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Wi-Fi Starter Pro source code build instructions

Here are some build instructions to get started with the latest Wi-Fi Starter Pro source code!

For Android (version 2.2.22):

  • Run Android Code Studio 2.3
  •  Build the project
  •  The IDE will guide you through updating dependencies and toolsets if they are out of date

For iOS (version 2.2.11):

  • Open terminal and navigate to the project root and execute the following commands to bring the cocoapods up to date:
    • sudo gem install cocoapods
    • pod deintegrate
    • pod install
  • As with all cocoapods enhanced projects, make sure to open the workspace in XCode.  Do not open the project file.
  • Code Sign the App with your Team developer account
  • Connect an iOS device to the build machine and set build target as that physical device
  • In Build Settings > All, Set Bit Code to No

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