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Total free = 3, Reported to host = 19hcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_RESET (Group 3 Opcode 0x3)random 0xb48e 0x23c2I2C doesn't exist !Ref Clock is valid for PLL"In lc_rf_init_periodic_calibrationC 0x0000552A 0x0002A5D9 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event% 0x000050A6 0x0002A155 HCI_Read_RSSI - 0x00005096 0x0002A145 HCI_VS_Configure_DDIP - 0x0000504A 0x0002A0F9 HCI_Write_Scan_Enable D 0x0000502A 0x0002A0D9 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Scan_Enable_Event{N 0x00000089 0x00000089 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_EventJ7 0x00000089 0x00000089 HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate IC 0x00004433 0x00024B62 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event*C 0x000002D9 0x000002D9 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event1 0x000002C1 0x000002C1 HCI_Write_Class_of_Device R 0x000001EA 0x000001EA HCI_Command_Complete_VS_DRPb_Set_RF_Calibration_Info_EventH 0x00000184 0x00000184 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000154 0x00000154 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x0000011C 0x0000011C HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Read_RSSI_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x1405 Status = 0x00 (Success) Connection Handle = 0x0001 RSSI = 01 0x00002AD0 0x0001F2E7 HCI_Write_Class_of_Device 3 0x00002988 0x0001F19F HCI_Encryption_Change_Event{^Event Name: HCI_Max_Slots_Change_Event Connection Handle = 0x0001 LMP Max Slots = 0x05 (5)l- 0x00002918 0x0001F12F HCI_Role_Change_EventitEvent Name: HCI_Command_Status_Event Status = 0x00 (Success) Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0405ZD 0x000002DF 0x000002DF HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Scan_Enable_EventS, 0x000002D7 0x000002D7 HCI_Read_Scan_Enable M2 0x000002AF 0x000002AF HCI_Delete_Stored_Link_Key =E 0x000002A7 0x000002A7 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Inquiry_Mode_Event;G 0x00000297 0x00000297 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_LE_Host_Support_Event3C 0x00000267 0x00000267 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Buffer_Size_Event#- 0x00000227 0x00000227 HCI_LE_Set_Event_Mask 9 0x000001EF 0x000001EF HCI_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration Command Name:HCI_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration Mode = 0x00 Calibration Procedures Selection = 0x00000001 (Pre RF init) Override Temp Condition = 0x01 (Override temp changes) 0x000001CF 0x000001CF sc + 0x000001B7 0x000001B7 HCI_VS_Goto_Address ,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=3, Value=6!random 0xcd 0x81@ 0x000050A1 0x0002A150 LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_qos_req D 0x00004F6D 0x0002A01C LMP_encrpt_key_size_req Key Size = 16- 0x00004F0D 0x00029FBC LMP_auto_rate I 0x0000435A 0x00024A89 LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_start_encrpt_reqN 0x00004307 0x00024A36 LMP_packet_type_table_req packet type table = 16KDCOT a_slope = 17884/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 54320/128mKDCOA =3376, perinv =29197lEcoarse open loop calibration: DCO freq diff : 45 [MHz] (-65491 [MHz])erandom 0x33cc 0xe1ea^last scan PHY grade: 2, 2, 2, 2U7synch cmd start instance, module FAST_RSSI_SCAN, msi: C3:acl_receive_frame - opcode:36, len:2, trans:0, lc_handle:0.Creceive LMP_POWER_CONTROL_RES(ext:32) (op:127), trans_id: slave (1)%Receive L2CAP Flow Control ON:acl_receive_frame - opcode:16, len:2, trans:0, lc_handle:0 u 0x00002990 0x0001F1A7 LMP_channel_classification AFH channel classification = 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 I 0x0000298B 0x0001F1A2 LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_start_encrpt_req:acl_receive_frame - opcode:46, len:2, trans:0, lc_handle:00acl_send_frame - opcode:47, trans:1, lc_handle:0lm_lc_power_mng_start_measuringDrift = 250 Jitter = 102 0x0000291E 0x0001F135 LMP_setup_complete 0acl_send_frame - opcode:49, trans:1, lc_handle:0acl_conn_host_req_accepted 9acl_receive_frame - opcode:3, len:2, trans:0, lc_handle:0Switch SUCCESS!GUpdate QoS parameters:RX priority 0 TX priority 0 RX poll 20 TX poll 20TAFH instant = 254794 AFH mode = 1 AFH channel map = fe ff ff fe ff ff ff ff ff 3f |7send LMP_HOST_CONNECTION_REQ (51), trans_id: master (0)\0acl_send_frame - opcode:51, trans:0, lc_handle:0[0send LMP_FEATURES_REQ (39), trans_id: master (0)X0acl_send_frame - opcode:39, trans:0, lc_handle:0W;active_conn_instance_control old scenario 0, new scenario 2O@ 0x00002898 0x00002898 LMP_slot_offset Slot Offset*h = 2IWfeatures page = 1 max supported page = 1 extended features = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 H3-slot packets = 1 5-slot packets = 1 Encryption = 1 Slot offset = 1 Timing accuracy = 1 Switch = 1 Hold mode = 1 Sniff mode = 1 Park Mode = 0 RSSI = 1 Channel quality driven data rate = 1 SCO link = 1 HV2 packets = 1 HV3 packets = 1 u-law log = 1 A-law log = 1 CVSD = 1 Paging scheme = 1 Power control = 1 Transparent synchronous data = 1 Flow control lag(least significant bit) = 0 Flow control lag(middle bit) = 1 Flow control lag(most significant bit) = 0 Broadcast encryption = 0 Reserved = 0 Medium Rate ACL 2 Mbps mode = 1 Medium Rate ACL 3 Mbps mode = 1 Enhanced inquiry scan = 1 Interlaced inquiry scan = 1 Interlaced page scan = 1 RSSI with inquiry results = 1 Extended SCO link (EV3 packets) = 1 EV4 packets = 1 EV5 packets = 1 Reserved = 0 AFH capable slave = 1 AFH classification slave = 1 Reserved = 0 Reserved = 1 3 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1 5 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1 Sniff Sub-Rate = 1 Encryption Pause Resume = 1 AFH capable master = 1 AFH classification master = 1 Medium Rate eSCO 2 Mbps mode = 7 Medium Rate eSCO 3 Mbps mode = 1 3 slot medium rate eSCO packets = 1 Extended Inquiry Response = 0 = 1 = 1 Simple Pairing = 1 Encapsulated PDU = 1 Erroneous Data Reporting = 0 Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag = 1 (Persistent Sniff) = 1 LSTO = 1 Inquiry TX Power Level = 0 Enhanced Power Control = 0 = 0 = 0 = 1 = ??? Extended features = ???=cancel rssi sampling7&ACL Manager, Alloc handle 0, am addr 1Mhcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_READ_SIMPLE_PAIRING_MODE (Group 3 Opcode 0x55)KDCOA =2635, perinv =29324Ehcic_process_hci_commands: HCIPP_STOP_VS_LOCK (Group 3f Opcode 0x238)Whcic_process_hci_commands: HCIPP_SLEEP_PROTOCOLS_CONFIGURATIONS (Group 3f Opcode 0x10c)Fhcic_process_hci_commands: HCIPP_START_VS_LOCK (Group 3f Opcode 0x237)Etemperature sensing: temp 22, read 0x22, vbe 0x2934cb1, slope 0x1f58d3uart_hci parameters: UartDIV=3, OS=23, SP=0, MoB=10I 0x00004F2B 0x00029FD9 HCI_Command_Complete_Link_Key_Request_Reply_EventtR 0x000001E9 0x000001E9 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_DRPb_Set_RF_Calibration_Info_EventeH 0x000001AB 0x000001AB HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventaH 0x000000EB 0x000000EB HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventK- 0x000044AF 0x00024BDE HCI_VS_Configure_DDIP 7C 0x00004453 0x00024B82 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event24 0x00004313 0x00024A42 HCI_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode !B 0x0000430B 0x00024A3A HCI_Page_Scan_Repetition_Mode_Change_Event, 0x000002D9 0x000002D9 HCI_Read_Scan_Enable ; 0x000001EA 0x000001EA HCI_VS_DRPb_Set_RF_Calibration_Info H 0x0000014C 0x0000014C HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventtEvent Name: HCI_Command_Status_Event Status = 0x00 (Success) Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0406& 0x00003EE8 0x000206FE HCI_Disconnect < 0x00003AA4 0x000202BB HCI_Command_Complete_Read_RSSI_Event. 0x00003A90 0x000202A6 HCI_Flow_Specification 0 0x00002AC8 0x0001F2DF HCI_Read_Class_of_Device 0 0x000002EF 0x000002EF HCI_Command_Status_Event[0 0x00000297 0x00000297 HCI_Read_LE_Host_Support 2P 0x0000027F 0x0000027F HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_Event+? 