EtherNet/IP ODVA Conformance Test Results

Test: ACD Behavior Test (HIWIN)
Version: 2.4.13
TimeStamp: 2023-04-14T10:22:01.4068679+08:00
Elapsed Seconds: 2539.6748946
Test Engineer: hiwin
Authentication: AuthenticationInvalid
Test Result: FAIL
EtherNet/IP CT19-EN Single User License. Licensed to Su, Bo-Cheng, HIWIN MIKROSYSTEM CORP..

Test Step Description Result
InitializeRoutine PASS
|―0.1 - Enter Test Engineer Info PASS
|―0.2 - SelectIpAddress Ethernet 4: PASS
|―0.2.1 - Configure Adapter Network adapter 'Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T2' on local host: PASS
|―0.3 - Load STC File am243x-lp_tiEtherNetIP_freeRTOS_hiwin PASS
|―0.3.1 - Initialize Script With STC Values PASS
|――SUB5 - Initialize Script With STC Values PASS
|――――S5.1 Assign DUT IP Address PASS
|――――S5.1.0 - DUT IP Address Test Note
|――――S5.2 Assign DUT MAC Address PASS
|――――S5.3 Assign Reset Timer PASS
|――――S5.4 Generate pcap Filter for Arp from DUT only with IP PASS
|――――S5.5 Generate pcap Filter for ARP or use of IP address from DUT PASS
|――――S5.6 Generate pcap Filter for ARP probe/announce only PASS
|――――S5.7 Generate pcap Filter for gratuitous ARP PASS
|――――S5.8 Assign PC Address as gateway PASS
|――――S5.9 Generate pcap Filter for ARP from DUT with conflict address PASS
|――――S5.10 Assign Message Wait Time PASS
|―0.3.5 - Verify Test Setup PASS
|―0.4 - List Identity N/A
|―― EtherNet/IP(tm) ADPT am243x-lp
|―0.4.1 - Did ListIdentity fail? PASS
|―0.5 - Register Session PASS
|――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―0.5 - Verify DUT is alive PASS
|―0.6 - Determine TCPIP Instance number PASS
|――SUB16 - Find Associated TCP/IP Interface Instance PASS
|――――S16.0.1 - Get Max Number of TCPIP Instances Status 0x 0014 N/A
|――――S16.0.2 - If Success Record number PASS
|――――S16.1 - Loop Through TCPIP Instances PASS
|――――――S16.1 - Loop Through TCPIP Instances[1] SKIP
|――――――――S16.1.1 - Set Instance to Iteration Number 1 PASS
|――――――――S16.1.2 - Get Interface Configuration Attribute 0A01A8C000FFFFFF0101A8C000000000000000000000 N/A
|――――――――S16.1.3 - If Get Attribute is successful, Check its value PASS
|――――――――――S16.1.3 - Get IP Address PASS
|――――――――――S16.1.4 - Does this TCPIP Instance Match? PASS
|――――――――――――S16.1.5 - Active TCPIP Instance Number 1 PASS
|――――――――――――S16.1.6 - Break loop PASS
|――――Record the TCP/IP Object Interface being used 1 Test Note
|―0.7 - Determine IP Configuration Method PASS
|――SUB18 - Determine IP Configuration Method PASS
|――――S18.1 - Get TCP/IP Attribute 3 00000000 PASS
|――――S18.2 - Get Configuration Method bits 0-3 00 PASS
|――――S18.3 - Is this static address? PASS
|――――――S18.3a - Static Address S18: DUT IP Configuration Method: STATIC VALUES Test Note
|――――――S18.3a.2 - Disable DHCP Steps Bypass PASS
|――――S18.3 - Else PASS
|―0.8 - Ensure DHCP Server is not running PASS
|―0.9 Ensure Second port not connected PASS
|――SUB26 - Disconnect Second Port PASS
|――――S26.1 - Is External Disconnect 2 Available? PASS
MainRoutine FAIL
|―1.0 Verify Default Values PASS
|―――1.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 1.0 Default Values PASS
|―――1.1 Get TCPIP Config Capability Attribute 95000000 PASS
|―――1.2 Mask ACD bit 7 of Config Capability 80 PASS
|―――1.3 Verify bit 7 is set - ACD Enabled. PASS
|―――1.4 Get TCPIP Object Revision 0400 PASS
|―――1.5 Verify Revision 4 PASS
|―――UnregisterSession PASS
|―――1.6 Verify Type 1 Reset PASS
|――――SUB1 - Type 1 Reset behavior PASS
|――――――S1.1 Register Session PASS
|―――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|―――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|―――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|―――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|―――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|―――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|―――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S1.1.1 Start DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S1.2 Type 1 reset N/A
|――――――S1.3 Is Type 1 Reset not supported? N/A
|――――――S1.4 Else PASS
|――――――――S1.4.0 - Ensure Device is Ready PASS
|―――――――――SUB23 - Reset Recovery Sequence PASS
|―――――――――――S23.1 - Is External Reset Recovery Available? PASS
|―――――――――――S23.3 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――S23.2.1 - Ensure device is ready OK PASS
|――――――――S1.4.1 Register Session PASS
|―――――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|―――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|―――――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|―――――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|―――――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|――――――――S1.4.1 Report IP Configuration Method (to ensure it hasn't changed) PASS
|―――――――――SUB18 - Determine IP Configuration Method PASS
|―――――――――――S18.1 - Get TCP/IP Attribute 3 00000000 PASS
|―――――――――――S18.2 - Get Configuration Method bits 0-3 00 PASS
|―――――――――――S18.3 - Is this static address? PASS
|―――――――――――――S18.3a - Static Address S18: DUT IP Configuration Method: STATIC VALUES Test Note
|―――――――――――――S18.3a.2 - Disable DHCP Steps Bypass PASS
|―――――――――――S18.3 - Else PASS
|――――――――S1.4.2 Get TCPIP Attribute 1 - Status 01000000 PASS
|――――――――S1.4.3 Mask bit 6 & bit 7 of Status Attribute 0000 PASS
|――――――――S1.4.4 Verify Status bits 6 & 7 are zero PASS
|――――――――S1.4.5 Get TCPIP Attribute 10 - Select ACD 01 PASS
|――――――――S1.4.6 Verify Attribute 10 is 0x01 ACD Enabled PASS
|――――――――S1.4.7 Get TCPIP Attribute 11 - Last Conflict detected 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 PASS
