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LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1: What's the proper way of sending periodic advertising packets in BTool?

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1

I'm using simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_5_20_00_52.A.

I'm trying to make my TI Launchpad send periodic advertising packets using BTool.

This is how I start:

1.) I'm sending a HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd command.

2.) I'm initializing my TI Launchpad as a Peripheral using GAP_DeviceInit.

3.) I'm calling a GAPAdv_create command with propConnectable = DisablepropScannable = Disable and propLegacy = Disable, in order for GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable not to fail when calling it.

4.) I'm sending GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams with the default options provided by BTool, then GAPAdv_setPeriodicAdvData with PayloadLength = 4 and, finally, GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable.

Everything seems to work fine, and every response I receive in the log is SUCCESS. The problem is, when trying to scan for the device with my phone (using nRF Connect), I can't find my Launchpad.

What I managed to do was also send the GAPAdv_enable command after all the 4 steps mentioned above. This allowed the Launchpad to be discovered by my phone, as seen in the picture below. Still, I can only see the periodic advertising interval, only after I expand the properties of the device. The "main" advertising interval is 104 ms, while I only wanted periodic advertising data to be sent (the 7.5 ms below).

I've also provided a log with the commands I sent, in order to achieve the result above (the 4 steps + GAPAdv_enable).

[1] : <Tx> - 01:53:57.231
-Type           : 0x01 (Command)
-OpCode         : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
-Data Length    : 0x01 (1) byte(s)
 Type           : 0x00 (0) (Chip Reset)
0000:01 1D FC 01 00                                  .....
[2] : <Rx> - 01:53:57.262
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x05 (5) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x041D (1053) (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmdDone)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
 CmdOpCode      : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
0000:04 FF 05 1D 04 00 1D FC                         ........
[3] : <Tx> - 01:54:04.051
-Type           : 0x01 (Command)
-OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
-Data Length    : 0x08 (8) byte(s)
 ProfileRole    : 0x04 (4) (
 AddrMode       : 0x00 (0) (ADDRMODE_PUBLIC)
 RandomAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
0000:01 00 FE 08 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00             ............
[4] : <Rx> - 01:54:04.073
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
 OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
 DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 00 FE 00                      .........
[5] : <Rx> - 01:54:04.089
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x2C (44) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x0600 (1536) (GAP_DeviceInitDone)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
 DevAddr        : F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB
 DataPktLen     : 0x00FF (255)
 NumDataPkts    : 0x05 (5)
 IRK            : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
 CSRK           : DD:A8:4B:67:91:B2:52:68:5C:D9:70:CE:7C:12:F2:0C
0000:04 FF 2C 00 06 00 BB 8C 2D 5E 8A F8 FF 00 05 00 ..,.....-^......
0010:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD ................
0020:A8 4B 67 91 B2 52 68 5C D9 70 CE 7C 12 F2 0C    .Kg..Rh\.p.|...
[6] : <Tx> - 01:54:16.422
-Type           : 0x01 (Command)
-OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
-Data Length    : 0x15 (21) byte(s)
 Properties     : 0x0000 (0) (
                  AdvEventProps Bit Mask Is Not Set)
 IntervalMin    : 0x0000A0 (160)
 IntervalMax    : 0x0000A0 (160)
 PrimaryChMap   : 0x07 (7) (
 PeerAddrType   : 0x00 (0) (PEER_ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_OR_PUBLIC_ID)
 PeerAddress    : 00:00:00:00:00:00
 FilterPolicy   : 0x00 (0) (
                  AdvFilterPolicy Bit Mask Is Not Set)
 TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
 PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_PRIM_PHY_1_MBPS)
 SecondaryPHY   : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_SEC_PHY_1_MBPS)
 SID            : 0x00 (0)
0000:01 3E FE 15 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 07 00 00 00 .>..............
0010:00 00 00 00 00 7F 01 01 00                      .........
[7] : <Rx> - 01:54:16.468
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
 OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
 DataLength     : 0x01 (1)
 Handle         : 0x00 (0)
0000:04 FF 07 7F 06 00 3E FE 01 00                   ......>...
[8] : <Tx> - 01:54:24.918
-Type           : 0x01 (Command)
-OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
-Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
 Handle         : 0x00 (0)
 Interval Min   : 0x0006 (6)
 Interval Max   : 0x0006 (6)
 Properties     : 0x0000 (0)
0000:01 14 FE 07 00 06 00 06 00 00 00                ...........
[9] : <Rx> - 01:54:24.956
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
 OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
 DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 14 FE 00                      .........
[10] : <Rx> - 01:54:24.971
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x0619 (1561) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
0000:04 FF 03 19 06 00                               ......
[11] : <Tx> - 01:54:28.680
-Type           : 0x01 (Command)
-OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
-Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
 Handle         : 0x00 (0)
 Operation      : 0x03 (3) (Complete_Data)
 PayloadLength  : 0x04 (4)
 Data           : 00:11:22:33
0000:01 15 FE 07 00 03 04 00 11 22 33                ........."3
[12] : <Rx> - 01:54:28.695
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
 OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
 DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 15 FE 00                      .........
[13] : <Rx> - 01:54:28.711
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x061A (1562) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvData)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
0000:04 FF 03 1A 06 00                               ......
[14] : <Tx> - 01:54:32.172
-Type           : 0x01 (Command)
-OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
-Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
 Enable         : 0x01 (1)
 Handle         : 0x00 (0)
0000:01 16 FE 02 01 00                               ......
[15] : <Rx> - 01:54:32.195
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
 OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
 DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 16 FE 00                      .........
[16] : <Rx> - 01:54:32.210
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x061B (1563) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
0000:04 FF 03 1B 06 00                               ......
[17] : <Tx> - 01:54:36.303
-Type           : 0x01 (Command)
-OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
-Data Length    : 0x04 (4) byte(s)
 Handle         : 0x00 (0)
 EnableOptions  : 0x00 (0) (GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX)
 DurationMaxEvnt: 0x0000 (0)
0000:01 3F FE 04 00 00 00 00                         .?......
[18] : <Rx> - 01:54:36.335
-Type           : 0x04 (Event)
-EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
-Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
 Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
 Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
 OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
 DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 3F FE 00                      ......?..

My question is: Why do I also need to send GAPAdv_enable, in order for my device to be identifiable from the mobile phone? Did I, maybe, do something wrong while trying to activate periodic advertising or is my workflow (from the log) the correct one?

Another question would be, where can I see the advertising packets sent? I'm talking about the data (00:11:22:33) set using the GAPAdv_setPeriodicAdvData command.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for all the details you have provided. They are very helpful in understanding what is going on. To confirm, the device has been flashed with host_test, correct? I would recommend referencing the Periodic Advertising section of the User's Guide. It provides specific instructions with regards to how Periodic Advertisements should be configured.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello and thank you for the reply.

    I've followed the steps from the link provided by you and, in bTool, I've sent the following commands in order:

    GapAdv_create -> GapAdv_LoadData -> GapAdv_setEventMask -> GapAdv_enable -> GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams -> GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvData (and modified the payloadLength to 4 for the default data of 00:11:22:33) -> GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable

    The problem is, I wasn't able to see my device through the app. In the link provided by you, the second command that needs to be sent is GapAdv_loadByHandle, and not GapAdv_LoadData, but bTool doesn't seem to actually provide that command, and that's why I used the latter.
    By not calling that command at all, and directly moving to the third command (GapAdv_setEventMask) after GapAdv_create, I was able to see the Launchpad in my software.

    However, I've also tried to use BluePixel's BLE Scanner app, in order to check if some data was actually sent by my Launchpad, and, I cannot actually see anything being sent. The sent data should have been 00:11:22:33, the default data provided by bTool when calling the GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvData command.

    I've also included several screenshots, and my bTool workflow log (the one that worked, without the LoadData command).

    Hope these help, somehow.