0x00000277 0x00000277 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_BD_ADDR_Event)YCommand Name:HCI_Write_SCO_Flow_Control_Enable SCO Flow Control Enable = 0x01 (Enable)$C 0x0000024F 0x0000024F HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Buffer_Size_EventCommand Name:HCI_Set_Event_Mask_Page_2 Event Mask Page 2 = 0x0000000000ffffff (Physical Link Complete Event|Channel Selected Event|Disconnection Physical Link Event|Physical Link Loss Early Warning Event|Physical Link Recovery Event|Logical Link Complete Event|Disconnection Logical Link Complete Event|Flow Spec Modify Complete Event|Number of Completed Data Blocks Event|AMP Start Test Event|AMP Test End Event|AMP Receiver Report Event|Short Range Mode Change Complete Event|AMP Status Change Event|Triggered Clock Capture Event|Synchronization Train Complete Event|Synchronization Train Received Event|Connectionless Slave Broadcast Receive Event|Connectionless Slave Broadcast Timeout Event|Truncated Page Complete Event|Slave Page Response Timeout Event|Connectionless Slave Broadcast Channel Map Change Event|Inquiry Response Notification Event|Authenticated Payload Timeout Expired Event)Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Stop_VS_Lock_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xfe38 Status = 0x00 (Success)Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xfd80 Status = 0x00 (Success)H 0x00000119 0x00000119 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=6, Value=9$random 0xde3d 0xcbcbP 0x00004F6A 0x0002A019 LMP_encrpt_mode_req Encrypt Mode = Point-to-point: 0x00004F0B 0x00029FBA LMP_max_slots Max Slots = 5TAFH instant = 344150 AFH mode = 1 AFH channel map = ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 7f KDCOA =3442, perinv =29271random 0x7780 0xf4a4random 0xac75 0x8a4ba 0x000043B7 0x00024AE6 LMP_power_control_res GFSK = 2, DQPSK = 2, 8DPSK = 2, reserved = 0P 0x0000434B 0x00024A7A LMP_encrpt_mode_req Encrypt Mode = Point-to-point7 0x0000430D 0x00024A3D LMP_timing_accuracy_req L 0x00004306 0x00024A35 LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_host_connection_req=Scanner received FHS, BD_adder (0x80c5-f22e-f928), time 17127-IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=0, Value=11q9acl_receive_frame - opcode:3, len:2, trans:1, lc_handle:0O9hcic_process_hci_commands: [0x0810] (Group 2 Opcode 0x10)JOpcode = LMP_qos_reqI=afh triggering sm state ACTIVE_USE_RSSI, source QL_AFH_ENABLEEAacl_send_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext: 31, trans:1, lc_handle:0!Aacl_send_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext: 17, trans:1, lc_handle:0t 0x00002985 0x0001F19C LMP_start_encrpt_req Random Number = 2c 3e 87 6c b1 a2 2e eb fa cb c0 86 17 fd 96 ac Encrypt Mode = Point-to-pointAsend LMP_POWER_CONTROL_RES(ext:32) (op:127), trans_id: master (0)6send LMP_TIMING_ACCURACY_REQ (47), trans_id: slave (1)'Offset = 14 Length = 16 Fragment = B+^ 0x0000292E 0x0001F145 LMP_name_res Offset = 0, Length = 16, Fragment = Busch-Radio DA- 0x00002922 0x0001F139 LMP_auto_rate  0x0000291D 0x0001F134 LMP_channel_classification_req AFH reporting mode = 01 , AFH min interval = 1600, AFH max interval = 48000lm_lc_set_link_super_tout)kill instant timer LINK0_INSTANT_TIMER_ID)cdc drift clock_domain_1 - Start learning3receive LMP_FEATURES_RES (40), trans_id: master (0)Y&ACL Manager, Alloc handle 0, am addr 2;0afh sm state: old 0 new 0, use_rssi: old 0 new 08?synch event ABORT_FINISH_SUSPENDED received, module PAGE, msi 1'-synch cmd abort instance, module PAGE, msi: 1%>wide band rssi th calibration RSSI_REF = 0xc1 , RSSI_SIG = 0x0,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=7, Value=46KDCOT a_slope = 16494/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 54229/128@DC_Calibration: Calibration_faliure= 0 , Calibration channel =59Package ID: P9.23HCI_Reset Completedfirst byte recevied 16synch event REG received, module RF_CALIBRATION, msi 0- 0x00005532 0x0002A5E1 HCI_Write_Scan_Enable - 0x00005527 0x0002A5D5 HCI_VS_Configure_DDIP , 0x00005042 0x0002A0F1 HCI_Read_Scan_Enable - 0x0000502A 0x0002A0D9 HCI_Write_Scan_Enable zH 0x00000143 0x00000143 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventVH 0x00000113 0x00000113 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventPN 0x0000495B 0x0002508A HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_EventGU 0x000002A1 0x000002A1 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Default_Link_Policy_Settings_EventP 0x00000281 0x00000281 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_Event1 0x00000221 0x00000221 HCI_Set_Event_Mask_Page_2 H 0x000001A4 0x000001A4 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x0000017C 0x0000017C HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventN 0x0000008A 0x0000008A HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Event% 0x00003DC8 0x000205DE HCI_Read_RSSI = 0x00003AA2 0x000202B9 HCI_Flow_Specification_Complete_Event2 0x0000291F 0x0001F136 HCI_Max_Slots_Change_Eventm, 0x000012F7 0x000012F7 HCI_Read_Scan_Enable ^- 0x000002EF 0x000002EF HCI_Create_Connection Y4 0x000002E7 0x000002E7 HCI_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode UP 0x0000026F 0x0000026F HCI_Command_Complete_Write_SCO_Flow_Control_Enable_Event'D 0x00000227 0x00000227 HCI_Command_Complete_LE_Set_Event_Mask_Event Command Name:HCI_VS_Fast_Clock_Configuration_btip XTAL Enable = 0xff Normal Wakeup Settling Time = 0x00001388 Fast Wakeup Settling Time = 0x000000ff Fast wakeup enable = 0xff XTAL Boost Gain = 0xff XTAL Normal Gain = 0xff BT TX Slicer Trim = 0xff BT idle Slicer Trim = 0xff Fast Clock AC/DC Coupling = 0x00 Slow Clock Accuracy = 0xfa Clock Source = 0x00 (FREF) GCM extra settling time = 0xff Reserved = 0x00ffY 0x000001D7 0x000001D7 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Read_Modify_Write_Hardware_Register_EventH 0x00000179 0x00000179 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000149 0x00000149 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000141 0x00000141 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000111 0x00000111 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Eventrandom 0x7611 0xb581#CQDDR: peer prefers to receive 0x68 t 0x00004F73 0x0002A022 LMP_start_encrpt_req Random Number = ad 74 2b 53 98 8d 01 74 51 62 31 c1 d8 04 da 53 H 0x00004F6C 0x0002A01B LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_encrpt_mode_req^ 0x00004F18 0x00029FC7 LMP_name_res Offset = 0, Length = 16, Fragment = Busch-Radio DAO 0x00004F0F 0x00029FBE LMP_timing_accuracy_res Drift = 250, Jitter = 10F 0x00004F0F 0x00029FBE LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_max_slots_req7 0x00004F0D 0x00029FBC LMP_timing_accuracy_req &ACL Manager, Alloc handle 0, am addr 3G 0x000044BA 0x00024BE9 LMP_qos_req Poll Interval = 20, N-BC = 0L 0x00004351 0x00024A80 LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_encrpt_key_size_reqa 0x00004342 0x00024A71 LMP_power_control_res GFSK = 2, DQPSK = 2, 8DPSK = 2, reserved = 0@Random Number = 99 dc 55 59 23 4d 14 d2 3d e6 eb f7 dd 6e 06 c9 @ 0x00004310 0x00024A3F LMP_preferred_rate Data Rate = 17 0x000042F6 0x00024A25 LMP_features_res_ext features page = 1, max supported page = 1, extended features = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 }>wide band rssi th calibration RSSI_REF = 0xb1 , RSSI_SIG = 0x0w-IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=3, Value=12slm_lc_read_rssiS0afh sm state: old 8 new 8, use_rssi: old 1 new 1C 0x0000356E 0x0001FD85 LMP_set_AFH AFH instant = 261108, AFH mode = 1, AFH channel map = 07 00 00 f0 ff ff ff ff ff 7f @lm_lc_get_min_rssi_air17receive LMP_START_ENCRPT_REQ (17), trans_id: master (0) P 0x00002978 0x0001F18F LMP_encrpt_mode_req Encrypt Mode = Point-to-point.receive LMP_NAME_REQ (1), trans_id: master (0)1send LMP_PREFERRED_RATE (36), trans_id: slave (1):acl_receive_frame - opcode:48, len:3, trans:1, lc_handle:09receive LMP_TIMING_ACCURACY_RES (48), trans_id: slave (1)0acl_send_frame - opcode:35, trans:1, lc_handle:0.receive LMP_ACCEPTED (3), trans_id: master (0):synch event REG received, module ACTIVE CONNECTION, msi 10Plm_lc_change_triggering6ACL Manager, Free handle 0-Ehcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_CREATE_CONNECTION (Group 1 Opcode 0x5)Ghcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE (Group 3 Opcode 0x45) 8hcic_process_hci_commands: [0x2002] (Group 8 Opcode 0x2) -IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=6, Value=11=coarse open loop calibration: DCO DLO PVTH offset: 2 (-65534)random 0xe1ae 0xb4f7random 0xa5bd 0x2bearandom 0x3105 0x6bec6synch event REG received, module RF_CALIBRATION, msi 1lm_lc_set_rf_calibrationPHY FW Version 3.27$Calibration started. Vector=0x1, 0x0Software version - 12.0.260 0x00005523 0x0002A5D1 HCI_Command_Status_Event, 0x00005022 0x0002A0D1 HCI_Read_Scan_Enable x3 0x00004F76 0x0002A025 HCI_Encryption_Change_EventuH 0x00000173 0x00000173 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event\H 0x0000010B 0x0000010B HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventO7 0x0000495B 0x0002508A HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate F- 0x00004953 0x00025082 HCI_Write_Scan_Enable DK 0x00004313 0x00024A42 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode_Event"H 0x000002C1 0x000002C1 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Class_of_Device_Event. 