|――――――――S1.4.7 Verify Attribute 11 is 35 zero bytes PASS
|――――――S1.5 UnregisterSession PASS
|――――――S1.6 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―2.0 Attribute 10 Behavior Test PASS
|―――2.1 Attribute 10 delayed change, conflict still detected PASS
|―――――2.1.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 2.1 Attribute 10 Delayed Change PASS
|―――――Register Session PASS
|――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―――――2.1.1 Set SelectAcd = 00 PASS
|―――――UnregisterSession PASS
|―――――DelayStep 200ms PASS
|―――――2.1.2 Generate a conflict PASS
|――――――SUB2 - Generate ARP Startup Conflict PASS
|――――――――S2.0 Open Adapter - Generate Conflict PASS
|――――――――――S2.1 Send First Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.2 Send Second Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.3 Send Third Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.4 Send Fourth Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.5 Send First Announce 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 1800ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.6 Send Second Announce 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|―――――2.1.3 Verify LED Operation PASS
|――――――SUB22 - Verify LED Operation PASS
|―――――2.1.4 Verify DUT doesn't respond N/A
|――――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test Status 0x 00 N/A
|―――――2.1.5 Did DUT Respond? PASS
|―――2.2 Attribute 10, NV check and conflict not detected PASS
|―――――2.2.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 2.2 Attribute 10 NV Check PASS
|―――――Power Cycle PASS
|――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Wait for Startup? PASS
|――――――――――S4.4.1 Startup Delay 30000ms PASS
|――――――――――S4.4.2 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――Register Session PASS
|――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―――――2.2.1 Get TCPIP Object Instance Attribute 1 01000000 PASS
|―――――2.2.2 Get TCPIP Object Instance Attribute 10 00 PASS
|―――――2.2.3 Get TCPIP Object Instance Attribute 11 0200216C123456000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|―――――2.2.4 Mask bit 6 & bit 7 of Status Attribute 0000 PASS
|―――――2.2.5 Verify Status bits 6 & 7 are zero PASS
|―――――2.2.6 Verify ACD Enable is off PASS
|―――――2.2.7 Verify Attribute 11 contains conflict data (not zeros) PASS
|―――――2.2.8 Generate a conflict PASS
|――――――SUB2 - Generate ARP Startup Conflict PASS
|――――――――S2.0 Open Adapter - Generate Conflict PASS
|――――――――――S2.1 Send First Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.2 Send Second Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.3 Send Third Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.4 Send Fourth Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.5 Send First Announce 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 1800ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.6 Send Second Announce 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|―――――2.2.9 Try to communicate 2603 N/A
|―――――2.2.10 Does the DUT Still Respond with ACD off? PASS
|―――2.3 Attribute 10 reset behavior PASS
|―――――2.3.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 2.3 Attribute 10 reset behavior PASS
|―――――2.3 Verify Type 1 Reset PASS
|――――――SUB1 - Type 1 Reset behavior PASS
|――――――――S1.1 Register Session PASS
|―――――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|―――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|―――――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|―――――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|―――――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|――――――――S1.1.1 Start DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S1.2 Type 1 reset N/A
|――――――――S1.3 Is Type 1 Reset not supported? N/A
|――――――――S1.4 Else PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.0 - Ensure Device is Ready PASS
|―――――――――――SUB23 - Reset Recovery Sequence PASS
|―――――――――――――S23.1 - Is External Reset Recovery Available? PASS
|―――――――――――――S23.3 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――――S23.2.1 - Ensure device is ready OK PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.1 Register Session PASS
|―――――――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|―――――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|―――――――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|―――――――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|―――――――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|―――――――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|―――――――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.1 Report IP Configuration Method (to ensure it hasn't changed) PASS
|―――――――――――SUB18 - Determine IP Configuration Method PASS
|―――――――――――――S18.1 - Get TCP/IP Attribute 3 00000000 PASS
|―――――――――――――S18.2 - Get Configuration Method bits 0-3 00 PASS
|―――――――――――――S18.3 - Is this static address? PASS
|―――――――――――――――S18.3a - Static Address S18: DUT IP Configuration Method: STATIC VALUES Test Note
|―――――――――――――――S18.3a.2 - Disable DHCP Steps Bypass PASS
|―――――――――――――S18.3 - Else PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.2 Get TCPIP Attribute 1 - Status 01000000 PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.3 Mask bit 6 & bit 7 of Status Attribute 0000 PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.4 Verify Status bits 6 & 7 are zero PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.5 Get TCPIP Attribute 10 - Select ACD 01 PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.6 Verify Attribute 10 is 0x01 ACD Enabled PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.7 Get TCPIP Attribute 11 - Last Conflict detected 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 PASS