    [1] : <Tx> - 11:06:45.044
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    -Data Length    : 0x01 (1) byte(s)
     Type           : 0x00 (0) (Chip Reset)
    0000:01 1D FC 01 00                                  .....
    [2] : <Rx> - 11:06:45.065
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x05 (5) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x041D (1053) (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmdDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     CmdOpCode      : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    0000:04 FF 05 1D 04 00 1D FC                         ........
    [3] : <Tx> - 11:06:51.335
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
    -Data Length    : 0x08 (8) byte(s)
     ProfileRole    : 0x04 (4) (
     AddrMode       : 0x00 (0) (ADDRMODE_PUBLIC)
     RandomAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    0000:01 00 FE 08 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [4] : <Rx> - 11:06:51.363
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 00 FE 00                      .........
    [5] : <Rx> - 11:06:51.378
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x2C (44) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0600 (1536) (GAP_DeviceInitDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     DevAddr        : F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB
     DataPktLen     : 0x00FF (255)
     NumDataPkts    : 0x05 (5)
     IRK            : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     CSRK           : DD:A8:4B:67:91:B2:52:68:5C:D9:70:CE:7C:12:F2:0C
    0000:04 FF 2C 00 06 00 BB 8C 2D 5E 8A F8 FF 00 05 00 ..,.....-^......
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DD ................
    0020:A8 4B 67 91 B2 52 68 5C D9 70 CE 7C 12 F2 0C    .Kg..Rh\.p.|...
    [6] : <Tx> - 11:07:02.170
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
    -Data Length    : 0x15 (21) byte(s)
     Properties     : 0x0000 (0) (
                      AdvEventProps Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     IntervalMin    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     IntervalMax    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     PrimaryChMap   : 0x07 (7) (
     PeerAddrType   : 0x00 (0) (PEER_ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_OR_PUBLIC_ID)
     PeerAddress    : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     FilterPolicy   : 0x00 (0) (
                      AdvFilterPolicy Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_PRIM_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_SEC_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SID            : 0x01 (1)
    0000:01 3E FE 15 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 07 00 00 00 .>..............
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 7F 01 01 01                      .........
    [7] : <Rx> - 11:07:02.209
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
     DataLength     : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 07 7F 06 00 3E FE 01 00                   ......>...
    [8] : <Tx> - 11:07:13.846
    -Type           : 0x09 (ExtCommand)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE45 (GapAdv_setEventMask)
    -Data Length    : 0x0300 (768) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     EventMask      : 0x0092 (146) (
    0000:09 45 FE 03 00 00 92 00                         .E......
    [9] : <Rx> - 11:07:13.879
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE45 (GapAdv_setEventMask)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 45 FE 00                      ......E..
    [10] : <Tx> - 11:07:18.680
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
    -Data Length    : 0x04 (4) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     EnableOptions  : 0x00 (0) (GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX)
     DurationMaxEvnt: 0x0000 (0)
    0000:01 3F FE 04 00 00 00 00                         .?......
    [11] : <Rx> - 11:07:18.708
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 3F FE 00                      ......?..
    [12] : <Rx> - 11:07:18.724
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00000001 (1) (
     AdvHandle      : 0x00 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 09 13 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [13] : <Tx> - 11:07:34.872
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     Interval Min   : 0x00A0 (160)
     Interval Max   : 0x00A0 (160)
     Properties     : 0x0040 (64)
    0000:01 14 FE 07 00 A0 00 A0 00 40 00                .........@.
    [14] : <Rx> - 11:07:34.890
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 14 FE 00                      .........
    [15] : <Rx> - 11:07:34.906
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0619 (1561) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 19 06 00                               ......
    [16] : <Tx> - 11:09:03.886
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     Operation      : 0x03 (3) (Complete_Data)
     PayloadLength  : 0x04 (4)
     Data           : 00:11:22:33
    0000:01 15 FE 07 00 03 04 00 11 22 33                ........."3
    [17] : <Rx> - 11:09:03.912
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 15 FE 00                      .........
    [18] : <Rx> - 11:09:03.939
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x061A (1562) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvData)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 1A 06 00                               ......
    [19] : <Tx> - 11:09:26.366
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
    -Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
     Enable         : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:01 16 FE 02 01 00                               ......
    [20] : <Rx> - 11:09:26.409
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 16 FE 00                      .........
    [21] : <Rx> - 11:09:26.431
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x061B (1563) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 1B 06 00                               ......

  • Hi,

    Do you have access to a BLE sniffer? If so, could you take a OTA capture of the BLE traffic when you send the specified host_test commands? This will help us verify if the advertisements are being sent out along with the data being sent within.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello,

    used Ellisys's Bluetooth Analyzer with one of their sniffers. This is the result:

    As I saw in a video of someone who also tried doing Extended Advertising, the Flags (from the "Extended Header" section, 3rd picture) should have also contained "Adv Data" (having the following three: "AdvDataInfo | SyncInfo | AdvData". Unfortunately, mine doesn't have this flag, meaning that I also don't have any Adv Data section with the info about the payload sent.

    I can't see the payload being sent anywhere else (I sent 00:11:22:33, together with the payloadLength=4 from bTool).

    Where can I specify "Adv Data" flag should also be used?

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Got it. Thank you for taking a sniffer log. These are very helpful in allowing us to see what is going on. Did you add the USE_PERIODIC_ADV predefine symbol to the host_test project? 

    Best Regards,


  • Hello.

    We do use that predefine.

    The periodic advertising functions also return SUCCESS.

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    Looking through your sniifer log, it does seem like the periodic advertising is working based on the Periodic Advertising section of the User's Guide. We are seeing the ADV_EXT_IND and the AUX_ADV_IND packets we expect to see in this case. Could you attach the sniffer log file to a reply in this thread so I can look over it as well? Could you try running the GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvData commnand before calling the GapAdv_enable to see if this allows the advertising data to be seen?

    Best Regards,


  • Hello,

    I've attached two log files which I got from BTool.

    I've used two TI Launchpads - the first one plays the Peripheral role and does Periodic Advertising with a 3-byte data (see LogFromPeripheral.txt), while the second one plays the Central role and scans for all devices (output in LogFromCentral.txt).

    F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB is the Peripheral's address and, as you can see in the second file, the device is found when running GAPScan_Enable. The problem is, he data sections are empty (length = 0 and no data shown).

