root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# ./ CSI Camera 0 detected device = /dev/video4 name = imx219 format = [fmt:SRGGB8_1X8/1920x1080] subdev_id = /dev/v4l-subdev2 isp_required = yes CSI Camera 1 detected device = /dev/video12 name = imx219 format = [fmt:SRGGB8_1X8/1920x1080] subdev_id = /dev/v4l-subdev5 isp_required = yes root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# cd scripts/ root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/scripts# ls get_fb_resolution.c optiflow gst_tracers perf_stats root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/scripts# ./ CSI Camera 0 detected device = /dev/video4 name = imx219 format = [fmt:SRGGB8_1X8/1920x1080] subdev_id = /dev/v4l-subdev2 isp_required = yes CSI Camera 1 detected device = /dev/video12 name = imx219 format = [fmt:SRGGB8_1X8/1920x1080] subdev_id = /dev/v4l-subdev5 isp_required = yes root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/scripts# root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/scripts# cd .. root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# cat configs/rpiV2_cam_example_Video4.yaml title: "RPi Camera" log_level: 2 inputs: # rpi camera is supported only in Starter Kit # rpiV2 camera should be connected to CAM1 rpi header on SK # k3-j721e-sk-rpi-cam-imx219.dtbo should be applied in uenv.txt input0: source: /dev/video4 width: 1920 height: 1080 format: rggb subdev-id: 2 framerate: 30 models: model0: model_path: /opt/model_zoo/TVM-CL-3090-mobileNetV2-tv topN: 5 model1: model_path: /opt/model_zoo/ONR-OD-8200-yolox-nano-lite-mmdet-coco-416x416 viz_threshold: 0.6 model2: model_path: /opt/model_zoo/ONR-SS-8610-deeplabv3lite-mobv2-ade20k32-512x512 alpha: 0.4 outputs: output0: sink: kmssink width: 1920 height: 1080 overlay-performance: True output1: sink: /opt/edgeai-test-data/output/output_video.mkv width: 1920 height: 1080 output2: sink: /opt/edgeai-test-data/output/output_image_%04d.jpg width: 1920 height: 1080 flows: flow0: [input0,model1,output0,[320,180,1280,720]] root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# cat configs/rpiV2_cam_example_Video12.yaml title: "RPi Camera" log_level: 2 inputs: # rpi camera is supported only in Starter Kit # rpiV2 camera should be connected to CAM1 rpi header on SK # k3-j721e-sk-rpi-cam-imx219.dtbo should be applied in uenv.txt input0: source: /dev/video12 width: 1920 height: 1080 format: rggb subdev-id: 2 framerate: 30 models: model0: model_path: /opt/model_zoo/TVM-CL-3090-mobileNetV2-tv topN: 5 model1: model_path: /opt/model_zoo/ONR-OD-8200-yolox-nano-lite-mmdet-coco-416x416 viz_threshold: 0.6 model2: model_path: /opt/model_zoo/ONR-SS-8610-deeplabv3lite-mobv2-ade20k32-512x512 alpha: 0.4 outputs: output0: sink: kmssink width: 1920 height: 1080 overlay-performance: True output1: sink: /opt/edgeai-test-data/output/output_video.mkv width: 1920 height: 1080 output2: sink: /opt/edgeai-test-data/output/output_image_%04d.jpg width: 1920 height: 1080 flows: flow0: [input0,model1,output0,[320,180,1280,720]] root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# cd apps_python/ root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python# ./ ../configs/rpiV2_cam_example_Video4.yaml libtidl_onnxrt_EP loaded 0x2028f2a0 Final number of subgraphs created are : 1, - Offloaded Nodes - 289, Total Nodes - 289 APP: Init ... !!! APP_LOG: ERROR: Unable to map memory @ 0xaf000000 of size 262144 bytes !!! APP: ERROR: Log writer init failed !!! APP: Init ... Done !!! Segmentation fault (core dumped) root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python# ./ ../configs/rpiV2_cam_example_Video12.yaml libtidl_onnxrt_EP loaded 0x32eb2570 Final number of subgraphs created are : 1, - Offloaded Nodes - 289, Total Nodes - 289 APP: Init ... !!! APP_LOG: ERROR: Unable to map memory @ 0xaf000000 of size 262144 bytes !!! APP: ERROR: Log writer init failed !!! APP: Init ... Done !!! Segmentation fault (core dumped) root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python# cat /run/media/mmcblk1p1/uEnv.txt # This uEnv.txt file can contain additional environment settings that you # want to set in U-Boot at boot time. This can be simple variables such # as the serverip or custom variables. The format of this file is: # variable=value # NOTE: This file will be evaluated after the bootcmd is run and the # bootcmd must be set to load this file if it exists (this is the # default on all newer U-Boot images. This also means that some # variables such as bootdelay cannot be changed by this file since # it is not evaluated until the bootcmd is run. psdk_setup_file=.psdk_setup check_psdk_setup=load mmc 1:1 ${loadaddr} ${psdk_setup_file} # Reset to the default environment do_psdk_setup=env default -f -a; saveenv # If not done previously, then reset to the default environment and indicate this by writing a file # Also, the SK requires an additional dtbo to boot. Prepend it to name_overlays depending on board_name uenvcmd=if run check_psdk_setup; then echo "Already setup."; else run do_psdk_setup; mw.b ${loadaddr} 0 1; fatwrite mmc 1:1 ${loadaddr} .psdk_setup 1; reset; fi; if test "$board_name" = "am69-sk"; then ; setenv name_overlays k3-am69-sk-ddr-mem-carveout.dtbo $name_overlays ; fi # Setting the right U-Boot environment variables dorprocboot=1 #Rio: Original #name_overlays=k3-j784s4-edgeai-apps.dtbo #Rio: For IMX219 camera name_overlays=k3-j784s4-edgeai-apps.dtbo k3-am69-sk-rpi-cam-imx219.dtbo root@am69a-sk:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python#