0x000002A9 0x000002A9 HCI_Write_Inquiry_Mode 0 0x00000299 0x00000299 HCI_Read_LE_Host_Support P 0x00000271 0x00000271 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_SCO_Flow_Control_Enable_Event9 0x00000271 0x00000271 HCI_Write_SCO_Flow_Control_Enable B 0x00000201 0x00000201 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Stop_VS_Lock_EventY 0x000001D1 0x000001D1 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Read_Modify_Write_Hardware_Register_EventC 0x00003ED8 0x000206EE HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event, 0x00003ED8 0x000206EE HCI_Read_Scan_Enable < 0x00003DC8 0x000205DF HCI_Command_Complete_Read_RSSI_EventD 0x00002AC0 0x0001F2D7 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Scan_Enable_EventC 0x00002AB4 0x0001F2CB HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event] 0x000002C7 0x000002C7 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Inquiry_Response_Transmit_Power_level_EventI( 0x00000277 0x00000277 HCI_Read_BD_ADDR (9 0x00000237 0x00000237 HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Commands eCommand Name:HCI_Write_LE_Host_Support LE Host Support = 0x01 Simultaneous LE Host Support = 0x00 H 0x00000171 0x00000171 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event]Command Name:HCI_VS_Start_VS_Lock Major Version Number = 0x0c Minor Version Number = 0x1a< 0x00004F19 0x00029FC8 LMP_name_req Name Offset = 14 0x00004F09 0x00029FB8 LMP_channel_classification_req AFH reporting mode = 01 , AFH min interval = 1600, AFH max interval = 48000@ 0x000044BB 0x00024BEA LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_qos_req; 0x00004313 0x00024A42 LMP_name_req Name Offset = 0F 0x0000430E 0x00024A3E LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_max_slots_req/HCI Send Event: HCI_PAGE_SCAN_REP_MODE_CHNG_EVThset instant timer SLAVE1_INSTANT_TIMER_ID for piconet BTCLK_NETWORK1_CLOCK abs instant in frames 0x24aab!synch ACTIVE CONNECTION suspended 0x000042F4 0x00024A23 LMP_features_req_ext features page = 1, max supported page = 2, extended features = 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |9synch event FINISH received, module FAST_RSSI_SCAN, msi C<)QL_AFH - slave channel map report changedlm_lc_change_encryption 2:receive LMP_ENCRPT_KEY_SIZE_REQ (16), trans_id: master (0) :acl_receive_frame - opcode:15, len:2, trans:0, lc_handle:0lm_lc_incr_power_levelacl_conn_connected; 0x00002927 0x0001F13E LMP_name_req Name Offset = 0)escape opcode = 127 extended opcode = 111send LMP_SETUP_COMPLETE (49), trans_id: slave (1) lm_lc_set_ptt@acl_send_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext: 1, trans:0, lc_handle:0Sreceive LMP_PACKET_TYPE_TABLE_EXTENSION_REQ (ext:11) (op:127), trans_id: master (0)afh remove link lc_handle 0}Fsynch cmd return event ABORT_FINISH_SUSPENDED,module ACTIVE CONNECTIONslm_lc_switch_reqo(lc_handle 0 was written to lm_cb index 0SOpcode = LMP_switch_reqM@hcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_READ_BD_ADDR (Group 4 Opcode 0x9),IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=4, Value=4Khcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFO (Group 4 Opcode 0x1)'Calibration started. Vector=0x5ff0, 0x06synch event REG received, module RF_CALIBRATION, msi 2random 0x2c00 0x57b3;hcic_process_hci_commands: [0xfd09] (Group 3f Opcode 0x109)!Uart Active Protocol: H4 PROTOCOLPLL Clock Output is OK4synch cmd return event STARTED,module RF_CALIBRATIONN 0x00001229 0x00001229 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Event7 0x0000553A 0x0002A5E9 HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate : 0x00004F86 0x0002A035 HCI_Write_Link_Supervision_Timeout vH 0x0000016B 0x0000016B HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event[H 0x0000013B 0x0000013B HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventU1 0x0000444A 0x00024B7A HCI_Write_Class_of_Device /tEvent Name: HCI_Command_Status_Event Status = 0x00 (Success) Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x04094 0x000042F7 0x00024A26 HCI_Connection_Request_Event9 0x00000291 0x00000291 HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features C 0x00000269 0x00000269 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Buffer_Size_EventD 0x00000229 0x00000229 HCI_Command_Complete_LE_Set_Event_Mask_Event9 0x000001F9 0x000001F9 HCI_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration H 0x00000104 0x00000104 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event- 0x00003A94 0x000202AB HCI_VS_Configure_DDIP 2 0x00002960 0x0001F177 HCI_Link_Key_Request_Reply w5 0x0000291E 0x0001F135 HCI_Connection_Complete_EventkEvent Name: HCI_Role_Change_Event Status = 0x00 (Success) BD Address of the Remote = "80:C5:F2:2E:F9:28" New Role = 0x01 (Slave)hK 0x00001FAB 0x00001FAB HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode_EventdD 0x000012FF 0x000012FF HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Scan_Enable_Eventb- 0x000012FF 0x000012FF HCI_Write_Scan_Enable aEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Extended_Inquiry_Response_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c52 Status = 0x00 (Success)JH 0x000002BF 0x000002BF HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Class_of_Device_EventE9 0x0000026F 0x0000026F HCI_Write_SCO_Flow_Control_Enable %Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_LE_Set_Event_Mask_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x2001 Status = 0x0c (Command Disallowed) Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_DRPb_Set_RF_Calibration_Info_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xfd76 Status = 0x00 (Success) 0x000001D7 0x000001D7 sc Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Read_Modify_Write_Hardware_Register_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xfd09 Status = 0x00 (Success)random 0xcbc2 0x4669K 0x00004F4C 0x00029FFB LMP_power_control_req Adjustment Request = 1random 0xae00 0xc078K 0x00004340 0x00024A6F LMP_power_control_req Adjustment Request = 1S*** WARNING *** hcid_update_longest_bb_pkt: No Packet Types are allowed - using DM1 0x000002A1 0x000002A1 HCI_Write_Default_Link_Policy_Settings 9 0x00000249 0x00000249 HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features H 0x00000221 0x00000221 HCI_Command_Complete_Set_Event_Mask_Page_2_Event: 0x00000209 0x00000209 HCI_Read_Local_Version_Information < 0x000001E1 0x000001E1 HCI_VS_Fast_Clock_Configuration_btip H 0x00000164 0x00000164 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000134 0x00000134 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event, 0x000000E1 0x000000E1 HCI_VS_Start_VS_Lock lCommand Name:HCI_Disconnect Connection Handle = 0x0001 Reason = 0x13 (Remote User Terminated Connection)4 0x00002A7C 0x0001F293 HCI_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode |K 0x00002928 0x0001F13F HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode_Evento4 0x00001FAB 0x00001FAB HCI_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode cK 0x000002E7 0x000002E7 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode_EventW- 0x000002DF 0x000002DF HCI_Write_Scan_Enable QuCommand Name:HCI_Write_Default_Link_Policy_Settings Default Link Policy Settings = 0x0005 (Role Switch|Sniff Mode)49 0x0000028F 0x0000028F HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features 0 0x00000257 0x00000257 sc "Command Name:HCI_VS_Stop_VS_Lock Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Fast_Clock_Configuration_btip_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xfd1c