    [1] : <Tx> - 03:45:59.176
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE51 (GapScan_enable)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) byte(s)
     Period         : 0x0000 (0)
     Duration       : 0x01F4 (500)
     MaxNumRecords  : 0x0028 (40)
    0000:01 51 FE 06 00 00 F4 01 28 00                   .Q......(.
    [2] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.207
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE51 (GapScan_enable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 51 FE 00                      ......Q..
    [3] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.223
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00010000 (65536) (
    0000:04 FF 07 13 06 00 00 00 01 00                   ..........
    [4] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.244
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 60:CC:5D:74:C9:F9
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA2 (162)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:07:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:23:18:C5:30:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 F9 C9 74 5D ..0.....@.....t]
    0010:CC 60 01 00 FF 7F A2 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .`..............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 07 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 23 18 ..........L...#.
    0030:C5 30 C1                                        .0.
    [5] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.260
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 10:5B:04:B3:8E:59
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA0 (160)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:73:30:AB:F6:EF:9A:0C:CA:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 59 8E B3 04 ..>.....@...Y...
    0010:5B 10 01 00 FF 7F A0 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [...............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 73 30 AB F6 EF 9A ........ .s0....
    0030:0C CA D6 CF 6C A2 A5 3A 6C 8C 38 B8 21 76 D6 80 ....l..:l.8.!v..
    0040:A0                                              .
    [6] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.281
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 37:D6:19:49:7A:54
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xC0 (192)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:83:C9:A8:47:5F:4D:60:B7:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 54 7A 49 19 ..>.....@...TzI.
    0010:D6 37 01 00 FF 7F C0 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .7..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 83 C9 A8 47 5F 4D ........ ....G_M
    0030:60 B7 9A 42 BE B5 DE 2F FC E3 E5 B7 B4 32 73 34 `..B.../.....2s4
    0040:B0                                              .
    [7] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.296
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3B (59) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 57:37:5E:E7:E0:23
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA3 (163)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001C (28)
     Data           : 02:01:06:03:03:F5:FF:14:21:E4:CC:DB:E2:2A:2A:A3:
    0000:04 FF 3B 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 23 E0 E7 5E ..;.....@...#..^
    0010:37 57 01 00 FF 7F A3 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7W..............
    0020:1C 00 02 01 06 03 03 F5 FF 14 21 E4 CC DB E2 2A ..........!....*
    0030:2A A3 A2 E9 11 99 B4 C0 BB 10 58 00 33 44       *.........X.3D
    [8] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.312
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 1F:DC:ED:3C:96:C0
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB8 (184)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:7F:EE:61:D6:67:54:A7:E4:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 C0 96 3C ED ..>.....@.....<.
    0010:DC 1F 01 00 FF 7F B8 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 7F EE 61 D6 67 54 ........ ...a.gT
    0030:A7 E4 07 64 B2 41 A7 94 32 4B 1B EB D6 53 C6 74 ...d.A..2K...S.t
    0040:B0                                              .
    [9] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.327
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x22 (34) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 53:11:D0:90:63:9B
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA5 (165)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0003 (3)
     Data           : 02:01:06
    0000:04 FF 22 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 9B 63 90 D0 ..".....@....c..
    0010:11 53 01 00 FF 7F A5 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .S..............
    0020:03 00 02 01 06                                  .....
    [10] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.343
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 01:4A:03:C0:F5:74
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA6 (166)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:E1:E7:95:A4:D5:1C:B6:40:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 74 F5 C0 03 ..>.....@...t...
    0010:4A 01 01 00 FF 7F A6 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 J...............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 E1 E7 95 A4 D5 1C ........ .......
    0030:B6 40 96 3A 32 62 7C 79 FE FA 69 9B 58 1D 09 81 .@.:2b|y..i.X...
    0040:F4                                              .
    [11] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.359
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 7B:E7:17:C6:A8:9A
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA4 (164)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:06:FA:D5:8B:10:E5:09:C5:27:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 9A A8 C6 17 ..>.....@.......
    0010:E7 7B 01 00 FF 7F A4 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .{..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 06 FA D5 8B 10 E5 09 ........ .......
    0030:C5 27 88 91 C7 E1 39 2F 89 D6 BA D4 DD 2A B2 D6 .'....9/.....*..
    0040:E0                                              .
    [12] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.375
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 69:EC:BE:26:EA:C6
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA1 (161)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:07:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:23:18:36:F8:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 C6 EA 26 BE ..0.....@.....&.
    0010:EC 69 01 00 FF 7F A1 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .i..............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 07 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 23 18 ..........L...#.
    0030:36 F8 F2                                        6..
    [13] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.421
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 09:A8:D2:17:AA:69
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB0 (176)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:B1:95:15:F2:33:51:E4:10:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 69 AA 17 D2 ..>.....@...i...
    0010:A8 09 01 00 FF 7F B0 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 B1 95 15 F2 33 51 ........ .....3Q
    0030:E4 10 D2 61 23 5B 4D E9 94 93 31 91 11 57 CF 5B ...a#[M...1..W.[
    0040:49                                              I
    [14] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.461
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 2D:9B:7D:D0:2B:12
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xBC (188)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:16:41:87:31:E9:F6:BC:41:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 12 2B D0 7D ..>.....@....+.}
    0010:9B 2D 01 00 FF 7F BC FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .-..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 16 41 87 31 E9 F6 ........ ..A.1..
    0030:BC 41 39 1D DB 60 E0 DE 2F EA EE B1 98 DE 42 93 .A9..`../.....B.
    0040:02                                              .
    [15] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.476
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x31 (49) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 78:21:34:8E:C2:00
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA6 (166)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0012 (18)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:0C:0B:FF:4C:00:10:06:18:1E:9F:61:
    0000:04 FF 31 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 00 C2 8E 34 ..1.....@......4
    0010:21 78 01 00 FF 7F A6 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 !x..............
    0020:12 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 18 1E ..........L.....
    0030:9F 61 41 93                                     .aA.
    [16] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.492
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 2E:94:3E:0C:C7:DF
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA4 (164)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:45:5C:B1:B3:DA:5F:D5:1E:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 DF C7 0C 3E ..>.....@......>
    0010:94 2E 01 00 FF 7F A4 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 45 5C B1 B3 DA 5F ........ .E\..._
    0030:D5 1E E2 D3 19 74 16 A2 18 58 3F 7A 43 54 C9 61 .....t...X?zCT.a
    0040:CF                                              .
    [17] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.508
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x1F (31) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x00 (0) (AE_Undir_NC_NS_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x00 (0) (ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC)
     Address        : F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0xA1 (161) (Unknown ScanScannedPhy #161)
     AdvSid         : 0x01 (1)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA0 (160)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0000 (0)
