed a size from an Array from 60 to 70, and my Programm get stucked at Uart_read or Uart_write
This Array have nothing to do with the Uart, so I don't know how this can be the Problem.

I also have a Uart_Timeout of 100ms, and normally it workes, but wenn I Change the size, I stucked endless in Uart_read/write.

Here is my Code. When I Change the sendstringsize to sendstring[70], I get stucked, when I call the Funktion if(send_AT_Commands(PostCommand,"CONNECT",uart)),
So I don't even reach the Funktion send_AT_Commands(sendstring,"OK",uart), where the sendstring is used.

int send_ADCValueSTR(char value[60], UART_Handle uart)
    int valuesize = strlen(value);
    int i=0;
    char PostCommand[30] = {"\0"};
    char valuesize_in_bit[3] = {"\0"};
    char sendstring[60]={"\0"};


    sprintf(valuesize_in_bit, "%d",valuesize+6);

    // Initialisieren des Strings mit den Post-ATCommand
    PostCommand[0] = 'A';
    PostCommand[1] = 'T';
    PostCommand[2] = '+';
    PostCommand[3] = 'Q';
    PostCommand[4] = 'H';
    PostCommand[5] = 'T';
    PostCommand[6] = 'T';
    PostCommand[7] = 'P';
    PostCommand[8] = 'P';
    PostCommand[9] = 'O';
    PostCommand[10] = 'S';
    PostCommand[11] = 'T';
    PostCommand[12] = '=';

    // Einfügen der Ziffernanzahl(Bytes) in den Post-ATCommand (maximal 99 Ziffern)
    else if(valuesize+6>=10)

    // Anhängen des Resten vom Post-ATCommand
    PostCommand[13+i] = ',';
    PostCommand[14+i] = '8';
    PostCommand[15+i] = '0';
    PostCommand[16+i] = ',';
    PostCommand[17+i] = '8';
    PostCommand[18+i] = '0';
    PostCommand[19+i] = '\r';

    //Wenn der PostCommand erfolgreich war, dann Senden vom String und Return 1, wenn nicht erfolgreich, dann return 0
            return 1;

Here is the functioncode of send_AT_Commands.

I get stucked at the Line: while(UART_read(uart, &input[i], 1)) endless and I don't now why. 

So it would be great, if somebody can help me out here

thank you

beste regards


int send_AT_Commands(char tempATCommand[30], char* expected_answer, UART_Handle uart)
    // input wird mit Dummy 'ö' initialisiert
    int j=0;
        char ATCommand[35];


        char input[50]={'\0'};

        int i=0;
        int m=1;
        int k=0;
        int uart_read_end = 0;
        int expected_answer_length = strlen(expected_answer);
        int status = 0;
        uint32_t startTick;

        // So lange einlesen, solange was am Serielanschluss anliegt
        while(UART_read(uart, &input[i], 1));


  • Sinesa,

    The only reason for that to happen is if your code somehow is modifying locations in memory that it is not suppose to. I suggest setting some break points based on data changing in the newly modified buffer range. Then you will find that a piece of code somewhere is doing something you did not expect.