Status = 0x00 (Success)Y 0x000001CF 0x000001CF HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Read_Modify_Write_Hardware_Register_Event,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=4, Value=6"2KDCOT a_slope = 0/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 56792/128random 0xcb89 0xcd00L 0x00004F6F 0x0002A01E LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_encrpt_key_size_req- 0x00004F0C 0x00029FBB LMP_auto_rate N 0x00004F06 0x00029FB5 LMP_packet_type_table_req packet type table = 1=Scanner received FHS, BD_adder (0x80c5-f22e-f928), time 20200m 0x00004EF5 0x00029FA4 LMP_version_res VersNr = 8, CompId = Texas Instruments Inc., SubVersNr = 39447random 0x9e0f 0x4c0d3receive LMP_FEATURES_REQ (39), trans_id: master (0)Poll Interval = 20 N-BC = 0Glast scan PHY grade: 0, 2, 2, 0>,finish afh rssi scan pattern, scan valid = 1=last scan PHY grade: 0, 2, 4, 29\ACL_DATA_STATISTICS for LC handle 1000: Rx bps - 296 , Tx bps - 494 , remote NACK ratio - 20*lm_lc_link_afh_table;acl_receive_frame - opcode:17, len:17, trans:0, lc_handle:0 Encr mod req: 16receive LMP_ENCRPT_MODE_REQ (15), trans_id: master (0):acl_receive_frame - opcode:47, len:1, trans:0, lc_handle:0lm_lc_start_cqddr_process)HCI Send Event: HCI_MAX_SLOTS_CHANGED_EVTlm_lc_set_poll_intervalNreceive LMP_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION_REQ (ext:16) (op:127), trans_id: master (0) = 1, = 1, Simple Pairing = 1, Encapsulated PDU = 1, Erroneous Data Reporting = 0, Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag = 1, (Persistent Sniff) = 1, LSTO = 1, Inquiry TX Power Level = 0, Enhanced Power Control = 0, = 0, = 0, = 1, = ???, Extended features = ???>@clear acl: low power mode finished - clear lc handle 255 index 032synch cmd start instance, module PAGE SCAN, msi: 1(lm_lc_set_ddip_params0lm_acl_cb 0 was allocated:handle 1 lc_handle 255Dcoarse open loop calibration: DCO freq diff : 1 [MHz] (-65535 [MHz])Ehcic_process_hci_commands: HCIPP_GOTO_ADDRESS (Group 3f Opcode 0x383)Khcic_process_hci_commands: HCIPP_WRITE_MEMORY_BLOCK (Group 3f Opcode 0x305)(HCI Send Event: HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE_EVTrandom 0x4b00 0x5b85lm_lc_rf_periodic_calibration-ARM Clock = 40000000 Hz, Slow Clock: External7synch cmd start instance, module RF_CALIBRATION, msi: 00 0x00005093 0x0002A141 HCI_Command_Status_EventC 0x00005042 0x0002A0F1 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_EventH 0x0000503A 0x0002A0E9 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Class_of_Device_EventP 0x000001F9 0x000001F9 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration_EventgP 0x000001F1 0x000001F1 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration_EventfH 0x00000123 0x00000123 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventRH 0x000000FB 0x000000FB HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventM. 0x00004943 0x00025072 HCI_Flow_Specification >% 0x000044BF 0x00024BEE HCI_Read_RSSI :: 0x00004367 0x00024A96 HCI_Write_Link_Supervision_Timeout 'Event Name: HCI_Connection_Request_Event BD Address of the Remote = "80:C5:F2:2E:F9:28" Class of Device = "14:04:04" Link Type = 0x01 (ACL)] 0x000002C9 0x000002C9 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Inquiry_Response_Transmit_Power_level_EventD 0x000002BC 0x000002BC HCI_Command_Complete_Change_Local_Name_Event 2 0x000002B1 0x000002B1 HCI_Delete_Stored_Link_Key G 0x00000289 0x00000289 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_LE_Host_Support_Event, 0x00000269 0x00000269 HCI_Read_Buffer_Size 9 0x00000211 0x00000211 HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features H 0x0000015C 0x0000015C HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event% 0x00003AA4 0x000202BB HCI_Read_RSSI G 0x00002AC8 0x0001F2DF HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Class_of_Device_Event, 0x00002AB4 0x0001F2CB HCI_Read_Scan_Enable ~I 0x00002960 0x0001F177 HCI_Command_Complete_Link_Key_Request_Reply_EventyEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Link_Key_Request_Reply_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x040b Status = 0x00 (Success) BD Address = "80:C5:F2:2E:F9:28"xCommand Name:HCI_Link_Key_Request_Reply BD Address of the Remote = "80:C5:F2:2E:F9:28" Link Key = "BC:63:4C:11:D7:B4:F2:F9:23:2E:E9:65:77:6E:48:B0"vC 0x000012F7 0x000012F7 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event`#Command Name:HCI_Read_Scan_Enable LwCommand Name:HCI_Write_Inquiry_Mode Inquiry Mode = 0x02 (Inquiry Result with RSSI or Extended Inquiry Result Format)8Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Default_Link_Policy_Settings_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x080f Status = 0x00 (Success)6'Command Name:HCI_Read_LE_Host_Support ,9 0x0000027F 0x0000027F HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features *SCommand Name:sc Layer = 0x01 Event Opcode = 0x2002 Length = 0x00 Payload = ""H 0x0000022F 0x0000022F HCI_Command_Complete_Write_LE_Host_Support_Event* 0x00000217 0x00000217 HCI_Set_Event_Mask 1Command Name:HCI_Read_Local_Version_Information P 0x000001F7 0x000001F7 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration_Event(Command Name:HCI_VS_Sleep_Mode_Configurations Big Sleep Enable = 0x01 Deep Sleep Enable = 0x00 Deep Sleep Mode = 0xff (Don't Change) Output IO Select = 0xff Output Pull Enable = 0xff Input Pull Enable = 0xff Input io Select = 0xff (0xFF - Dont Change) BORNEO Deassertion Timout = 0x0064 0x000001BF 0x000001BF sc jCommand Name:sc Layer = 0x01 Event Opcode = 0xfd09 Length = 0x08 Payload = "68:53:08:00:00:2A:00:FF"H 0x00000129 0x00000129 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventC 0x000000DF 0x000000DF HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Start_VS_Lock_Event,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=5, Value=3#u 0x00004F7E 0x0002A02D LMP_channel_classification AFH channel classification = 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 L 0x00004F3B 0x00029FEA LMP_sres Authentication Response = 0x460e2e09H 0x0000434D 0x00024A7C LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_encrpt_mode_req- 0x0000430C 0x00024A3C LMP_auto_rate lm_lc_[0x00a3] lm_lc_resume_L2CAPOpcode = LMP_encrpt_mode_req9acl_receive_frame - opcode:1, len:2, trans:0, lc_handle:04receive LMP_MAX_SLOTS_REQ (46), trans_id: master (0)5receive LMP_SETUP_COMPLETE (49), trans_id: master (0)=acl_receive_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext:11, len:3, trans:0lm_lc_set_qos_scheduling_paramslm_lc_force_l2cap_resumeN 0x0000291A 0x0001F131 LMP_packet_type_table_req packet type table = 1x/synch cmd return event STARTED,module MS SWITCHu;synch cmd abort instance, module ACTIVE CONNECTION, msi: 10rlm_lc_pause_bad_voice_algok0receive LMP_SWITCH_REQ (19), trans_id: slave (1)h.send LMP_VERSION_RES (38), trans_id: slave (1)`Slot Offset*h = 2J 0x00002894 0x00002894 LMP_features_req_ext features page = 1, max supported page = 2, extended features = 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E3-slot packets = 1 5-slot packets = 1 Encryption = 1 Slot offset = 1 Timing accuracy = 1 Switch = 1 Hold mode = 0 Sniff mode = 1 Park Mode = 0 RSSI = 1 Channel quality driven data rate = 1 SCO link = 1 HV2 packets = 1 HV3 packets = 1 u-law log = 1 A-law log = 1 CVSD = 1 Paging scheme = 1 Power control = 1 Transparent synchronous data = 1 Flow control lag(least significant bit) = 0 Flow control lag(middle bit) = 0 Flow control lag(most significant bit) = 1 Broadcast encryption = 1 Reserved = 0 Medium Rate ACL 2 Mbps mode = 1 Medium Rate ACL 3 Mbps mode = 1 Enhanced inquiry scan = 1 Interlaced inquiry scan = 1 Interlaced page scan = 1 RSSI with inquiry results = 1 Extended SCO link (EV3 packets) = 1 EV4 packets = 1 EV5 packets = 1 Reserved = 0 AFH capable slave = 1 AFH classification slave = 1 Reserved = 0 Reserved = 1 3 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1 5 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1 Sniff Sub-Rate = 1 Encryption Pause Resume = 1 AFH capable master = 1 AFH classification master = 1 Medium Rate eSCO 2 Mbps mode = 7 Medium Rate eSCO 3 Mbps mode = 1 3 slot medium rate eSCO packets = 1 Extended Inquiry Response = 0 = 1 = 1 Simple Pairing = 1 Encapsulated PDU = 1 Erroneous Data Reporting = 0 Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag = 1 (Persistent Sniff) = 1 LSTO = 1 Inquiry TX Power Level = 0 Enhanced Power Control = 0 = 0 = 0 = 1 = ??? Extended features = ????