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CC3220: Problem with sl_Close - no ACK from device

Part Number: CC3220

Hi again, everyone!

I have a VERY BIG problem and this is a key issue to make a decision - use cc3220sf to start produce more than 10k devices or not?


i include a .pcap file with tcp dump. is our server is cc3220sf.

UPD: i am f**ked up is our server is cc3220sf.

a problem is: no ACK packet transmitting when the cc3220sf is close a socket.

in dump:

Socket connection is good - cc3220 SYN -> server SYN ACK -> cc3220 ACK

data exchange is good to.

BUT! close connection is not full - cc3220 SYN -> server SYN ACK -> NO cc3220 ACK -> server SYN ACK -> server SYN ACK -> server SYN ACK and etc.

how i have coded:

int32_t tcp_socket_close_and_wifistop(void)
    int32_t status = sl_Close(appData.sockID);
    UART_PRINT("    Socket close \n\r");
    int32_t status = sl_Stop(5000);
    return status;

int32_t status = sl_Stop(5000); with another time more than 5000 msecs doesn't help

I took it from power measure example.

here the picture: 

why it is a PROBLEM:
my prototype wakes up every 180 sec and  init a SECURED data exchange. and when the server send FIN ACK except DATA packet - cc3220 is freeze.

here the .pcap dump. open it in wireshark

  • Hi Shamil,

    I think I may need a bit of clarification. So these observations occur when your server closes the connection before the CC3220 attempts to close the connection with an sl_Close() call?

    Best Regards,
    Ben M
  • No. cc3220sf initiate close connection. Always.By sl_Close() call

    I have this problem since march 2018 and i wrote about it. You said(or another TI forum guy) that I had wrote wrong procedure. But everything is correct. But NO ACK FROM CC3220SF

  • Hi,

    Just a comment. At your Wireshark log you have first FIN request from (=your server) not from (=CC3220).

  • sorry! i have a mistake is our server is cc3220sf.
  • The problem is still relevant. Wait for your help.

  • Hi,

    I don't know solution for this, but I have a few questions:
    - What SDK version and ServicePack do you use?
    - Can you simulate a issue in case of disabling secure connection, that means with normal TCP socket?
    - Can you add small delay (lets say 1sec) before you call sl_Stop() just for a testing purpose.
    - Can you retest with enabled SL_WLAN_ALWAYS_ON_POLICY power policy?

    (note: I will be on-line only today before my 14 days vacation)

  • i'll retest and write at monday. luanchpad and my custom board are at work. but i did everything you said before.
    1) i downloaded sdk at december 2017 and haven't update it still
    2)i use tcp non-secured connection only.
    3) i tested with very loooong delay - more than 120 secs. problem was.
    4) SL_WLAN_ALWAYS_ON_POLICY - problem was.

    and! i think you will ask about sl_Task(null);
    i am use non_rtos with ccs compiler. semaphores and flags - state machine in main cycle. and sl_Task stay at top and call in every step of state machine.

    upd:my friend check power_measure example - same problem.
  • Hi,

    At point 3) I means this. Did you tried it?

    delay(1sec); // make sure that you call sl_Task() during this sleep

    I use very complex RTOS application at CC3220SF and I haven't seen similar problem with ACK before.Suspicious number one for me is a calling sl_Stop(). It looks that NWP is disabled before is able send back ACK. But this should prevent timeout in sl_Stop(). I don't understand that behaviours. Maybe I will have a time test it with power_measurement example today, but without guarantee. It was used non-modified SDK demo nonrtos power_measurement?


  • did.

    and did it again - delay was 180 seconds!

    example is: nonos, ti compiler.

    tomorrow check other combinations of examples + os + compiler

  • >> It was used non-modified SDK demo nonrtos power_measurement?

    I would have to UP this thread until the problem is.
  • ok. i read docs a lot an do this

            SlSocklinger_t linger;
            linger.l_onoff = 1;
            linger.l_linger = 5;
            status = sl_SetSockOpt(sid, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_LINGER, &linger, sizeof(linger));

    and write usleep(5000) before sl_stop(5000)

    and it help

  • Hi,

    Great! Thank you for a sharing your solution.
