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CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL: How to read SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t when buffer len is < 8

Part Number: CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL

The documentation (SWRU455C) at page 199 says:

"Receiving raw socket data is done by calling sl_Recv after successfully opening the transceiver socket.
The API return value is the number of bytes received, or a negative value in case of an error. Each
receive packet has an 8-byte proprietary header which includes the following parameters [...]"

and in the header sl_socket.h I read:

\brief Read data from TCP socket

Function receives a message from a connection-mode socket

\param[in] sd Socket handle
\param[out] buf Points to the buffer where the 
message should be stored.
\param[in] len Specifies the length in bytes of 
the buffer pointed to by the buffer argument. 
Range: 1-16000 bytes

Regardless the length of the buffer, it seems I find the actualy received data exactly at the buffer pointer location. I don't understand where SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t header and how to read it if my buffer has a length < 8 bytes (i.e. reading one char at time).