/synch event FINISH received, module PAGE, msi 10"Page Scan start, Window = 9 frames)=coarse open loop calibration: DCO DLO PVTL offset: 1 (-65535)Dcoarse open loop calibration: DCO freq diff : 5 [MHz] (-65531 [MHz])VS lock is OFF.)PPA_CAL: load_tune = 14 , rf_ldo_tune = 6random 0x7f61 0x671f7synch cmd start instance, module RF_CALIBRATION, msi: 1;hcic_process_hci_commands: [0xfd80] (Group 3f Opcode 0x180)lm_lc_generate_randRef Clock = 26000000 HzD 0x00005533 0x0002A5E1 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Scan_Enable_Event0 0x00005032 0x0002A0E1 HCI_Read_Class_of_Device |Q 0x00004F87 0x0002A035 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Link_Supervision_Timeout_EventwH 0x00000153 0x00000153 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventX8 0x00000081 0x00000081 HCI_Command_Complete_Reset_EventH% 0x000047E3 0x00024F12 HCI_Read_RSSI <- 0x0000445A 0x00024B8A HCI_Write_Scan_Enable 3Event Name: HCI_Page_Scan_Repetition_Mode_Change_Event BD Address of the Remote = "80:C5:F2:2E:F9:28" Page Scan Repetition Mode = 0x00 (R0)I 0x000002B1 0x000002B1 HCI_Command_Complete_Delete_Stored_Link_Key_Event + 0x00000201 0x00000201 HCI_VS_Stop_VS_Lock P 0x000001FA 0x000001FA HCI_Command_Complete_VS_DRPb_Enable_RF_Calibration_EventY 0x000001D9 0x000001D9 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Read_Modify_Write_Hardware_Register_Event 0x000001D1 0x000001D1 sc H 0x000001B2 0x000001B2 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x000000F4 0x000000F4 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event0 0x00003EE8 0x000206FE HCI_Command_Status_EventD 0x00003ED4 0x000206EB HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Configure_DDIP_Event-Command Name:HCI_VS_Configure_DDIP BE access percentage = 0x32 Guaranteed access percentage = 0x5a Poll period = 0x02 Slave Wait After Tx Boundry = 0x07 Slave Master Search Boundry = 0x02 Master Burst After Rx Enable = 0x01 Master Burst After Rx Limit = 0x01 Reserved = 0xff Reserved = 0xff Command Name:HCI_Flow_Specification Connection Handle = 0x0001 Flags = 0x00 Flow Direction = 0x00 (Outgoing Flow) Service Type = 0x02 (Guaranteed) Token Rate = 0x000061a8 Token Bucket Size = 0x0000014d Peak Bandwidth = 0x000061a8 Access Latency = 0x000032c8D 0x00002AE0 0x0001F2F7 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Scan_Enable_Event, 0x00002AD8 0x0001F2EF HCI_Read_Scan_Enable : 0x00002958 0x0001F16F HCI_Write_Link_Supervision_Timeout sEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Delete_Stored_Link_Key_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c12 Status = 0x00 (Success) Num Keys Deleted = 0x0000>G 0x00000287 0x00000287 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_LE_Host_Support_Event/Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Read_LE_Host_Support_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c6c Status = 0x11 (Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value) LE Host Support = 0x00 Simultaneous LE Host Support = 0x00.9 0x0000020F 0x0000020F HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features 0Command Name:HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features O 0x000001C7 0x000001C7 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Sleep_Mode_Configurations_EventEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Goto_Address_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xff83 Status = 0x00 (Success)H 0x000001B0 0x000001B0 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000189 0x00000189 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000159 0x00000159 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000151 0x00000151 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000121 0x00000121 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventKDCOA =3373, perinv =29123A 0x000052D2 0x0002A381 LMP_preferred_rate Data Rate = 104 a 0x00004FAF 0x0002A05E LMP_power_control_res GFSK = 2, DQPSK = 2, 8DPSK = 2, reserved = 07 0x00004EF9 0x00029FA8 LMP_host_connection_req 2KDCOT a_slope = 0/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 57392/128D 0x0000434E 0x00024A7D LMP_encrpt_key_size_req Key Size = 16k 0x0000431C 0x00024A4B LMP_au_rand Random Number = 99 dc 55 59 23 4d 14 d2 3d e6 eb f7 dd 6e 06 c9 O 0x0000430F 0x00024A3E LMP_timing_accuracy_res Drift = 250, Jitter = 10 0x00004308 0x00024A37 LMP_set_AFH AFH instant = 300376, AFH mode = 1, AFH channel map = ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 7f FHS received - AM_ADDR=2KDCOA =3362, perinv =29298prandom 0x7f4b 0x518dd@ 0x00003AA2 0x000202B9 LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_qos_reqH=acl_receive_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext:32, len:3, trans:1' = 1, = 1, Simple Pairing = 1, Encapsulated PDU = 1, Erroneous Data Reporting = 0, Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag = 1, (Persistent Sniff) = 1, LSTO = 1, Inquiry TX Power Level = 0, Enhanced Power Control = 0, = 0, = 0, = 1, = ???, Extended features = ???- 0x0000430E 0x00024A3D LMP_auto_rate 2 0x0000430B 0x00024A3A LMP_setup_complete TAFH instant = 300376 AFH mode = 1 AFH channel map = ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 7f :acl_receive_frame - opcode:51, len:1, trans:0, lc_handle:0=acl_receive_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext:3, len:12, trans:02receive LMP_VERSION_REQ (37), trans_id: master (0)0acl_send_frame - opcode:40, trans:0, lc_handle:02KDCOT a_slope = 0/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 56555/128k*send LMP_QOS_REQ (42), trans_id: slave (1)M0acl_send_frame - opcode:42, trans:1, lc_handle:0K#CQDDR: peer prefers to receive 0x70/Ihcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_READ_CLASS_OF_DEVICE (Group 3 Opcode 0x23))afh load table 27send LMP_TIMING_ACCURACY_RES (48), trans_id: master (0)0acl_send_frame - opcode:36, trans:1, lc_handle:0< 0x0000292E 0x0001F145 LMP_name_req Name Offset = 14lm_lc_kill_afh_instant_timer;active_conn_instance_control old scenario 1, new scenario 1~?send LMP_FEATURES_RES_EXT (ext:4) (op:127), trans_id: slave (1)e)afh triggering sm changed to state NO_AFH91synch event REG received, module PAGE SCAN, msi 1$)PPA_CAL: load_tune = 13 , rf_ldo_tune = 8;hcic_process_hci_commands: [0xfd1c] (Group 3f Opcode 0x11c)HCI++ Goto AddressDeactivating timer: initlm_lc_get_local_bd_addrPLL Clock Out = 40000000 Hz2 0x00004F21 0x00029FD0 HCI_Link_Key_Request_Eventr2 0x00004F0B 0x00029FBA HCI_Max_Slots_Change_EventoD 0x00004947 0x00025076 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Configure_DDIP_EventA- 0x00004947 0x00025076 HCI_VS_Configure_DDIP @D 0x000044AF 0x00024BDE HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Configure_DDIP_Event8, 0x00004452 0x00024B82 HCI_Read_Scan_Enable 1- 0x0000443A 0x00024B6A HCI_Write_Scan_Enable +3 0x00004358 0x00024A87 HCI_Encryption_Change_Event&0 0x00000289 0x00000289 HCI_Read_LE_Host_Support ( 0x00000279 0x00000279 HCI_Read_BD_ADDR F 0x00000259 0x00000259 HCI_Command_Complete_LE_Read_Buffer_Size_EventH 0x00000174 0x00000174 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000144 0x00000144 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x0000010C 0x0000010C HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event-Command Name:HCI_VS_Configure_DDIP BE access percentage = 0x14 Guaranteed access percentage = 0x46 Poll period = 0x02 Slave Wait After Tx Boundry = 0x07 Slave Master Search Boundry = 0x02 Master Burst After Rx Enable = 0x01 Master Burst After Rx Limit = 0x01 Reserved = 0xff Reserved = 0xff8Command Name:HCI_Read_RSSI Connection Handle = 0x0001- 0x00002AE0 0x0001F2F7 HCI_Write_Scan_Enable CCommand Name:HCI_Write_Scan_Enable Scan Enable = 0x00 (No Scans)H 0x00002AD0 0x0001F2E7 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Class_of_Device_EventQ 0x00002958 0x0001F16F HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Link_Supervision_Timeout_Eventu2 0x00002951 0x0001F168 HCI_Link_Key_Request_Eventq4 0x00002927 0x0001F13E HCI_Read_Simple_Pairing_Mode nCommand Name:HCI_Create_Connection BD Address of the Remote = "80:C5:F2:2E:F9:28" Packet Types Allowed = 0xcc18 (DM1|DH1|DM3|DH3|DM5|DH5) Page Scan Repetition Mode = 0x02 (R2) Reserved = 0x00 Clock Offset = 0x0000 Role Switch allowed = 0x01eEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c19 Status = 0x00 (Success) Scan Enable = 0x02 (Page Scan)_DCommand Name:HCI_Write_Scan_Enable Scan Enable = 0x02 (Page Scan)P=Command Name:HCI_Read_Inquiry_Response_Transmit_Power_level FU 0x0000029F 0x0000029F HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Default_Link_Policy_Settings_Event7> 0x0000029F 0x0000029F HCI_Write_Default_Link_Policy_Settings 5F 0x00000257 0x00000257 HCI_Command_Complete_LE_Read_Buffer_Size_EventEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x1003 Status = 0x00 (Success) Supported Commands = "FF:FE:2F:FE:DB:FF:7B:87"B 0x000001FF 0x000001FF HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Stop_VS_Lock_Event; 0x000001E7 0x000001E7 HCI_VS_DRPb_Set_RF_Calibration_Info jCommand Name:sc Layer = 0x01 Event Opcode = 0xfd09 Length = 0x08 Payload = "58:60:1A:00:00:10:00:10"Y 0x000001BF 0x000001BF HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Read_Modify_Write_Hardware_Register_EventH 0x000001A1 0x000001A1 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event8 0x0000007F 0x0000007F HCI_Command_Complete_Reset_Event|Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Reset_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c03 Status = 0x00 (Success)random 0x3ee0 0xcc39a 0x00004F4E 0x00029FFD LMP_power_control_res GFSK = 2, DQPSK = 2, 8DPSK = 2, reserved = 0O 0x00004F14 0x00029FC3 LMP_timing_accuracy_res Drift = 250, Jitter = 10> 0x00004F0C 0x00029FBB LMP_max_slots_req Max Slots = 5 0x00004EF6 0x00029FA5 LMP_features_req_ext features page = 1, max supported page = 2, extended features = 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=3, Value=0KDCOA =3390, perinv =291706KDCOT a_slope = 11276/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 53797/128random 0xa398 0x4random 0xcc 0xa100u 0x00004381 0x00024AB0 LMP_channel_classification AFH channel classification = 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 @Random Number = af de 83 d6 64 28 01 27 f5 25 71 3d 7a db 0f 83 2 0x00004307 0x00024A36 LMP_setup_complete @send LMP_FEATURES_RES_EXT (ext:4) (op:127), trans_id: master (0)@acl_send_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext: 4, trans:0, lc_handle:0m 0x000042F3 0x00024A22 LMP_version_res VersNr = 8, CompId = Texas Instruments Inc., SubVersNr = 39447{ 0x000042ED 0x00024A1C LMP_features_req 3-slot packets = 1, 5-slot packets = 1, Encryption = 1, Slot offset = 1, Timing accuracy = 1, Switch = 1, Hold mode = 0, Sniff mode = 1, Park Mode = 0, RSSI = 1, Channel quality driven data rate = 1, SCO link = 1, HV2 packets = 1, HV3 packets = 1, u-law log = 1, A-law log = 1, CVSD = 1, Paging scheme = 1, Power control = 1, Transparent synchronous data = 1, Flow control lag(least significant bit) = 0, Flow control lag(middle bit) = 0, Flow control lag(most significant bit) = 1, Broadcast encryption = 1, Reserved = 0, Medium Rate ACL 2 Mbps mode = 1, Medium Rate ACL 3 Mbps mode = 1, Enhanced inquiry scan = 1, Interlaced inquiry scan = 1, Interlaced page scan = 1, RSSI with inquiry results = 1, Extended SCO link (EV3 packets) = 1, EV4 packets = 1, EV5 packets = 1, Reserved = 0, AFH capable slave = 1, AFH classification slave = 1, Reserved = 0, Reserved = 1, 3 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1, 5 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1, Sniff Sub-Rate = 1, Encryption Pause Resume = 1, AFH capable master = 1, AFH classification master = 1, Medium Rate eSCO 2 Mbps mode = 7, Medium Rate eSCO 3 Mbps mode = 1, 3 slot medium rate eSCO packets = 1, Extended Inquiry Response = 0, = 1, = 1, Simple Pairing = 1, Encapsulated PDU = 1, Erroneous Data Reporting = 0, Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag = 1, (Persistent Sniff) = 1, LSTO = 1, Inquiry TX Power Level = 0, Enhanced Power Control = 0, = 0, = 0, = 1, = ???, Extended features = ???x,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=6, Value=2urandom 0xa1e4 0x9835crandom 0x9e58 0xe7b5\G 0x00003AA1 0x000202B8 LMP_qos_req Poll Interval = 20, N-BC = 0Fhset instant timer SLAVE1_INSTANT_TIMER_ID for piconet BTCLK_NETWORK1_CLOCK abs instant in frames 0x1fdf9D6synch event REG received, module FAST_RSSI_SCAN, msi C2@send LMP_POWER_CONTROL_REQ(ext:31) (op:127), trans_id: slave (1)$,send LMP_AUTO_RATE (35), trans_id: slave (1)lm_lc_start_afh_rssi_samplinghset instant timer SLAVE1_INSTANT_TIMER_ID for piconet BTCLK_NETWORK1_CLOCK abs instant in frames 0x1f1a4S 0x00002930 0x0001F147 LMP_name_res Offset = 14, Length = 16, Fragment = B+;acl_receive_frame - opcode:60, len:16, trans:0, lc_handle:02 0x0000291B 0x0001F132 LMP_setup_complete z Opcode = LMP_host_connection_reqwlm_lc_power_algo_pausel@acl_send_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext: 4, trans:1, lc_handle:0d=acl_receive_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext:3, len:12, trans:1c1receive LMP_VERSION_REQ (37), trans_id: slave (1)]:acl_receive_frame - opcode:40, len:9, trans:0, lc_handle:0Z0LE_SCAN check DDIP: ignore 0, active 0, return 0T;synch cmd start instance, module ACTIVE CONNECTION, msi: 10Q>VersNr = 8 CompId = Texas Instruments Inc. SubVersNr = 39447D-synch cmd start instance, module PAGE, msi: 1 Fhcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_WRITE_SCAN_ENABLE (Group 3 Opcode 0x1a)Ohcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_WRITE_SCO_FLOW_CTRL_ENABLE (Group 3 Opcode 0x2f) KDCOA =3436, perinv =29332Ghcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_READ_LOCAL_FEATURES (Group 4 Opcode 0x3)+Disable FLIGHT MODE - Enable TX calibration9synch event FINISH received, module RF_CALIBRATION, msi 0. 0x00005523 0x0002A5D1 HCI_Flow_Specification D 0x00005097 0x0002A145 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Configure_DDIP_Event5 0x00004F02 0x00029FB1 HCI_Accept_Connection_Request kQ 0x00004367 0x00024A96 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Link_Supervision_Timeout_Event(2 0x0000430C 0x00024A3B HCI_Max_Slots_Change_Event 9 0x00000261 0x00000261 HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features , 0x00000251 0x00000251 HCI_Read_Buffer_Size P 0x00000249 0x00000249 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_Event( 0x00000241 0x00000241 HCI_Read_BD_ADDR * 0x00000219 0x00000219 HCI_Set_Event_Mask H 0x0000013C 0x0000013C HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventC 0x000000E1 0x000000E1 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Start_VS_Lock_Event- 0x00003ED4 0x000206EA HCI_VS_Configure_DDIP Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Configure_DDIP_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xfd55 Status = 0x00 (Success)Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Class_of_Device_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c23 Status = 0x00 (Success) Class Of Device = "28:00:00"P 0x0000028F 0x0000028F HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_Event19 0x0000025F 0x0000025F HCI_Read_Local_Supported_Features P 0x00000247 0x00000247 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_Event( 0x0000023F 0x0000023F HCI_Read_BD_ADDR 1 0x0000022F 0x0000022F HCI_Write_LE_Host_Support Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Set_Event_Mask_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c01 Status = 0x00 (Success)H 0x00000109 0x00000109 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventN 0x00000087 0x00000087 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Event! 0x0000007F 0x0000007F HCI_Reset Command Name:HCI_Reset ,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=2, Value=5 KDCOA =3448, perinv =293316KDCOT a_slope = 18896/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 54300/128random 0x8b00 0xab45I 0x00004F7B 0x0002A02A LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_start_encrpt_req@Random Number = 14 bb 2f fd 2b d7 cc 7e a6 45 09 1a d0 d4 aa 89 @ 0x00004F12 0x00029FC1 LMP_preferred_rate Data Rate = 17Ecoarse open loop calibration: DCO freq diff : 44 [MHz] (-65492 [MHz])random 0x58e7 0x62e1random 0x7e82 0xc46b> 0x0000430D 0x00024A3C LMP_max_slots_req Max Slots = 5:acl_receive_frame - opcode:37, len:6, trans:0, lc_handle:07 0x000042F7 0x00024A26 LMP_host_connection_req ~k 0x000042F1 0x00024A20 LMP_version_req VersNr = 7, CompId = Broadcom Corporation, SubVersNr = 24857zDcoarse open loop calibration: DCO freq diff : 6 [MHz] (-65530 [MHz])f/HCI Send Event: HCI_FLOW_SPECIFICATION_COMP_EVTQ-receive LMP_ACCEPTED (3), trans_id: slave (1)NTAFH instant = 261108 AFH mode = 1 AFH channel map = 07 00 00 f0 ff ff ff ff ff 7f Alast scan PHY grade: 4, 4, 4, 4?