|――――――――――S1.4.7 Verify Attribute 11 is 35 zero bytes PASS
|――――――――S1.5 UnregisterSession PASS
|――――――――S1.6 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―3.1 & 3.2 Attribute 11 Conflict Record Verification - ACD Activity 02 or 03 PASS
|―――3.1 Attribute 11 conflict record verification - ACD Activity 02 or 03 PASS
|―――――3.1.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.1 ACD Activity 02 or 03 PASS
|―――――3.1.1 Generate a conflict PASS
|――――――SUB2 - Generate ARP Startup Conflict PASS
|――――――――S2.0 Open Adapter - Generate Conflict PASS
|――――――――――S2.1 Send First Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.2 Send Second Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.3 Send Third Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.4 Send Fourth Conflict Probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 120ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.5 Send First Announce 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――――DelayStep 1800ms PASS
|――――――――――S2.6 Send Second Announce 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|―――――3.1.2 Verify LED Operation PASS
|――――――SUB22 - Verify LED Operation PASS
|―――――3.1.3 Verify DUT Doesn't respond N/A
|――――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test Status 0x 00 N/A
|―――――3.1.4 Verify DUT doesn't respond after a conflict is detected. PASS
|―――3.2 Attribute 1 and 11 conflict record verification - ACD Activity 02 or 03 PASS
|―――――3.2.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.2 Attribute 1 & 11 Conflict Record Verification PASS
|―――――3.2.1 Verify AcdStatus Bit PASS
|――――――SUB7 - Verify AcdStatus Bit after conflict PASS
|――――――――S7.0 Enable DHCP support if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S7.1 Disconnect Media PASS
|―――――――――SUB24 - Disconnect Media PASS
|―――――――――――S24.1 - Is External Media Disconnect Available? PASS
|―――――――――――S24.4 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――S24.5 - Unplug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S7.2 Connect Media PASS
|―――――――――SUB25 - Connect Media PASS
|―――――――――――S25.1 - Is External Media Connect Available? PASS
|―――――――――――S25.4 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――S25.5 - Plug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S7.3 RegisterSession - Don't expect success N/A
|―――――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|―――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|―――――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|―――――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――――S7.4 Get TCPIP status attribute 41000000 N/A
|――――――――S7.5 If able to communicate... PASS
|――――――――――S7.5.1 Get bit 6 ACD status 40 PASS
|――――――――――S7.5.2 Verify bit 6 ACD status is set indicating conflict PASS
|――――――――S7.6 Turn off DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――Power Cycle N/A
|――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Wait for Startup? PASS
|――――――――――S4.4.1 Startup Delay 30000ms PASS
|――――――――――S4.4.2 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――Register Session PASS
|――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―――――3.2.2 Verify Last Conflict Detected PASS
|――――――SUB8 - Verify Last Conflict Detected PASS
|――――――――S8.1 - Get TCPIP Attribute 11 Last Conflict Detected 0200216C123456000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――S8.2 - Get AcdActivity Byte 02 PASS
|――――――――S8.4 - Verify AcdActivity is 02 PASS
|――――――――S8.5 - Get Remote MAC 00216C123456 PASS
|――――――――S8.6 - Verify Remote MAC PASS
|――――――――S8.7 - Get ARP PDU 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|―――――3.2.3 Verify Arp Pdu matches what we sent PASS
|―――――3.2.4 Verify AcdStatus cleared PASS
|――――――SUB9 - Verify Status bits cleared PASS
|――――――――S9.1 - Get TCPIP Attribute 1 01000000 PASS
|――――――――S9.2 - Mask bit 6 & bit 7 of Status Attribute 0000 PASS
|――――――――S9.3 - Verify Status bits 6 & 7 are zero PASS
|―3.3 Attribute 11 set test PASS
|―――3.3.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.3.0 Attribute 11 Set Test PASS
|―――3.3.1 Set Attribute 11 to 34 zeros Status 0x 0013 N/A
|―――3.3.1 Verify Status 0x13 PASS
|―――3.3.2 Set Attribute 11 to 36 zeros Status 0x 0015 N/A
|―――3.3.2 Verify Status 0x15 PASS
|―――3.3.3 Set Attribute 11 to 34 zeros plus one FF Status 0x 009 N/A
|―――3.3.3 Verify Status 0x09 PASS
|―――3.3.4 Set Attribute 11 to one FF plus 34 zeros Status 0x 009 N/A
|―――3.3.4 Verify Status 0x09 PASS
|―――3.3.5 Set Attribute 11 to 35 zeros PASS
|―――3.3.5 Get Attribute 11 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 PASS
|―――3.3.5 Verify Attribute 11 is 35 zero bytes PASS
|―3.4 & 3.5 Attribute 11 Conflict Record Verification - ACD Activity 01 PASS
|―――3.4 Attribute 11 conflict record verification - ACD Activity 01 (ARP Response conflict) PASS
|―――――3.4.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.4 ACD Activity 01 PASS
|―――――Power Cycle N/A
|――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――――3.4 OpenAdapter PASS
|―――――――3.4.1 Start Acquisition PASS
|―――――――3.4.2 Wait for Initial Probe PASS
|―――――――3.4.3 Send ARP Response Conflict 000108000604000200216C123456C0A8010AF4844CF98C0A00000000 PASS
|――――――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――3.4.4 CompleteAcquisition PASS
