Hi folks,
here's my entry for the Boosterpack contest.
The purpose of "rover" is just to provided a fun platform that can demonstrate TI-RTOS drivers; in particular the I2C, SDSPI (SD card support via SPI), UART, and CC3000 drivers.
As you can see, the rover hasn't been fabricated (as it wasn't a requirement and hence the cardboard mockup :) ) but an example of the TI-RTOS software has already been developed by a former TI intern (Kevin Q.) on his Evalbot Controller (on the left).
The board itself doesn't come with the Tamya tank kit (~$20), but it's been designed to take in flexible range of power supply inputs (3V-16V) so it can work with other chassis. The bulk of the peripherals are I2C peripherals that allow for basic IR object detection, RGB LED indicators, inertial measurements while allowing additional boosterpacks to be added for wifi/bluetooth communications.
TI components:
- DRV8801PWPR: Motor Driver
- TLC59116IPWR: I2C LED Driver
- CSD16301Q2: Power MOSFET
- TCA6408APWR: I2C GPIO Expander
- TPS62140RGTT: Buck Converter
- TL1963ADCQR: Low Dropout Regulator
Compatible with:
- Stellaris LM4F120 Launchpad
- CC3000 boosterpack
- CC3000 LSResearch module
- CC2500 Panasonic Bluetooth module
All the files needed are submitted in this zip file.
YouTube link: http://youtu.be/-MXqPuqJFYE