=synch event FINISH_REG received, module FAST_RSSI_SCAN, msi C54synch cmd return event STARTED,module FAST_RSSI_SCAN45receive LMP_PREFERRED_RATE (36), trans_id: master (0)-Fsend LMP_CHANNEL_CLASSIFICATION (ext:17) (op:127), trans_id: slave (1)lm_lc_set_encryption_mode0acl_send_frame - opcode:12, trans:0, lc_handle:0:receive LMP_TIMING_ACCURACY_REQ (47), trans_id: master (0)+send LMP_ACCEPTED (3), trans_id: master (0):acl_receive_frame - opcode:35, len:1, trans:0, lc_handle:0;acl_receive_frame - opcode:127, len:7, trans:0, lc_handle:0O 0x0000292C 0x0001F143 LMP_timing_accuracy_res Drift = 250, Jitter = 10Opcode = LMP_max_slots_req> 0x00002921 0x0001F138 LMP_max_slots_req Max Slots = 5 Max Slots = 5Y 0x0000291C 0x0001F133 LMP_accepted_ext escape opcode = 127, extended opcode = 11lm_lc_set_afh_instant_timerpacket type table = 1yL 0x00002919 0x0001F130 LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_host_connection_reqvlm_lc_switch_req 0n1receive LMP_SLOT_OFFSET (52), trans_id: slave (1)f>ACL Manager, Set connection mode LC_ACL_STATE_ACTIVE, handle 0N(LC_PICONIZER - allocated network clock 1#lm_lc_set_active_conn_scenario&HCI Send Event: HCI_COMMAND_STATUS_EVTlm_lc_look_for_free_am_addr9hcic_process_hci_commands: [0x0c6d] (Group 3 Opcode 0x6d)8hcic_process_hci_commands: [0x2001] (Group 8 Opcode 0x1),IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=5, Value=8,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=3, Value=19synch event FINISH received, module RF_CALIBRATION, msi 1Version matched OK."Transport detection: UART detectedProcess type: Nominal7 0x00001229 0x00001229 HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate < 0x000050A7 0x0002A155 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_RSSI_Event1 0x0000503A 0x0002A0E9 HCI_Write_Class_of_Device ~0 0x00004F02 0x00029FB1 HCI_Command_Status_EventlH 0x00000133 0x00000133 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventTH 0x00000103 0x00000103 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventNH 0x0000444B 0x00024B7A HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Class_of_Device_Event0, 0x00004433 0x00024B62 HCI_Read_Scan_Enable )0 0x00004303 0x00024A32 HCI_Command_Status_EventP 0x00000291 0x00000291 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_EventQ 0x00000209 0x00000209 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Version_Information_EventH 0x0000019A 0x0000019A HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x0000016C 0x0000016C HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventN 0x00003EF0 0x00020706 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Event7 0x00003EF0 0x00020706 HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate C 0x00002AD8 0x0001F2EF HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_EventEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Link_Supervision_Timeout_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c37 Status = 0x0c (Command Disallowed) Connection Handle = 0x0001tC 0x000002D7 0x000002D7 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_EventOEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Class_of_Device_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c24 Status = 0x00 (Success)DEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Write_SCO_Flow_Control_Enable_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c2f Status = 0x00 (Success)&? 0x0000023F 0x0000023F HCI_Command_Complete_Read_BD_ADDR_EventP 0x0000020F 0x0000020F HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_Event)Command Name:HCI_VS_DRPb_Set_RF_Calibration_Info Split Mode = 0x01 Calibrations with PA/LNA = 0x00005421 (Pre RF init|DC|PPA LDO Current|IFA Pole Location|Wide Band RSSI TH) Calibrations with protection = 0x00005761 (Pre RF init|DC|LDO|DCO Coarse Open Loop|KDCO Nominal Current|PPA LDO Current|IFA Pole Location|Wide Band RSSI TH) PA_SD delay_ms = 0x14 Num of calib PA_SD attempts = 0x05 Interference delay_ms = 0x0a Num of calib interf attempts = 0x05 Calibration #1 = 0x00 (Pre RF init) Calibration #2 = 0x07 (DCO Current Optimization) Calibration #3 = 0x06 (LDO) Calibration #4 = 0x0a (PPA LDO Current) Calibration #5 = 0x04 (Temperature recognition) Calibration #6 = 0x05 (DC) Calibration #7 = 0x08 (DCO Coarse Open Loop) Calibration #8 = 0x09 (KDCO Nominal Current) Calibration #9 = 0x0b (TPC) Calibration #10 = 0x0c (IFA Pole Location) Calibration #11 = 0x0d (LPS) Calibration #12 = 0x0e (Wide Band RSSI TH) Calibration #13 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #14 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #15 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #16 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #17 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #18 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #19 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #20 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #21 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #22 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #23 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #24 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #25 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #26 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #27 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #28 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #29 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #30 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #31 = 0x10 (None) Calibration #32 = 0x10 (None) Reserved = 0x00000000H 0x00000169 0x00000169 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000139 0x00000139 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000101 0x00000101 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Start_VS_Lock_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xfe37 Status = 0x00 (Success)6KDCOT a_slope = 21455/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 54546/128@Random Number = ad 74 2b 53 98 8d 01 74 51 62 31 c1 d8 04 da 53 $Authentication Response = 0x460e2e09; 0x00004F15 0x00029FC4 LMP_name_req Name Offset = 02 0x00004F0A 0x00029FB9 LMP_setup_complete Y 0x00004F08 0x00029FB7 LMP_accepted_ext escape opcode = 127, extended opcode = 11k 0x00004EF3 0x00029FA2 LMP_version_req VersNr = 7, CompId = Broadcom Corporation, SubVersNr = 24857-IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=4, Value=112KDCOT a_slope = 0/65536, KDCOT b_slope = 56889/128random 0x1663 0x2c34$Authentication Response = 0x4ca46b86L 0x00004338 0x00024A67 LMP_sres Authentication Response = 0x4ca46b867 0x00004310 0x00024A3F LMP_timing_accuracy_req *HCI Send Event: HCI_CONNECTION_REQUEST_EVT0send LMP_FEATURES_RES (40), trans_id: master (0):acl_receive_frame - opcode:39, len:9, trans:0, lc_handle:0 0x000042F1 0x00024A20 LMP_features_res 3-slot packets = 1, 5-slot packets = 1, Encryption = 1, Slot offset = 1, Timing accuracy = 1, Switch = 1, Hold mode = 1, Sniff mode = 1, Park Mode = 0, RSSI = 1, Channel quality driven data rate = 1, SCO link = 1, HV2 packets = 1, HV3 packets = 1, u-law log = 1, A-law log = 1, CVSD = 1, Paging scheme = 1, Power control = 1, Transparent synchronous data = 1, Flow control lag(least significant bit) = 0, Flow control lag(middle bit) = 1, Flow control lag(most significant bit) = 0, Broadcast encryption = 0, Reserved = 0, Medium Rate ACL 2 Mbps mode = 1, Medium Rate ACL 3 Mbps mode = 1, Enhanced inquiry scan = 1, Interlaced inquiry scan = 1, Interlaced page scan = 1, RSSI with inquiry results = 1, Extended SCO link (EV3 packets) = 1, EV4 packets = 1, EV5 packets = 1, Reserved = 0, AFH capable slave = 1, AFH classification slave = 1, Reserved = 0, Reserved = 1, 3 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1, 5 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1, Sniff Sub-Rate = 1, Encryption Pause Resume = 1, AFH capable master = 1, AFH classification master = 1, Medium Rate eSCO 2 Mbps mode = 7, Medium Rate eSCO 3 Mbps mode = 1, 3 slot medium rate