     Data           : 
    0000:04 FF 1F 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 BB 8C 2D 5E ........@.....-^
    0010:8A F8 01 A1 01 7F A0 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    0020:00 00                                           ..
    [18] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.746
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 49:BD:75:BF:C1:0B
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA3 (163)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:07:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:2F:1C:17:F3:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 0B C1 BF 75 ..0.....@......u
    0010:BD 49 01 00 FF 7F A3 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .I..............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 07 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 2F 1C ..........L.../.
    0030:17 F3 A9                                        ...
    [19] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.793
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 7F:77:5D:19:CF:6C
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xAF (175)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:18:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:03:98:63:97:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 6C CF 19 5D ..0.....@...l..]
    0010:77 7F 01 00 FF 7F AF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 w...............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 18 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 03 98 ..........L.....
    0030:63 97 71                                        c.q
    [20] : <Rx> - 03:45:59.824
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x22 (34) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x03 (3) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM_ID)
     Address        : D6:D5:D4:D3:D2:D1
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA0 (160)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0003 (3)
     Data           : 02:01:06
    0000:04 FF 22 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 03 D1 D2 D3 D4 ..".....@.......
    0010:D5 D6 01 00 FF 7F A0 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    0020:03 00 02 01 06                                  .....
    [21] : <Rx> - 03:46:04.210
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00020000 (131072) (
     EndReason      : 0x01 (1) (SCAN_END_REASON_DUR_EXP)
     NumberOfReports: 0x11 (17)
    0000:04 FF 09 13 06 00 00 00 02 00 01 11             ............
    [1] : <Tx> - 03:44:57.272
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
    -Data Length    : 0x15 (21) byte(s)
     Properties     : 0x0000 (0) (
                      AdvEventProps Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     IntervalMin    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     IntervalMax    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     PrimaryChMap   : 0x07 (7) (
     PeerAddrType   : 0x00 (0) (PEER_ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_OR_PUBLIC_ID)
     PeerAddress    : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     FilterPolicy   : 0x00 (0) (
                      AdvFilterPolicy Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_PRIM_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_SEC_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SID            : 0x01 (1)
    0000:01 3E FE 15 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 07 00 00 00 .>..............
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 7F 01 01 01                      .........
    [2] : <Rx> - 03:44:57.459
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
     DataLength     : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 07 7F 06 00 3E FE 01 00                   ......>...
    [3] : <Tx> - 03:45:06.455
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    -Data Length    : 0x01 (1) byte(s)
     Type           : 0x00 (0) (Chip Reset)
    0000:01 1D FC 01 00                                  .....
    [4] : <Rx> - 03:45:06.486
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x05 (5) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x041D (1053) (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmdDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     CmdOpCode      : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    0000:04 FF 05 1D 04 00 1D FC                         ........
    [5] : <Tx> - 03:45:08.905
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
    -Data Length    : 0x08 (8) byte(s)
     ProfileRole    : 0x04 (4) (
     AddrMode       : 0x00 (0) (ADDRMODE_PUBLIC)
     RandomAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    0000:01 00 FE 08 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [6] : <Rx> - 03:45:08.929
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 00 FE 00                      .........
    [7] : <Rx> - 03:45:08.945
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x2C (44) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0600 (1536) (GAP_DeviceInitDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     DevAddr        : F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB
     DataPktLen     : 0x00FF (255)
     NumDataPkts    : 0x05 (5)
     IRK            : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     CSRK           : EF:C2:BB:C7:47:D8:98:BB:3B:77:A3:27:0C:AE:F5:E8
    0000:04 FF 2C 00 06 00 BB 8C 2D 5E 8A F8 FF 00 05 00 ..,.....-^......
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EF ................
    0020:C2 BB C7 47 D8 98 BB 3B 77 A3 27 0C AE F5 E8    ...G...;w.'....
    [8] : <Tx> - 03:45:15.256
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
    -Data Length    : 0x15 (21) byte(s)
     Properties     : 0x0000 (0) (
                      AdvEventProps Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     IntervalMin    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     IntervalMax    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     PrimaryChMap   : 0x07 (7) (
     PeerAddrType   : 0x00 (0) (PEER_ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_OR_PUBLIC_ID)
     PeerAddress    : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     FilterPolicy   : 0x00 (0) (
                      AdvFilterPolicy Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_PRIM_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_SEC_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SID            : 0x01 (1)
    0000:01 3E FE 15 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 07 00 00 00 .>..............
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 7F 01 01 01                      .........
    [9] : <Rx> - 03:45:15.307
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
     DataLength     : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 07 7F 06 00 3E FE 01 00                   ......>...
    [10] : <Tx> - 03:45:19.985
    -Type           : 0x09 (ExtCommand)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE45 (GapAdv_setEventMask)
    -Data Length    : 0x0300 (768) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     EventMask      : 0x0092 (146) (
    0000:09 45 FE 03 00 00 92 00                         .E......
    [11] : <Rx> - 03:45:20.020
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE45 (GapAdv_setEventMask)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 45 FE 00                      ......E..
    [12] : <Tx> - 03:45:26.232
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
    -Data Length    : 0x04 (4) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     EnableOptions  : 0x00 (0) (GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX)
     DurationMaxEvnt: 0x0000 (0)
    0000:01 3F FE 04 00 00 00 00                         .?......
    [13] : <Rx> - 03:45:26.251
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 3F FE 00                      ......?..
    [14] : <Rx> - 03:45:26.266
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00000001 (1) (
     AdvHandle      : 0x00 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 09 13 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [15] : <Tx> - 03:45:29.476
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     Interval Min   : 0x00A0 (160)
     Interval Max   : 0x00A0 (160)
     Properties     : 0x0040 (64)
    0000:01 14 FE 07 00 A0 00 A0 00 40 00                .........@.
    [16] : <Rx> - 03:45:29.501
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 14 FE 00                      .........
    [17] : <Rx> - 03:45:29.526
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0619 (1561) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 19 06 00                               ......
    [18] : <Tx> - 03:45:33.426
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     Operation      : 0x03 (3) (Complete_Data)
     PayloadLength  : 0x03 (3)
     Data           : 00:01:02
    0000:01 15 FE 06 00 03 03 00 01 02                   ..........
    [19] : <Rx> - 03:45:33.453
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 15 FE 00                      .........
    [20] : <Rx> - 03:45:33.469
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x061A (1562) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvData)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 1A 06 00                               ......
    [21] : <Tx> - 03:45:35.196
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
    -Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
     Enable         : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:01 16 FE 02 01 00                               ......
    [22] : <Rx> - 03:45:35.236
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 16 FE 00                      .........
    [23] : <Rx> - 03:45:35.266
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x061B (1563) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 1B 06 00                               ......

