EV2300 drivers for 64-bit Windows

These alternative drivers for the EV2300 are provided as a courtesy and are not officially supported by TI.  They should enable a 64-bit Windows system to work with EV2300, but are provided as-is.  For official support with using gas gauge evaluation software and tools on a 64-bit Windows system, please use the EV2400 module.

Also note that some older bqEVSW will require the installation of the support components contained in SLUC291.  Use of newer GUIs like GaugeStudio or Battery Management Studio do not require the installation of the support components.

For use of bqEVSW with EV2300, here are the recommended steps:

  1. Install unofficial 64-bit drivers for EV2300 from the zip archive attached to this post.
  2. Install the desired bqEVSW package from the corresponding gauge product folder on TI.com.
  3. Install the support components from this link: http://www.ti.com/lit/zip/sluc291

NOTE: "Install" means to right-click on the .exe file and select "Run as administrator", then select "Yes" from the pop-up window and run the installer.

  • 您好:


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