eSCO packets = 1, Extended Inquiry Response = 0, = 1, = 1, Simple Pairing = 1, Encapsulated PDU = 1, Erroneous Data Reporting = 0, Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag = 1, (Persistent Sniff) = 1, LSTO = 1, Inquiry TX Power Level = 0, Enhanced Power Control = 0, = 0, = 0, = 1, = ???, Extended features = ???y,IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=2, Value=6r=coarse open loop calibration: DCO DLO PVTL offset: 2 (-65534)grandom 0x8181 0x7367`4uart_hci parameters: UartDIV=15, OS=23, SP=0, MoB=10Y)HCI Send Event: HCI_ENCRYPTION_CHANGE_EVTlm_lc_pause_L2CAPJhcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_LINK_KEY_REQUEST_REPLY (Group 1 Opcode 0xb)=acl_receive_frame - opcode:127, opcode_ext:31, len:3, trans:0/acl_send_frame - opcode:2, trans:0, lc_handle:00receive LMP_MAX_SLOTS (45), trans_id: master (0)0afh sm state: old 0 new 8, use_rssi: old 0 new 1: 0x0000291F 0x0001F136 LMP_max_slots Max Slots = 5.receive LMP_SET_AFH (60), trans_id: master (0);acl_receive_frame - opcode:127, len:3, trans:0, lc_handle:0:acl_receive_frame - opcode:37, len:6, trans:1, lc_handle:0^ 0x0000288B 0x0000288B LMP_features_req 3-slot packets = 1, 5-slot packets = 1, Encryption = 1, Slot offset = 1, Timing accuracy = 1, Switch = 1, Hold mode = 1, Sniff mode = 1, Park Mode = 0, RSSI = 1, Channel quality driven data rate = 1, SCO link = 1, HV2 packets = 1, HV3 packets = 1, u-law log = 1, A-law log = 1, CVSD = 1, Paging scheme = 1, Power control = 1, Transparent synchronous data = 1, Flow control lag(least significant bit) = 0, Flow control lag(middle bit) = 1, Flow control lag(most significant bit) = 0, Broadcast encryption = 0, Reserved = 0, Medium Rate ACL 2 Mbps mode = 1, Medium Rate ACL 3 Mbps mode = 1, Enhanced inquiry scan = 1, Interlaced inquiry scan = 1, Interlaced page scan = 1, RSSI with inquiry results = 1, Extended SCO link (EV3 packets) = 1, EV4 packets = 1, EV5 packets = 1, Reserved = 0, AFH capable slave = 1, AFH classification slave = 1, Reserved = 0, Reserved = 1, 3 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1, 5 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1, Sniff Sub-Rate = 1, Encryption Pause Resume = 1, AFH capable master = 1, AFH classification master = 1, Medium Rate eSCO 2 Mbps mode = 7, Medium Rate eSCO 3 Mbps mode = 1, 3 slot medium rate eSCO packets = 1, Extended Inquiry Response = 0, = 1, = 1, Simple Pairing = 1, Encapsulated PDU = 1, Erroneous Data Reporting = 0, Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag = 1, (Persistent Sniff) = 1, LSTO = 1, Inquiry TX Power Level = 0, Enhanced Power Control = 0, = 0, = 0, = 1, = ???, Extended features = ???<lm_lc_config_tx_qosQhcic_process_hci_commands: HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS (Group 4 Opcode 0x2)9synch event FINISH received, module RF_CALIBRATION, msi 2KDCOA =3371, perinv =29097UART HCI baudrate = 115200OCP Clock = 8000000 Hz ORCA PlatformTemperature region = 6D 0x00005527 0x0002A5D5 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Configure_DDIP_Event% 0x000053CA 0x0002A479 HCI_Read_RSSI S 0x000001E1 0x000001E1 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Fast_Clock_Configuration_btip_EventcH 0x00000163 0x00000163 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventZ. 0x000044AB 0x00024BDA HCI_Flow_Specification 5D 0x0000445B 0x00024B8A HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Scan_Enable_Event42 0x00004323 0x00024A52 HCI_Link_Key_Request_Reply $1 0x00000231 0x00000231 HCI_Write_LE_Host_Support P 0x00000211 0x00000211 HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Supported_Features_Event 0x000001D9 0x000001D9 sc 2Event Name: HCI_Flow_Specification_Complete_Event Status = 0x00 (Success) Connection Handle = 0x0001 Flags = 0x00 Flow Direction = 0x00 (Outgoing Flow) Service Type = 0x02 (Guaranteed) Token Rate = 0x000061a8 Token Bucket Size = 0x0000014d Peak Bandwidth = 0x000061a8 Access Latency = 0x000032c8- 0x00002AC0 0x0001F2D7 HCI_Write_Scan_Enable XEvent Name: HCI_Link_Key_Request_Event BD Address of the Remote = "80:C5:F2:2E:F9:28"p0 0x00001FB8 0x00001FB8 HCI_Command_Status_EventgEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Scan_Enable_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c19 Status = 0x00 (Success) Scan Enable = 0x00 (No Scans)NR 0x000002D1 0x000002D1 HCI_Command_Complete_Write_Extended_Inquiry_Response_EventK1 0x000002BF 0x000002BF HCI_Write_Class_of_Device CEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Change_Local_Name_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x0c13 Status = 0x00 (Success)@Command Name:HCI_Delete_Stored_Link_Key BD Address of the Remote = "00:00:00:00:00:00" Delete All Flag = 0x01 (All stored Link Keys)<gEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_Read_Local_Version_Information_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0x1001 Status = 0x00 (Success) HCI Version = 0x08 (Bluetooth HCI Specification 4.2) HCI Revision = 0x0000 LMP Version = 0x08 (Bluetooth Core Specification 4.2) Manufacturer Name = 0x000d (Texas Instruments Inc.) LMP Subversion = 0x9a178 0x000001C7 0x000001C7 HCI_VS_Sleep_Mode_Configurations H 0x00000161 0x00000161 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventH 0x00000131 0x00000131 HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_EventEvent Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xff05 Status = 0x00 (Success)Event Name: HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate_Event Number HCI commands = 0x01 Command Opcode = 0xff36 Status = 0x00 (Success)JCommand Name:HCI_VS_Update_Uart_HCI_Baudrate Uart Baudrate = 0x000e1000K 0x00004FAD 0x0002A05C LMP_power_control_req Adjustment Request = 1 0x00004EF3 0x00029FA2 LMP_features_res 3-slot packets = 1, 5-slot packets = 1, Encryption = 1, Slot offset = 1, Timing accuracy = 1, Switch = 1, Hold mode = 1, Sniff mode = 1, Park Mode = 0, RSSI = 1, Channel quality driven data rate = 1, SCO link = 1, HV2 packets = 1, HV3 packets = 1, u-law log = 1, A-law log = 1, CVSD = 1, Paging scheme = 1, Power control = 1, Transparent synchronous data = 1, Flow control lag(least significant bit) = 0, Flow control lag(middle bit) = 1, Flow control lag(most significant bit) = 0, Broadcast encryption = 0, Reserved = 0, Medium Rate ACL 2 Mbps mode = 1, Medium Rate ACL 3 Mbps mode = 1, Enhanced inquiry scan = 1, Interlaced inquiry scan = 1, Interlaced page scan = 1, RSSI with inquiry results = 1, Extended SCO link (EV3 packets) = 1, EV4 packets = 1, EV5 packets = 1, Reserved = 0, AFH capable slave = 1, AFH classification slave = 1, Reserved = 0, Reserved = 1, 3 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1, 5 slot Medium Rate ACL packets = 1, Sniff Sub-Rate = 1, Encryption Pause Resume = 1, AFH capable master = 1, AFH classification master = 1, Medium Rate eSCO 2 Mbps mode = 7, Medium Rate eSCO 3 Mbps mode = 1, 3 slot medium rate eSCO packets = 1, Extended Inquiry Response = 0, = 1, = 1, Simple Pairing = 1, Encapsulated PDU = 1, Erroneous Data Reporting = 0, Non-flushable Packet Boundary Flag = 1, (Persistent Sniff) = 1, LSTO = 1, Inquiry TX Power Level = 0, Enhanced Power Control = 0, = 0, = 0, = 1, = ???, Extended features = ???KDCOA =2649, perinv =29190random 0x827e 0xaaf: 0x0000430C 0x00024A3B LMP_max_slots Max Slots = 5-IFA POLE calibration result: Gain=4, Value=12tEtemperature sensing: temp 25, read 0x21, vbe 0x28d3fe5, slope 0x1f58dZ;hcic_process_hci_commands: [0xfd55] (Group 3f Opcode 0x155)LCstart afh rssi scan pattern, is old process running 0, use RSSI = 10A 0x00002F88 0x0001F79F LMP_preferred_rate Data Rate = 112+;acl_receive_frame - opcode:127, len:3, trans:1, lc_handle:0&#QL_AFH slave report map not changed!afh link lc_handle 0, afh_table 2;AFH channel classification = 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 L 0x00002975 0x0001F18C LMP_sres Authentication Response = 0x52eb1cd67 0x00002924 0x0001F13B LMP_timing_accuracy_req O 0x00002923 0x0001F13A LMP_timing_accuracy_res Drift = 250, Jitter = 10lc set supervision tout 3e802synch cmd start instance, module MS SWITCH, msi: 1t:acl_receive_frame - opcode:19, len:5, trans:1, lc_handle:0iC 0x0000289B 0x0000289B LMP_accepted Opcode = LMP_switch_reqLWfeatures page = 1 max supported page = 2 extended features = 0b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F