|―――――3.4.2 Verify LED Operation PASS
|――――――SUB22 - Verify LED Operation PASS
|―――――3.4.3 Verify DUT Doesn't respond N/A
|――――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test Status 0x 00 N/A
|―――――3.4.4 Verify DUT doesn't respond after a conflict is detected. PASS
|―――3.5 Attribute 11 conflict record verification - ACD Activity 01 (Continued) PASS
|―――――3.5.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.5 Conflict Record Verification ACD Activity 01 PASS
|―――――3.5.1 Verify AcdStatus Bit PASS
|――――――SUB7 - Verify AcdStatus Bit after conflict PASS
|――――――――S7.0 Enable DHCP support if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S7.1 Disconnect Media PASS
|―――――――――SUB24 - Disconnect Media PASS
|―――――――――――S24.1 - Is External Media Disconnect Available? PASS
|―――――――――――S24.4 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――S24.5 - Unplug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S7.2 Connect Media PASS
|―――――――――SUB25 - Connect Media PASS
|―――――――――――S25.1 - Is External Media Connect Available? PASS
|―――――――――――S25.4 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――S25.5 - Plug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S7.3 RegisterSession - Don't expect success N/A
|―――――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|―――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|―――――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|―――――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――――S7.4 Get TCPIP status attribute 41000000 N/A
|――――――――S7.5 If able to communicate... PASS
|――――――――――S7.5.1 Get bit 6 ACD status 40 PASS
|――――――――――S7.5.2 Verify bit 6 ACD status is set indicating conflict PASS
|――――――――S7.6 Turn off DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――Power Cycle N/A
|――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Wait for Startup? PASS
|――――――――――S4.4.1 Startup Delay 30000ms PASS
|――――――――――S4.4.2 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――Register Session PASS
|――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―――――3.5.2 Verify Last Conflict Detected PASS
|――――――SUB8 - Verify Last Conflict Detected PASS
|――――――――S8.1 - Get TCPIP Attribute 11 Last Conflict Detected 0100216C123456000108000604000200216C123456C0A8010AF4844CF98C0A00000000 PASS
|――――――――S8.2 - Get AcdActivity Byte 01 PASS
|――――――――S8.3 - Verify AcdActivity is 01 PASS
|――――――――S8.5 - Get Remote MAC 00216C123456 PASS
|――――――――S8.6 - Verify Remote MAC PASS
|――――――――S8.7 - Get ARP PDU 000108000604000200216C123456C0A8010AF4844CF98C0A00000000 PASS
|―――――3.5.3 Verify Arp Pdu matches what we sent PASS
|―――――3.5.4 Verify AcdStatus cleared PASS
|――――――SUB9 - Verify Status bits cleared PASS
|――――――――S9.1 - Get TCPIP Attribute 1 01000000 PASS
|――――――――S9.2 - Mask bit 6 & bit 7 of Status Attribute 0000 PASS
|――――――――S9.3 - Verify Status bits 6 & 7 are zero PASS
|―3.6 Attribute 11 reset via Type 1 Reset service to the Identity object PASS
|―――3.6.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.6 Attribute 11 reset. PASS
|―――3.6.1 Simple reset PASS
|――――SUB6 - Manual Type 1 Reset PASS
|――――――S6.1 Set TCPIP Attribute 10 to 0x01 ACD Enabled PASS
|――――――S6.2 Set TCPIP Attribute 11 Last Conflict Detected to all zeros PASS
|――――――S6.3 Cycle Power. PASS
|―――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|―――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|―――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|―――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|―――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|―――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|――――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|―――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|―――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|―――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|―――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|―――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――――――――S4.4 Wait for Startup? PASS
|―――――――――――S4.4.1 Startup Delay 30000ms PASS
|―――――――――――S4.4.2 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―3.7 & 3.8 Attribute 11 Conflict Record Verification - ACD Activity 01 FAIL
|―――3.7 Attribute 11 conflict record verification - ACD Activity 01 (ARP announce conflict) FAIL
|―――――3.7.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.7 ACD Activity 01 PASS
|―――――Power Cycle N/A
|――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――――3.7 OpenAdapter PASS
|―――――――3.7.1 Start Acquisition PASS
|―――――――3.7.2 Wait for Initial Probe PASS
|―――――――3.7.3 Send a conflicting ARP announce 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――3.7.4 CompleteAcquisition PASS
|―――――3.7.5 Verify LED Operation PASS
|――――――SUB22 - Verify LED Operation PASS
|―――――3.7.6 Verify DUT doesn't respond N/A
|――――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test N/A
|―――――3.7.7 Verify DUT doesn't respond after a conflict is detected. FAIL
|―――――――UnregisterSession PASS
|―――――――3.7.7 DUT must not respond after a conflict is detected 3.7.4 DUT must not respond after a conflict is detected. FAIL
|―――3.8 Attribute 1 and 11 conflict record verification - ACD Activity 01 FAIL
|―――――3.8.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.8 Attribute 1 & 11 Conflict Record Verification PASS
|―――――3.8.1 Verify AcdStatus Bit FAIL
|――――――SUB7 - Verify AcdStatus Bit after conflict FAIL
|――――――――S7.0 Enable DHCP support if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S7.1 Disconnect Media PASS