    I've also provided the sniffer log as a file attachment.

  • Hi,

    Got it. Thank you! I will review the logs on Monday and get back to you with regards to next steps.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi,

    I have looked over the log and it does seem that the device is performing periodic advertising. The ADV_EXT_IND and AUX_ADV_IND packets are transmitted as is shown in the Periodic Advertising section of the user's guide. Have you followed the process detailed in the Synchronize with a Periodic Advertising Train section of the User's Guide for the central side of this? It details what is needed in order to see the periodic advertisements on the scanning side of the connection.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello,

    I've been trying to follow the steps mentioned in the page referenced by you, but I'm receiving a bleInvalidRange error when I'm trying to run GapScan_SetPeriodicAdvReceiveEnable. (see SyncWIthPeriodicAdvTrain.txt BTool log)

    [1] : <Info> - 01:43:32.854
    Port opened at 6/29/2022 1:43:32 PM
    [2] : <Tx> - 01:43:32.991
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    -Data Length    : 0x01 (1) byte(s)
     Type           : 0x00 (0) (Chip Reset)
    0000:01 1D FC 01 00                                  .....
    [3] : <Rx> - 01:43:33.242
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x05 (5) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x041D (1053) (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmdDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     CmdOpCode      : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    0000:04 FF 05 1D 04 00 1D FC                         ........
    [4] : <Tx> - 01:43:33.805
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
    -Data Length    : 0x08 (8) byte(s)
     ProfileRole    : 0x08 (8) (
     AddrMode       : 0x00 (0) (ADDRMODE_PUBLIC)
     RandomAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    0000:01 00 FE 08 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [5] : <Rx> - 01:43:33.973
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 00 FE 00                      .........
    [6] : <Rx> - 01:43:33.989
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x2C (44) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0600 (1536) (GAP_DeviceInitDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     DevAddr        : F8:8A:5E:2D:8A:BD
     DataPktLen     : 0x00FF (255)
     NumDataPkts    : 0x05 (5)
     IRK            : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     CSRK           : B1:A0:B9:FC:AE:3B:D6:1D:6E:8D:CB:17:E8:88:5E:05
    0000:04 FF 2C 00 06 00 BD 8A 2D 5E 8A F8 FF 00 05 00 ..,.....-^......
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B1 ................
    0020:A0 B9 FC AE 3B D6 1D 6E 8D CB 17 E8 88 5E 05    ....;..n.....^.
    [7] : <Tx> - 01:43:34.025
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE61 (GapInit_getPhyParam)
    -Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
     PHY            : 0x01 (1) (INIT_PHY_1M)
     ParamId        : 0x02 (2) (INIT_PHYPARAM_CONN_INT_MIN)
    0000:01 61 FE 02 01 02                               .a....
    [8] : <Tx> - 01:43:34.057
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE61 (GapInit_getPhyParam)
    -Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
     PHY            : 0x01 (1) (INIT_PHY_1M)
     ParamId        : 0x03 (3) (INIT_PHYPARAM_CONN_INT_MAX)
    0000:01 61 FE 02 01 03                               .a....
    [9] : <Tx> - 01:43:34.073
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE61 (GapInit_getPhyParam)
    -Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
     PHY            : 0x01 (1) (INIT_PHY_1M)
     ParamId        : 0x04 (4) (INIT_PHYPARAM_CONN_LATENCY)
    0000:01 61 FE 02 01 04                               .a....
    [10] : <Tx> - 01:43:34.092
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE61 (GapInit_getPhyParam)
    -Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
     PHY            : 0x01 (1) (INIT_PHY_1M)
     ParamId        : 0x05 (5) (INIT_PHYPARAM_SUP_TIMEOUT)
    0000:01 61 FE 02 01 05                               .a....
    [11] : <Rx> - 01:43:34.092
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE61 (GapInit_getPhyParam)
     DataLength     : 0x03 (3)
     ParamId        : 0x02 (2) (INIT_PHYPARAM_CONN_INT_MIN)
     MinConnectInter: 0x0050 (80)
    0000:04 FF 09 7F 06 00 61 FE 03 02 50 00             ......a...P.
    [12] : <Rx> - 01:43:34.107
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE61 (GapInit_getPhyParam)
     DataLength     : 0x03 (3)
     ParamId        : 0x03 (3) (INIT_PHYPARAM_CONN_INT_MAX)
     MaxConnectInter: 0x0050 (80)
    0000:04 FF 09 7F 06 00 61 FE 03 03 50 00             ......a...P.
    [13] : <Rx> - 01:43:34.203
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE61 (GapInit_getPhyParam)
     DataLength     : 0x03 (3)
     ParamId        : 0x04 (4) (INIT_PHYPARAM_CONN_LATENCY)
     ConnectLatency : 0x0000 (0)
    0000:04 FF 09 7F 06 00 61 FE 03 04 00 00             ......a.....
    [14] : <Rx> - 01:43:34.227
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE61 (GapInit_getPhyParam)
     DataLength     : 0x03 (3)
     ParamId        : 0x05 (5) (INIT_PHYPARAM_SUP_TIMEOUT)
     SuperTimeout   : 0x07D0 (2000)
    0000:04 FF 09 7F 06 00 61 FE 03 05 D0 07             ......a.....
    [15] : <Tx> - 01:46:36.714
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE51 (GapScan_enable)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) byte(s)
     Period         : 0x0000 (0)
     Duration       : 0x01F4 (500)
     MaxNumRecords  : 0x0028 (40)
    0000:01 51 FE 06 00 00 F4 01 28 00                   .Q......(.
    [16] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.754
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE51 (GapScan_enable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 51 FE 00                      ......Q..
    [17] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.770
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00010000 (65536) (
    0000:04 FF 07 13 06 00 00 00 01 00                   ..........
    [18] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.792
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x22 (34) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 6A:1D:63:1B:E5:52
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB7 (183)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0003 (3)
     Data           : 02:01:06
    0000:04 FF 22 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 52 E5 1B 63 ..".....@...R..c
    0010:1D 6A 01 00 FF 7F B7 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .j..............
    0020:03 00 02 01 06                                  .....
    [19] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.809
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 52:D6:5D:C8:16:29
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA6 (166)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:08:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:23:18:F1:FD:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 29 16 C8 5D ..0.....@...)..]
    0010:D6 52 01 00 FF 7F A6 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .R..............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 08 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 23 18 ..........L...#.
    0030:F1 FD 88                                        ...
    [20] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.830
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x22 (34) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 7E:0E:B0:C7:E5:E7
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xC4 (196)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0003 (3)
     Data           : 02:01:06
    0000:04 FF 22 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 E7 E5 C7 B0 ..".....@.......
    0010:0E 7E 01 00 FF 7F C4 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .~..............
    0020:03 00 02 01 06                                  .....
    [21] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.846
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 1B:46:EC:F9:3E:53
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB1 (177)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:E0:AC:15:FE:8E:B4:9A:BF:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 53 3E F9 EC ..>.....@...S>..
    0010:46 1B 01 00 FF 7F B1 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F...............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 E0 AC 15 FE 8E B4 ........ .......
    0030:9A BF F4 3C D2 81 C4 6A B8 04 06 32 85 63 D7 7A ...<...j...2.c.z
    0040:92                                              .
    [22] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.869
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 5A:F6:AF:27:83:B5
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xAB (171)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:07:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:23:18:70:09:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 B5 83 27 AF ..0.....@.....'.
    0010:F6 5A 01 00 FF 7F AB FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .Z..............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 07 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 23 18 ..........L...#.
    0030:70 09 68                                        p.h
    [23] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.885
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 47:21:7D:55:5F:7B
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB1 (177)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:1A:20:0B:6F:65:B5:69:0B:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 7B 5F 55 7D ..>.....@...{_U}
    0010:21 47 01 00 FF 7F B1 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 !G..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 1A 20 0B 6F 65 B5 ........ .. .oe.
    0030:69 0B 26 34 BD F9 DE DE 31 10 BA 02 01 90 76 6C i.&4....1.....vl
    0040:5F                                              _
    [24] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.905
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 00:54:AA:AA:0C:95
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xC5 (197)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:FC:80:08:E9:9A:8D:9C:1F:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 95 0C AA AA ..>.....@.......
    0010:54 00 01 00 FF 7F C5 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 T...............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 FC 80 08 E9 9A 8D ........ .......
    0030:9C 1F 7B 13 5C 00 0A C4 E0 7F DE F9 C1 AB 9B 59 ..{.\..........Y
    0040:4B                                              K
    [25] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.921
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3A (58) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 3F:82:A4:66:EA:D8
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xBD (189)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001B (27)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:17:FF:4C:00:05:12:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:
    0000:04 FF 3A 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 D8 EA 66 A4 ..:.....@.....f.
