Out Of Box Demo User Guide

Table of Contents

Quickstart xWRL64xx: Out Of Box Demo


Tool Version Download Link
XDS 110 Drivers Latest XDS Emulation Software
SDK Latest SDK 5.x.x.x

1. Open the Low Power Radar Visualizer

Navigate to the SDK download location and find the Low Power Radar Visualizer at <MMWAVE_SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\tools\visualizer\Low_power_visualizer_5.1.0.3\visualizer.exe

2. Configure the EVM for Flashing Mode

  1. Connect your EVM to the micro USB port and follow the steps below. You do not need to connect to the barrel jack.
  2. Place the device into Flashing Mode by setting the switches as shown. Then, toggle the reset button to latch in the mode.

3. Flash the EVM using Low Power Visualizer

On the flashing tab follow the 4 steps listed

  1. Select the device in the drop down
  2. Select the COM Port. It may be automatically detected. If not, look for the “XDS110 Class Application/User UART” COM port in your Device Manager, and select this port in the GUI. If you do not see this, you need to install the XDS 110 drivers listed in the Requirements section above.
  3. Use the default baud rate.
  4. Upload release application image which can be found at <MMWAVE_SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\examples\mmw_demo\motion_and_presence_detection\prebuilt_binaries
  5. Select the “FLASH” button

4. Configure the EVM for Functional Mode

A pop up will appear to prompt you to switch to functional mode and reset the device.

  1. Place the device into Functional Mode by setting the switches as shown. Then, toggle the reset button to latch in the mode.

5. Send device configuration

  1. In Profile Configuration drop down select “Motion Detect” or “Presence Detect”
  2. The COM port should be automatically populated. This is the same COM port you used prior.
  3. Click button “Send Configs to Device”. You do NOT need to use the “Browse” button under “Add cfg”.

    In console window on the right of the screen the commands should appear being sent to the device

6. View presence detection

Once commands are sent the Presence Detection tab will open. Checkboxes on the right allow control of the visualization.

7. View plots

Open the plots tab to see more views of the radar data. Use the checkboxes on the right to control which plots are displayed.

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