|―――――――――SUB24 - Disconnect Media PASS
|―――――――――――S24.1 - Is External Media Disconnect Available? PASS
|―――――――――――S24.4 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――S24.5 - Unplug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S7.2 Connect Media PASS
|―――――――――SUB25 - Connect Media PASS
|―――――――――――S25.1 - Is External Media Connect Available? PASS
|―――――――――――S25.4 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――S25.5 - Plug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S7.3 RegisterSession - Don't expect success N/A
|―――――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|―――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|―――――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|―――――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|―――――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――――S7.4 Get TCPIP status attribute 01000000 N/A
|――――――――S7.5 If able to communicate... FAIL
|――――――――――S7.5.1 Get bit 6 ACD status 00 PASS
|――――――――――S7.5.2 Verify bit 6 ACD status is set indicating conflict FAIL
|――――――――――――SetFail Bit 6 of TCPIP status (AcdStatus) is not set. FAIL
|――――――――S7.6 Turn off DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――Power Cycle N/A
|――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Wait for Startup? PASS
|――――――――――S4.4.1 Startup Delay 30000ms PASS
|――――――――――S4.4.2 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――Register Session PASS
|――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―――――3.8.2 Verify Last Conflict Detected FAIL
|――――――SUB8 - Verify Last Conflict Detected FAIL
|――――――――S8.1 - Get TCPIP Attribute 11 Last Conflict Detected 0200216C123456000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――――――S8.2 - Get AcdActivity Byte 02 PASS
|――――――――S8.3 - Verify AcdActivity is 01 FAIL
|――――――――――SetFail LastConflictDetected: AcdActivity must be 01. FAIL
|――――――――S8.5 - Get Remote MAC 00216C123456 PASS
|――――――――S8.6 - Verify Remote MAC PASS
|――――――――S8.7 - Get ARP PDU 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|―――――3.8.3 Verify Arp Pdu matches what we sent PASS
|―――――3.8.4 Verify AcdStatus cleared PASS
|――――――SUB9 - Verify Status bits cleared PASS
|――――――――S9.1 - Get TCPIP Attribute 1 01000000 PASS
|――――――――S9.2 - Mask bit 6 & bit 7 of Status Attribute 0000 PASS
|――――――――S9.3 - Verify Status bits 6 & 7 are zero PASS
|―3.9 Attribute 11 reset via Type 1 Reset service to the Identity object PASS
|―――3.9.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 3.9 Attribute 11 reset PASS
|―――3.9.1 Simple reset PASS
|――――SUB6 - Manual Type 1 Reset PASS
|――――――S6.1 Set TCPIP Attribute 10 to 0x01 ACD Enabled PASS
|――――――S6.2 Set TCPIP Attribute 11 Last Conflict Detected to all zeros PASS
|――――――S6.3 Cycle Power. PASS
|―――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|―――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|―――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|―――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|―――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|―――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|――――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|―――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|―――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|―――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|―――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|―――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――――――――S4.4 Wait for Startup? PASS
|―――――――――――S4.4.1 Startup Delay 30000ms PASS
|―――――――――――S4.4.2 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―4.1 No IP Frames Sent Until Address Successfully Probed PASS
|―――4.1.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.1 No IP Frames until Address Successfully Probed PASS
|―――4.1 Power Cycle PASS
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.1 OpenAdapter - acquire any IP packet PASS
|―――――4.1.1 StartAcquisition PASS
|―――――4.1.2 CompleteAcquisition Acquired 4 packets. PASS
|―――4.1.2 Verify ACD ARP sequence PASS
|―――――ACD Timing - Active Phase 200ms,  ms,  ms,  200ms,  2000ms PASS
|―――――Probe Phase Only 2 Probes received. ADVISORY
|―――4.1.3 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―4.2 ACD Probe Timing and ACD Announce Timing FAIL
|―――4.2.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.2 ACD Probe and Announce Timing PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.2.2 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 1 packets. N/A
|―――4.2.5 Verify ACD timing FAIL
|―――――ACD Timing - Active Phase ms,  ms,  ms,  -100867ms,  ms FAIL
|―――――Probe Phase Did not receive the minimum two Probes. FAIL
|―――――Announce Phase Did not receive second Announce packet. FAIL
|―――――Announce Interval First Announce Delay: -100867.4518ms. FAIL
|――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―4.3 ACD Process Restarted When Cable Reconnected FAIL
|―――4.3.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.3 ACD Process Restart When Cable Reconnected PASS
|―――4.3.1 Disconnect Media PASS
|――――SUB24 - Disconnect Media PASS
|――――――S24.1 - Is External Media Disconnect Available? PASS
|――――――S24.4 - Else PASS
|――――――――S24.5 - Unplug cable OK PASS
|―――4.3.2 Start DHCP Server if needed PASS
|――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|―――4.3.3 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Connect Media if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB25 - Connect Media PASS