    0010:82 3F 01 00 FF 7F BD FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .?..............
    0020:1B 00 02 01 1A 17 FF 4C 00 05 12 00 00 00 00 00 .......L........
    0030:00 00 00 01 1F 4E F6 F8 5F F5 C6 41 00          .....N.._..A.
    [26] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.936
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 7A:B1:BF:DE:5C:C3
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xBE (190)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:08:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:33:18:70:F0:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 C3 5C DE BF ..0.....@....\..
    0010:B1 7A 01 00 FF 7F BE FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .z..............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 08 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 33 18 ..........L...3.
    0030:70 F0 2A                                        p.*
    [27] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.952
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3C (60) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 6B:95:99:83:B8:67
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB1 (177)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001D (29)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:07:03:0F:18:0A:18:FF:FE:11:09:4A:61:62:
    0000:04 FF 3C 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 67 B8 83 99 ..<.....@...g...
    0010:95 6B 01 00 FF 7F B1 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .k..............
    0020:1D 00 02 01 1A 07 03 0F 18 0A 18 FF FE 11 09 4A ...............J
    0030:61 62 72 61 20 45 76 6F 6C 76 65 32 20 36 35    abra Evolve2 65
    [28] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.972
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 05:A7:83:50:7C:F6
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB5 (181)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:E1:DC:A3:BF:7E:DD:AE:17:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 F6 7C 50 83 ..>.....@....|P.
    0010:A7 05 01 00 FF 7F B5 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 E1 DC A3 BF 7E DD ........ .....~.
    0030:AE 17 D8 EA 82 1A C8 F0 B5 B5 C4 1F 2C 5B AF 2F ............,[./
    0040:B6                                              .
    [29] : <Rx> - 01:46:36.987
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 36:16:8E:33:79:D7
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xAC (172)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:DF:71:B9:07:55:75:C2:83:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 D7 79 33 8E ..>.....@....y3.
    0010:16 36 01 00 FF 7F AC FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .6..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 DF 71 B9 07 55 75 ........ ..q..Uu
    0030:C2 83 7E AE 00 25 A0 2A 55 61 0B 89 6D 9F AF A6 ..~..%.*Ua..m...
    0040:85                                              .
    [30] : <Rx> - 01:46:37.015
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 73:96:00:36:9B:30
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xC2 (194)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:C1:2A:24:7E:67:97:4D:59:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 30 9B 36 00 ..>.....@...0.6.
    0010:96 73 01 00 FF 7F C2 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .s..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 C1 2A 24 7E 67 97 ........ ..*$~g.
    0030:4D 59 87 A5 D0 1F 72 4F 02 DB 7E 96 BE B9 8A 24 MY....rO..~....$
    0040:F5                                              .
    [31] : <Rx> - 01:46:37.030
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x29 (41) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x00 (0) (AE_Undir_NC_NS_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x00 (0) (ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC)
     Address        : F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x3C (60) (Unknown ScanScannedPhy #60)
     AdvSid         : 0x01 (1)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0x08 (8)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x000A (10)
     Data           : 92:11:A0:00:FF:FF:FF:FF:BF:91
    0000:04 FF 29 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 BB 8C 2D 5E ..).....@.....-^
    0010:8A F8 01 3C 01 7F 08 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...<............
    0020:0A 00 92 11 A0 00 FF FF FF FF BF 91             ............
    [32] : <Rx> - 01:46:37.050
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3B (59) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x00 (0) (ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC)
     Address        : 8C:79:F5:21:F3:BA
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xAF (175)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001C (28)
     Data           : 1B:FF:75:00:42:04:01:80:60:8C:79:F5:21:F3:BA:8E:
    0000:04 FF 3B 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 00 BA F3 21 F5 ..;.....@.....!.
    0010:79 8C 01 00 FF 7F AF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 y...............
    0020:1C 00 1B FF 75 00 42 04 01 80 60 8C 79 F5 21 F3 ....u.B...`.y.!.
    0030:BA 8E 79 F5 21 F3 B9 01 00 00 00 00 00 00       ..y.!.........
    [33] : <Rx> - 01:46:37.066
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 67:71:83:71:5C:D4
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA9 (169)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:A1:30:43:23:74:47:B4:6D:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 D4 5C 71 83 ..>.....@....\q.
    0010:71 67 01 00 FF 7F A9 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 qg..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 A1 30 43 23 74 47 ........ ..0C#tG
    0030:B4 6D 2D 46 18 64 DF 32 38 35 C4 7E 0C BF 6C 61
    0040:96                                              .
    [34] : <Rx> - 01:46:37.086
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 7A:1F:1D:F5:9A:C7
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xBE (190)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:11:16:25:FD:D6:24:BC:79:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 C7 9A F5 1D ..>.....@.......
    0010:1F 7A 01 00 FF 7F BE FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .z..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 11 16 25 FD D6 24 ........ ...%..$
    0030:BC 79 23 A1 DD 85 64 85 71 62 FB 10 DF B0 77 26 .y#...d.qb....w&
    0040:35                                              5
    [35] : <Rx> - 01:46:41.776
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00020000 (131072) (
     EndReason      : 0x01 (1) (SCAN_END_REASON_DUR_EXP)
     NumberOfReports: 0x11 (17)
    0000:04 FF 09 13 06 00 00 00 02 00 01 11             ............
    [36] : <Tx> - 01:51:52.173
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE1B (GapScan_AddDeviceToPeriodicAdvList)
    -Data Length    : 0x08 (8) byte(s)
     advAddrType    : 0x00 (0) (PEER_ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_OR_PUBLIC_ID)
     advAddress     : F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB
     advSID         : 0x01 (1)
    0000:01 1B FE 08 00 BB 8C 2D 5E 8A F8 01             .......-^...
    [37] : <Rx> - 01:51:52.197
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE1B (GapScan_AddDeviceToPeriodicAdvList)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 1B FE 00                      .........
    [38] : <Tx> - 01:52:38.278
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE17 (GapScan_PeriodicAdvCreateSync)
    -Data Length    : 0x0E (14) byte(s)
     advSID         : 0x00 (0)
     options        : 0x03 (3) (
     advAddrType    : 0x00 (0) (PEER_ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_OR_PUBLIC_ID)
     advAddress     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     skip           : 0x0000 (0)
     syncTimeout    : 0x03E8 (1000)
     syncCteType    : 0x00 (0) (
                      PeriodicAdvSyncCteTypes Bit Mask Is Not Set)
    0000:01 17 FE 0E 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E8 ................
    0010:03 00                                           ..
    [39] : <Rx> - 01:52:38.332
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE17 (GapScan_PeriodicAdvCreateSync)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 17 FE 00                      .........
    [40] : <Tx> - 01:52:47.166
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE51 (GapScan_enable)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) byte(s)
     Period         : 0x0000 (0)
     Duration       : 0x01F4 (500)
     MaxNumRecords  : 0x0000 (0)
    0000:01 51 FE 06 00 00 F4 01 00 00                   .Q........
    [41] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.205
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE51 (GapScan_enable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 51 FE 00                      ......Q..
    [42] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.221
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00010000 (65536) (
    0000:04 FF 07 13 06 00 00 00 01 00                   ..........
    [43] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.246
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x31 (49) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 68:FA:2A:C1:04:F8
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA6 (166)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0012 (18)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:0C:0B:FF:4C:00:10:06:4D:1E:05:B5:
    0000:04 FF 31 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 F8 04 C1 2A ..1.....@......*
    0010:FA 68 01 00 FF 7F A6 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .h..............
    0020:12 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 4D 1E ..........L...M.
    0030:05 B5 E6 08                                     ....
    [44] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.274
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x31 (49) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 73:1E:B7:D2:B3:64
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB7 (183)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0012 (18)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:0C:0B:FF:4C:00:10:06:1A:1E:13:B9:
    0000:04 FF 31 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 64 B3 D2 B7 ..1.....@...d...
    0010:1E 73 01 00 FF 7F B7 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .s..............
    0020:12 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 1A 1E ..........L.....
    0030:13 B9 83 E9                                     ....
    [45] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.290
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x31 (49) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 65:A1:6A:FB:BD:4F
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA8 (168)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0012 (18)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:0C:0B:FF:4C:00:10:06:07:1A:7B:07:
    0000:04 FF 31 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 4F BD FB 6A ..1.....@...O..j
    0010:A1 65 01 00 FF 7F A8 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .e..............
    0020:12 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 07 1A ..........L.....
    0030:7B 07 41 BA                                     {.A.
