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Text sent not being displayed at receiver using smartrf studio for smartrf board+cc13xx using Tx/Rx sample example of TI-RTOS


i have been testing the sample Tx/Rx code for TI-RTOS using CCS on smartRf +cc13xxEM-7XD-7793_4L.

I have set the frequency of 920MHZ.

The packets are shown being transmitted and the receiver is receiving them.

I have tried to send the text    "hello"  but at the receiver some garbage values are to rectify this error.

also when i put the frequency to 868 or 915 Mhz the receiver side though the packets are being shown received by the values for the text remain blank and the rssi and packet error rate  etc. are showing no response and are blank..

why is this happening.

i am attaching the snapshots of the tx and rx using smartRF