|―――――――――――S25.1 - Is External Media Connect Available? PASS
|―――――――――――S25.4 - Else PASS
|―――――――――――――S25.5 - Plug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 1 packets. N/A
|―――4.3.4 Verify ACD timing FAIL
|―――――ACD Timing - Active Phase ms,  ms,  ms,  -104690ms,  ms FAIL
|―――――Probe Phase Did not receive the minimum two Probes. FAIL
|―――――Announce Phase Did not receive second Announce packet. FAIL
|―――――Announce Interval First Announce Delay: -104690.2117ms. FAIL
|―――4.3.5 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―4.4 Ongoing ACD Probe Timing (10 minutes) PASS
|―――4.4.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.4 Ongoing ACD Probe Timing PASS
|―――4.4.1 Power Cycle PASS
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.4.2 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 1 packets. N/A
|―――4.4.3 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――4.4.4 OpenAdapter - 10 minute timeout PASS
|―――――4.4.5 Acquire for 10 minutes PASS
|―――――4.4.6 Complete Acquisition Acquired 5 packets. PASS
|―――4.4.7 Ongoing Probe Timing Analysis PASS
|―――――Detailed ACD Timing Result 133sec,  133sec,  133sec,  133sec,  PASS
|―4.5 Semi-Active State For Multi-Port Devices PASS
|―――4.5.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.5 Semi Active State For Multi-Port Devices PASS
|―――4.5 - Identify Multi-Port Device PASS
|――――SUB12 - Identify Multiport Device PASS
|――――――S12.1 Register Session PASS
|―――――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|―――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|―――――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|―――――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|―――――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|―――――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|―――――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S12.2 Determine if DUT has multiple ports PASS
|――――――S12.4 UnregisterSession PASS
|―――4.5 - Is This a Multi-Port Device? PASS
|―――――4.5.1 Power Cycle PASS
|――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――――4.5.2 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 4 packets. N/A
|―――――4.5.3 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――4.5.4 Acquire Semi-Active Probe PASS
|――――――SUB11 - Acquire Semi-Active Phase Probe PASS
|――――――――S11.0 - Present a message (if required) PASS
|――――――――――S11.0 - Plug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S11.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S11.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――――S11.3 - Is External Connect 2 Available? PASS
|――――――――――S11.4 Acquire Semi-Active Phase Probe PASS
|―――――4.5.5 Verify Semi-Active Probe Timing PASS
|―――――――ACD Timing - Semi-Active Phase 200ms,  ms,  ms,  ms,  ms PASS
|―――Else- This is not a multiport device. PASS
|―4.6 Multi-Port Devices Restart ACD Process on Link Up PASS
|―――4.6.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.6 Multi-Port Device Restart ACD on Link Up PASS
|―――4.6 - Is This a Multi-Port Device? PASS
|―――――4.6.1 Power Cycle PASS
|――――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|――――― Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 2 packets. N/A
|――――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――4.6.2 Disconnect cable to second port PASS
|――――――SUB26 - Disconnect Second Port PASS
|――――――――S26.1 - Is External Disconnect 2 Available? PASS
|――――――――S26.3 - Else PASS
|――――――――――S26.4 - Unplug cable OK PASS
|―――――4.6.3 Acquire Semi-Active Probe PASS
|――――――SUB11 - Acquire Semi-Active Phase Probe PASS
|――――――――S11.0 - Present a message (if required) PASS
|――――――――――S11.0 - Plug cable OK PASS
|――――――――S11.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――――S11.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――――S11.3 - Is External Connect 2 Available? PASS
|――――――――――S11.4 Acquire Semi-Active Phase Probe PASS
|―――――4.6.4 Verify Semi-Active Probe Timing PASS
|―――――――ACD Timing - Semi-Active Phase 200ms,  ms,  ms,  ms,  ms PASS
|―――――4.6.6 Disconnect Second Port PASS
|――――――SUB26 - Disconnect Second Port PASS
|――――――――S26.1 - Is External Disconnect 2 Available? PASS
|――――――――S26.3 - Else PASS
|――――――――――S26.4 - Unplug cable OK PASS
|―――Else- This is not a multiport device. PASS
|―4.7 Conflict Detection During Probe Phase - ARP Announce PASS
|―――4.7 - This is a duplicate of Test 3.7. 4.7 - Test 4.7 is a duplicate of test 3.7 and has been disabled. Please see the results of Test 3.7 for status of this test. Test Note
|―4.8 Conflict Dection After Probe Phase FAIL
|―――4.8.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.8 Conflict Detection After Probe Phase PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.8 OpenAdapter PASS
|―――――4.8.1 StartAcquisition PASS
|―――――4.8.2 Wait For Four Probes PASS
|―――――4.8.3 Send a conflicting ARP announce 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|――――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――4.8.4 CompleteAcquisition PASS
|―――4.8.5 Verify LED Operation PASS
|――――SUB22 - Verify LED Operation PASS
|―――4.8.6 Verify DUT doesn't respond N/A
|――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test N/A
|―――4.8.7 Verify DUT doesn't respond after a conflict is detected. FAIL
|―――――UnregisterSession PASS
|―――――4.8.7 DUT must not respond after a conflict is detected 4.8.7 DUT must not respond after a conflict is detected. FAIL
|―4.9 Verify LastConflictDetected Attribute PASS
