Determining i2c address and whether CRC is enabled write: 00001011 --> 00011001 Address and CRC detection successful Address: 8 CRC Enabled: 0 write: 00000100 --> 00011000 write: 00000101 --> 01000000 setSCD SCD threshold: 1 SCD delay: 2 write: 00000110 --> 10010001 setOCD OCD threshold: 4 OCD delay: 5 write: 00000111 --> 01010100 setUVP write: 00001010 --> 10101000 write: 00001000 --> 00010000 setOVP write: 00001001 --> 01010101 OV_DELAY: 1 write: 00001000 --> 00010000 enableDischarging checkStatus: 0 Clearing XR error write: 00000000 --> 00100000 enableDischarging: failed update updateCurrent updateVoltages updateBalancingSwitches checkStatus: 32 Clearing XR error write: 00000000 --> 00100000 0x00 SYS_STAT: 00100000 0x01 CELLBAL1: 00000000 0x02 CELLBAL2: 00000000 0x03 CELLBAL3: 00000000 0x04 SYS_CTRL1: 00011000 0x05 SYS_CTRL2: 01000000 0x06 PROTECT1: 10010001 0x07 PROTECT2: 01010100 0x08 PROTECT3 00010000 0x09 OV_TRIP: 01010101 0x0A UV_TRIP: 10101000 0x0B CC_CFG: 00011001 0x2A BAT_HI: 00000000 0x2B BAT_LO: 00000000 0x32 CC_HI: 00000000 0x33 CC_LO: 00000000 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 update updateCurrent updateVoltages updateBalancingSwitches checkStatus: 32 Clearing XR error write: 00000000 --> 00100000 0x00 SYS_STAT: 00100000 0x01 CELLBAL1: 00000000 0x02 CELLBAL2: 00000000 0x03 CELLBAL3: 00000000 0x04 SYS_CTRL1: 00011000 0x05 SYS_CTRL2: 01000000 0x06 PROTECT1: 10010001 0x07 PROTECT2: 01010100 0x08 PROTECT3 00010000 0x09 OV_TRIP: 01010101 0x0A UV_TRIP: 10101000 0x0B CC_CFG: 00011001 0x2A BAT_HI: 00000000 0x2B BAT_LO: 00000000 0x32 CC_HI: 00000000 0x33 CC_LO: 00000000 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47