    [46] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.310
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 3D:32:F1:87:96:54
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xC7 (199)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:27:F5:88:FE:F2:D7:BD:A5:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 54 96 87 F1 ..>.....@...T...
    0010:32 3D 01 00 FF 7F C7 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2=..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 27 F5 88 FE F2 D7 ........ .'.....
    0030:BD A5 0D 39 B0 0F 92 1E AA DA 6F 60 98 33 F8 D2 ...9......o`.3..
    0040:FB                                              .
    [47] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.325
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 18:03:BB:E1:B2:ED
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB7 (183)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:4B:F5:80:39:66:7F:B2:7E:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 ED B2 E1 BB ..>.....@.......
    0010:03 18 01 00 FF 7F B7 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 4B F5 80 39 66 7F ........ .K..9f.
    0030:B2 7E 65 94 11 05 F3 8F 58 63 0E 67 11 42 1C BE .~e.....Xc.g.B..
    0040:B6                                              .
    [48] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.346
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 36:16:8E:33:79:D7
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xAF (175)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:DF:71:B9:07:55:75:C2:83:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 D7 79 33 8E ..>.....@....y3.
    0010:16 36 01 00 FF 7F AF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .6..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 DF 71 B9 07 55 75 ........ ..q..Uu
    0030:C2 83 7E AE 00 25 A0 2A 55 61 0B 89 6D 9F AF A6 ..~..%.*Ua..m...
    0040:85                                              .
    [49] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.362
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 67:71:83:71:5C:D4
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA8 (168)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:A1:30:43:23:74:47:B4:6D:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 D4 5C 71 83 ..>.....@....\q.
    0010:71 67 01 00 FF 7F A8 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 qg..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 A1 30 43 23 74 47 ........ ..0C#tG
    0030:B4 6D 2D 46 18 64 DF 32 38 35 C4 7E 0C BF 6C 61
    0040:96                                              .
    [50] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.382
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x31 (49) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 6D:EA:E4:61:7E:80
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB4 (180)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0012 (18)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:0C:0B:FF:4C:00:10:06:48:1E:4B:D2:
    0000:04 FF 31 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 80 7E 61 E4 ..1.....@....~a.
    0010:EA 6D 01 00 FF 7F B4 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .m..............
    0020:12 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 48 1E ..........L...H.
    0030:4B D2 01 C6                                     K...
    [51] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.397
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x22 (34) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 6F:D7:62:87:A8:53
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB7 (183)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0003 (3)
     Data           : 02:01:06
    0000:04 FF 22 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 53 A8 87 62 ..".....@...S..b
    0010:D7 6F 01 00 FF 7F B7 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .o..............
    0020:03 00 02 01 06                                  .....
    [52] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.418
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 43:C3:4C:AB:A7:02
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xB5 (181)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:06:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:23:18:E0:05:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 02 A7 AB 4C ..0.....@......L
    0010:C3 43 01 00 FF 7F B5 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .C..............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 06 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 23 18 ..........L...#.
    0030:E0 05 95                                        ...
    [53] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.433
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x30 (48) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 72:2B:DD:37:F4:55
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xAE (174)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0011 (17)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:08:0A:FF:4C:00:10:05:25:1C:EF:16:
    0000:04 FF 30 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 55 F4 37 DD ..0.....@...U.7.
    0010:2B 72 01 00 FF 7F AE FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 +r..............
    0020:11 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 08 0A FF 4C 00 10 05 25 1C ..........L...%.
    0030:EF 16 81                                        ...
    [54] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.454
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x31 (49) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 73:F3:17:D4:A3:09
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA5 (165)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0012 (18)
     Data           : 02:01:1A:02:0A:08:0B:FF:4C:00:10:06:29:1A:D3:D3:
    0000:04 FF 31 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 09 A3 D4 17 ..1.....@.......
    0010:F3 73 01 00 FF 7F A5 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .s..............
    0020:12 00 02 01 1A 02 0A 08 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 29 1A ..........L...).
    0030:D3 D3 E2 83                                     ....
    [55] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.475
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x22 (34) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x13 (19) (Legacy_ADV_IND_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 7E:0E:B0:C7:E5:E7
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xC1 (193)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0003 (3)
     Data           : 02:01:06
    0000:04 FF 22 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 13 01 E7 E5 C7 B0 ..".....@.......
    0010:0E 7E 01 00 FF 7F C1 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .~..............
    0020:03 00 02 01 06                                  .....
    [56] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.491
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 3F:47:F4:15:1B:90
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xAD (173)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:46:E5:A8:36:BD:19:2A:E1:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 90 1B 15 F4 ..>.....@.......
    0010:47 3F 01 00 FF 7F AD FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 G?..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 46 E5 A8 36 BD 19 ........ .F..6..
    0030:2A E1 D3 8D C6 69 FC 73 19 3F 31 29 E0 BD 15 7A *....i.s.?1)...z
    0040:6F                                              o
    [57] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.538
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 47:21:7D:55:5F:7B
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA4 (164)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:1A:20:0B:6F:65:B5:69:0B:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 7B 5F 55 7D ..>.....@...{_U}
    0010:21 47 01 00 FF 7F A4 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 !G..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 1A 20 0B 6F 65 B5 ........ .. .oe.
    0030:69 0B 26 34 BD F9 DE DE 31 10 BA 02 01 90 76 6C i.&4....1.....vl
    0040:5F                                              _
    [58] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.580
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x3E (62) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x10 (16) (Legacy_ADV_NONCONN_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x01 (1) (ADDRTYPE_RANDOM)
     Address        : 2D:EA:FB:DE:21:D8
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x00 (0) (SCANNED_PHY_NONE)
     AdvSid         : 0xFF (255)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0xA6 (166)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x001F (31)
     Data           : 1E:FF:06:00:01:09:20:02:B6:1E:47:1F:71:94:F2:0F:
    0000:04 FF 3E 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 10 01 D8 21 DE FB ..>.....@....!..
    0010:EA 2D 01 00 FF 7F A6 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .-..............
    0020:1F 00 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 B6 1E 47 1F 71 94 ........ ...G.q.
    0030:F2 0F 5C C2 2B 69 D4 71 F2 D7 0B 1F E9 B1 D9 F8 ..\.+i.q........
    0040:63                                              c
    [59] : <Rx> - 01:52:47.632
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x29 (41) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00400000 (4194304) (
     AdvRptEventType: 0x00 (0) (AE_Undir_NC_NS_or_Data_Complete)
     AddressType    : 0x00 (0) (ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC)
     Address        : F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (SCANNED_PHY_1M)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x3C (60) (Unknown ScanScannedPhy #60)
     AdvSid         : 0x01 (1)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     RSSI           : 0x08 (8)
     DirectAddrType : 0xFF (255) (ADDRTYPE_NONE)
     DirectAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     PeriodicAdvInt : 0x0000 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x000A (10)
     Data           : 00:13:A0:00:FF:FF:FF:FF:BF:91
    0000:04 FF 29 13 06 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 BB 8C 2D 5E ..).....@.....-^
    0010:8A F8 01 3C 01 7F 08 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...<............
    0020:0A 00 00 13 A0 00 FF FF FF FF BF 91             ............
    [60] : <Rx> - 01:52:52.236
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00020000 (131072) (
     EndReason      : 0x01 (1) (SCAN_END_REASON_DUR_EXP)
     NumberOfReports: 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 09 13 06 00 00 00 02 00 01 00             ............
    [61] : <Tx> - 01:53:08.229
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE1A (GapScan_SetPeriodicAdvReceiveEnable)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) byte(s)
     syncHandle     : 0x0000 (0)
     Enable         : 0x01 (1)
    0000:01 1A FE 03 00 00 01                            .......
    [62] : <Rx> - 01:53:08.251
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x18 (24) (bleInvalidRange)
     OpCode         : 0xFE1A (GapScan_SetPeriodicAdvReceiveEnable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 18 1A FE 00                      .........