|―――4.9.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.9 Verify Last Conflict Detected Attribute PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.9.1 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 5 packets. N/A
|―――Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――Register Session PASS
|――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―――4.9.2 Set Attribute 11 to 35 zeros PASS
|―――4.9.3 Get Attribute 11 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 PASS
|―――4.9.4 Verify Attribute 11 is 35 zero bytes PASS
|―――OpenAdapter PASS
|―――――4.9.5 Send conflicting ARP Request PASS
|――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|―――Wait a little to ensure Last Conflict is written. 2000ms PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|――――――S4.4 Wait for Startup? PASS
|――――――――S4.4.1 Startup Delay 30000ms PASS
|――――――――S4.4.2 Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――Register Session PASS
|――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―――4.9.6 Verify Last Conflict Detected PASS
|――――SUB8 - Verify Last Conflict Detected PASS
|――――――S8.1 - Get TCPIP Attribute 11 Last Conflict Detected 0200216C123456000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|――――――S8.2 - Get AcdActivity Byte 02 PASS
|――――――S8.4 - Verify AcdActivity is 02 PASS
|――――――S8.5 - Get Remote MAC 00216C123456 PASS
|――――――S8.6 - Verify Remote MAC PASS
|――――――S8.7 - Get ARP PDU 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|―――4.9.7 Verify Arp Pdu matches what we sent PASS
|―4.10 Conflict Isn't Detected Between Announce Frames PASS
|―――4.10.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.10 Conflict Not Detected Between Announce Frames PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.10 OpenAdapter PASS
|―――――4.10.1 StartAcquisition PASS
|―――――4.10.2 Wait For Four Probes Plus First Announce PASS
|―――――4.10.3 Send conflicting ARP Request PASS
|――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|――――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――――4.10.4 CompleteAcquisition PASS
|―――4.10.5 - Allow Settling time 500ms PASS
|―――4.10.6 Register Session - Device must still communicate PASS
|――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test N/A
|―――4.10.7 Verify Conflict is NOT Declared PASS
|―4.11 ACD Defend PASS
|―――4.11.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.11 ACD Defend PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.11.1 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce N/A
|―――4.11.2 Wait three seconds (defend interval elapsed) 3000ms PASS
|――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――4.11.3 Send Conflict, Verify Defend PASS
|――――SUB14 - Verify Defend PASS
|――――――S14 OpenAdapter. One Second timeout to defend PASS
|――――――――S14.1 StartAcquisition Looking for Defend ARP PASS
|――――――――S14.2 Send conflicting ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|――――――――S14.3 Get Defend ARP from DUT PASS
|――――――――S14.4 Does DUT Defend? PASS
|――――――S14.5 Verify DUT Defend ARP PASS
|―――4.11.5 Register Session - Device must still communicate PASS
|――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test N/A
|―――4.11.6 Verify Conflict is NOT Declared PASS
|―4.12 Conflict After Successful Address Probe PASS
|―――4.12.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.12 Conflict After Successful Address Probe. PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.12.1 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 1 packets. N/A
|――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――4.12.2 Send Conflict, Verify Defend PASS
|――――SUB14 - Verify Defend PASS
|――――――S14 OpenAdapter. One Second timeout to defend PASS
|――――――――S14.1 StartAcquisition Looking for Defend ARP PASS
|――――――――S14.2 Send conflicting ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|――――――――S14.3 Get Defend ARP from DUT PASS
|――――――――S14.4 Does DUT Defend? PASS
|――――――S14.5 Verify DUT Defend ARP PASS
|―――4.12.3 Wait for defend interval to elapse (> 2 seconds) 2500ms PASS
|―――4.12.4 Send Conflict, Verify Defend PASS
|――――SUB14 - Verify Defend PASS
|――――――S14 OpenAdapter. One Second timeout to defend PASS
|――――――――S14.1 StartAcquisition Looking for Defend ARP PASS
|――――――――S14.2 Send conflicting ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|――――――――S14.3 Get Defend ARP from DUT PASS
|――――――――S14.4 Does DUT Defend? PASS
|――――――S14.5 Verify DUT Defend ARP PASS
|―――4.12.5 Register Session - Device must still communicate PASS
|――――SUB3 - Register Session PASS
|――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop PASS
|――――――――S3.1 Register Session Try Loop[1] SKIP
|――――――――――S3.1.1 RegisterSession N/A
|――――――――――S3.1.2 Break out of loop if RegisterSession succeeded PASS
|――――――――――――BreakStep PASS
|――――――S3.2 Check for failed RegisterSession PASS
|―――4.12.6 Verify Conflict is NOT Declared PASS
|―――4.12.7 Wait three seconds (defend interval elapsed) 3000ms PASS
|―――4.12.8 Send Conflict, Verify Defend PASS
|――――SUB14 - Verify Defend PASS
|――――――S14 OpenAdapter. One Second timeout to defend PASS
|――――――――S14.1 StartAcquisition Looking for Defend ARP PASS
|――――――――S14.2 Send conflicting ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|――――――――S14.3 Get Defend ARP from DUT PASS
|――――――――S14.4 Does DUT Defend? PASS
|――――――S14.5 Verify DUT Defend ARP PASS
|―――4.12.9 Wait 1 Second (Defend Interval NOT elapsed) 1000ms PASS
|―――4.12.10 OpenAdapter. Send Second Conflict PASS
|―――――4.12.10 Send Second Conflict PASS
|――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|―――4.12.11 Verify LED Operation PASS
|――――SUB22 - Verify LED Operation PASS
|―――4.12.12 Verify DUT doesn't respond N/A
|――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test Status 0x 00 N/A
|―――4.12.13 Verify DUT doesn't respond after a conflict is detected. PASS
|―4.13 Address Not Used When Conflict is Declared PASS
|―――4.13.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.13 Address Not Used When Conflict is declared PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.13.1 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 1 packets. N/A
|――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――4.13.2 Wait 2 seconds 2000ms PASS
|―――4.13.3 Send Conflict, Verify Defend PASS
|――――SUB14 - Verify Defend PASS
|――――――S14 OpenAdapter. One Second timeout to defend PASS
|――――――――S14.1 StartAcquisition Looking for Defend ARP PASS
|――――――――S14.2 Send conflicting ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|―――――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|――――――――S14.3 Get Defend ARP from DUT PASS
|――――――――S14.4 Does DUT Defend? PASS
|――――――S14.5 Verify DUT Defend ARP PASS
|―――4.13.4 Wait 500ms 500ms PASS
|―――4.13.5 OpenAdapter PASS
|―――――4.13.6 Send Conflict PASS
|――――――SUB13 - Generate Conflict ARP Request PASS
|――――――――S13.1 Send Conflicting ARP Request 000108000604000100216C123456C0A8010A00000000000080808080 PASS
|―――――4.13.7 Wait 1 Second to give DUT time to stop. 500ms PASS
|―――――4.13.8 Start Acquisition looking for response from DUT PASS
|―――――4.13.9 Send ARP Request to DUT Address 000108000604000100216C12345680808080000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|―――――4.13.10 CompleteAcquisition Timed out waiting for packets N/A
|―――4.13.11 Did DUT respond? PASS
|―4.14 Directed ARP During Probe Phase Does Not Cause Conflict PASS
|―――4.14.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.14 Directed ARP During Probe Phase Does Not Cause Conflict PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.14 OpenAdapter PASS
|―――――4.14.1 Start Acquisition PASS
|―――――4.14.2 Wait for Initial Probe PASS
|―――――4.14.3 Send Directed ARP PASS
|――――――SUB15 - Generate Directed ARP PASS
|――――――――S15.1 Send Directed ARP request 000108000604000100216C12345600000000F4844CF98C0AC0A8010A PASS
|―――――4.14.4 CompleteAcquisition PASS
|――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――― Delay one second 1000ms PASS
|―――4.14.5 Register Session - Device must still communicate PASS
|――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test N/A
|―――4.14.6 Verify Conflict is NOT Declared PASS
|―4.15 Directed ARP Response In Ongoing Detection PASS
|―――4.15.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.15 Directed ARP Response in Ongoing Detection PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.15.1 Acquire Probe/Announce PASS
|――――SUB10 - Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce PASS
|――――――S10.1 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S10.2 Start Acquisition PASS
|――――――――S10.3 Acquire Active Phase Probe/Announce Acquired 5 packets. N/A
|――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――4.15.2 OpenAdapter PASS
|―――――4.15.2 StartAcquisition looking for ARP response PASS
|―――――4.15.3 Send First Directed ARP PASS
|――――――SUB15 - Generate Directed ARP PASS
|――――――――S15.1 Send Directed ARP request 000108000604000100216C12345600000000F4844CF98C0AC0A8010A PASS
|―――――4.15.4 Wait for first ARP response PASS
|―――――Delay one second 1000ms PASS
|―――――4.15.5 Send Second Directed ARP PASS
|――――――SUB15 - Generate Directed ARP PASS
|――――――――S15.1 Send Directed ARP request 000108000604000100216C12345600000000F4844CF98C0AC0A8010A PASS
|―――――4.15.6 Complete Acquisition of ARP response PASS
|―――4.15.7 Verify First ARP reply PASS
|―――4.15.7 Verify Second ARP reply PASS
|―――4.15.8 Register Session - Device must still communicate PASS
|――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test N/A
|―――4.15.9 Verify Conflict is NOT Declared PASS
|―4.16 Conflict Detection During Probe Phase - ARP Probe PASS
|―――4.16.0 Embed PCAP Message PASS
|――――SUB17 - Insert Message into PCAP Trace PASS
|――――――S17.0 OpenAdapter PASS
|――――――――S17.1 Embed message into PCAP Trace 4.16 Conflict Detection During Probe Phase - ARP Probe PASS
|―――Power Cycle N/A
|――――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――――S4.9 Power On PASS
|―――4.16 Open Adapter PASS
|―――――4.16.1 StartAcquisition PASS
|―――――4.16.2 Wait For Initial Probe PASS
|―――――4.16.3 Send a conflicting ARP probe 000108000604000100216C12345600000000000000000000C0A8010A PASS
|―――――4.16.4 Complete Acquisition PASS
|――― Stop DHCP Server PASS
|――――SUB20 - Stop DHCP Server PASS
|―――4.16.5 Verify LED Operation PASS
|――――SUB22 - Verify LED Operation PASS
|―――4.16.6 Verify DUT doesn't respond N/A
|――――SUB21 - Short RegisterSession PASS
|――――――S21 - RegisterSession Test Status 0x 00 N/A
|―――4.16.7 Verify DUT doesn't respond after a conflict is detected. PASS
FinallyRoutine PASS
|―FI - Final Power cycle DUT. PASS
|――SUB4 - Cycle Power PASS
|――――S4.1 Ensure session is unregistered N/A
|――――S4.2 Power Off Command - External PASS
|――――S4.3 Power Off - Internal PASS
|――――――S4.3 Power Off PASS
|――――S4.4 Turn on DHCP Server, if needed PASS
|―――――SUB19 - Start DHCP Server PASS
|――――S4.5 Settling Time - External PASS
|――――S4.6 Settling Time - Internal PASS
|――――――S4.6.1 Power Off Settling Time PASS
|――――S4.7 Power On Command - External PASS
|――――S4.8 - Power On Internal PASS
|――――――S4.9 Power On PASS