    It seems that everytime we did PeriodicAdv, we didn't call GapAdv_LoadData, which may be the actual reason we haven't seen any data (neither through BTool nor through the sniffer). After also enabling GapAdv_LoadData, this is how our packets look like through the sniffer:


    (The "Raw Adv Data" is the data loaded through GapAdv_LoadData). The device is still doing PeriodicAdv. I've also attached the whole Ellisys Bluetooth Analyzer log below.

    We see data now, but my question is: why do we only see the data sent through LoadData(), if the TI is performing PeriodicAdv? Is this normal? I've also sent a SetPeriodicAdvData command, with some payload of length 4 (bytes), but I'm not able to see it anywhere in my sniffer.

    You can see the peripheral log below:

    [1] : <Tx> - 10:35:31.220
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    -Data Length    : 0x01 (1) byte(s)
     Type           : 0x00 (0) (Chip Reset)
    0000:01 1D FC 01 00                                  .....
    [2] : <Rx> - 10:35:31.251
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x05 (5) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x041D (1053) (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmdDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     CmdOpCode      : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    0000:04 FF 05 1D 04 00 1D FC                         ........
    [3] : <Tx> - 10:35:37.852
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
    -Data Length    : 0x08 (8) byte(s)
     ProfileRole    : 0x04 (4) (
     AddrMode       : 0x00 (0) (ADDRMODE_PUBLIC)
     RandomAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    0000:01 00 FE 08 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [4] : <Rx> - 10:35:37.889
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 00 FE 00                      .........
    [5] : <Rx> - 10:35:37.905
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x2C (44) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0600 (1536) (GAP_DeviceInitDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     DevAddr        : F8:8A:5E:2D:8C:BB
     DataPktLen     : 0x00FF (255)
     NumDataPkts    : 0x05 (5)
     IRK            : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     CSRK           : 7B:D3:C5:95:0B:45:33:E1:BD:78:C3:05:3D:5F:22:E9
    0000:04 FF 2C 00 06 00 BB 8C 2D 5E 8A F8 FF 00 05 00 ..,.....-^......
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7B ...............{
    0020:D3 C5 95 0B 45 33 E1 BD 78 C3 05 3D 5F 22 E9    ....E3..x..=_".
    [6] : <Tx> - 10:35:54.792
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
    -Data Length    : 0x15 (21) byte(s)
     Properties     : 0x0000 (0) (
                      AdvEventProps Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     IntervalMin    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     IntervalMax    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     PrimaryChMap   : 0x07 (7) (
     PeerAddrType   : 0x00 (0) (PEER_ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_OR_PUBLIC_ID)
     PeerAddress    : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     FilterPolicy   : 0x00 (0) (
                      AdvFilterPolicy Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_PRIM_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_SEC_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SID            : 0x01 (1)
    0000:01 3E FE 15 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 07 00 00 00 .>..............
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 7F 01 01 01                      .........
    [7] : <Rx> - 10:35:54.845
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
     DataLength     : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 07 7F 06 00 3E FE 01 00                   ......>...
    [8] : <Tx> - 10:36:24.985
    -Type           : 0x09 (ExtCommand)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE44 (GapAdv_loadData)
    -Data Length    : 0x1200 (4608) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     AdvDataType    : 0x00 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x000E (14)
     AdvData        : 11:22:33:44:11:22:33:44:11:22:33:44:11:22
    0000:09 44 FE 12 00 00 00 0E 00 11 22 33 44 11 22 33 .D........"3D."3
    0010:44 11 22 33 44 11 22                            D."3D."
    [9] : <Rx> - 10:36:25.016
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE44 (GapAdv_loadData)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 44 FE 00                      ......D..
    [10] : <Tx> - 10:36:33.236
    -Type           : 0x09 (ExtCommand)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE45 (GapAdv_setEventMask)
    -Data Length    : 0x0300 (768) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     EventMask      : 0x0092 (146) (
    0000:09 45 FE 03 00 00 92 00                         .E......
    [11] : <Rx> - 10:36:33.283
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE45 (GapAdv_setEventMask)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 45 FE 00                      ......E..
    [12] : <Tx> - 10:36:37.779
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
    -Data Length    : 0x04 (4) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     EnableOptions  : 0x00 (0) (GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX)
     DurationMaxEvnt: 0x0000 (0)
    0000:01 3F FE 04 00 00 00 00                         .?......
    [13] : <Rx> - 10:36:37.816
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 3F FE 00                      ......?..
    [14] : <Rx> - 10:36:37.832
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00000001 (1) (
     AdvHandle      : 0x00 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 09 13 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [15] : <Tx> - 10:38:18.276
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     Interval Min   : 0x00A0 (160)
     Interval Max   : 0x00A0 (160)
     Properties     : 0x0040 (64)
    0000:01 14 FE 07 00 A0 00 A0 00 40 00                .........@.
    [16] : <Rx> - 10:38:18.328
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 14 FE 00                      .........
    [17] : <Rx> - 10:38:18.344
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0619 (1561) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 19 06 00                               ......
    [18] : <Tx> - 10:38:34.570
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     Operation      : 0x03 (3) (Complete_Data)
     PayloadLength  : 0x04 (4)
     Data           : 00:11:22:33
    0000:01 15 FE 07 00 03 04 00 11 22 33                ........."3
    [19] : <Rx> - 10:38:34.614
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 15 FE 00                      .........
    [20] : <Rx> - 10:38:34.629
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x061A (1562) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvData)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 1A 06 00                               ......
    [21] : <Tx> - 10:38:44.693
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
    -Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
     Enable         : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:01 16 FE 02 01 00                               ......
    [22] : <Rx> - 10:38:44.751
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 16 FE 00                      .........
    [23] : <Rx> - 10:38:44.777
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x061B (1563) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 1B 06 00                               ......

    Is it normal to only see the data loaded with LoadData through the sniffer?

    My next quesiton would be: how does Synchronizing (with a Periodic Advertising Train) actually help us? What is it really used for? Do we actually need it? Is this a way of actually seeing the PeriodicAdv data sent? (loaded with SetPeriodicAdvData()).

    Thank you.

  • Hi Mario,

    I will look into the logs today and tomorrow and get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, I found the following E2E thread in which they were able to successfully implement periodic advertising in btool:

    Can you verify that you have implemented the same function calls and setup as the ones used in that thread?

    Best Regards,


  • Hey Jan,

    It is a small world :). the other thread was started for the same problem. The end result was that we got rid of the bleInvalidRange, but not a complete end to end periodic advertising. (The thread is locked I could not add this info there :( )

  • Hi Mario,

    I looked through your logs and did not see the advertising data on the periodic advertising. However, I was able to get periodic advertising working properly on my end. I have attached a log showcasing this with the relevant packets highlighted:


    I added the USE_PERIODIC_ADV pre-define to a host_test project. I have attached the zipped project here:

    The commands I used in host_test are shown below:

    [33] : <Tx> - 04:00:43.240
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    -Data Length    : 0x01 (1) byte(s)
     Type           : 0x00 (0) (Chip Reset)
    0000:01 1D FC 01 00                                  .....
    [34] : <Rx> - 04:00:43.267
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x05 (5) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x041D (1053) (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmdDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     CmdOpCode      : 0xFC1D (HCIExt_ResetSystemCmd)
    0000:04 FF 05 1D 04 00 1D FC                         ........
    [35] : <Tx> - 04:00:55.019
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
    -Data Length    : 0x08 (8) byte(s)
     ProfileRole    : 0x04 (4) (
     AddrMode       : 0x00 (0) (ADDRMODE_PUBLIC)
     RandomAddr     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
    0000:01 00 FE 08 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [36] : <Rx> - 04:00:55.044
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE00 (GAP_DeviceInit)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 00 FE 00                      .........
    [37] : <Rx> - 04:00:55.060
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x2C (44) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0600 (1536) (GAP_DeviceInitDone)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     DevAddr        : 80:6F:B0:31:CC:9D
     DataPktLen     : 0x00FF (255)
     NumDataPkts    : 0x05 (5)
     IRK            : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
     CSRK           : 26:A0:DF:05:1C:90:83:AE:35:51:4B:CA:00:A1:C9:07
    0000:04 FF 2C 00 06 00 9D CC 31 B0 6F 80 FF 00 05 00 ..,.....1.o.....
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 ...............&
    0020:A0 DF 05 1C 90 83 AE 35 51 4B CA 00 A1 C9 07    .......5QK.....
    [38] : <Tx> - 04:01:13.159
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
    -Data Length    : 0x15 (21) byte(s)
     Properties     : 0x0000 (0) (
                      AdvEventProps Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     IntervalMin    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     IntervalMax    : 0x0000A0 (160)
     PrimaryChMap   : 0x07 (7) (
     PeerAddrType   : 0x00 (0) (PEER_ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_OR_PUBLIC_ID)
     PeerAddress    : 00:00:00:00:00:00
     FilterPolicy   : 0x00 (0) (
                      AdvFilterPolicy Bit Mask Is Not Set)
     TxPower        : 0x7F (127)
     PrimaryPHY     : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_PRIM_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SecondaryPHY   : 0x01 (1) (GAP_ADV_SEC_PHY_1_MBPS)
     SID            : 0x01 (1)
    0000:01 3E FE 15 00 00 A0 00 00 A0 00 00 07 00 00 00 .>..............
    0010:00 00 00 00 00 7F 01 01 01                      .........
    [39] : <Rx> - 04:01:13.190
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3E (GapAdv_create)
     DataLength     : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 07 7F 06 00 3E FE 01 00                   ......>...
    [40] : <Tx> - 04:01:46.740
    -Type           : 0x09 (ExtCommand)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE44 (GapAdv_loadData)
    -Data Length    : 0x1400 (5120) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     AdvDataType    : 0x00 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x0010 (16)
     AdvData        : 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A:0B:0C:0D:0E:0F
    0000:09 44 FE 14 00 00 00 10 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 .D..............
    0010:07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F                      .........
    [41] : <Rx> - 04:01:46.771
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE44 (GapAdv_loadData)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 44 FE 00                      ......D..
    [42] : <Tx> - 04:02:06.318
    -Type           : 0x09 (ExtCommand)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE45 (GapAdv_setEventMask)
    -Data Length    : 0x0300 (768) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     EventMask      : 0x0092 (146) (
    0000:09 45 FE 03 00 00 92 00                         .E......
    [43] : <Rx> - 04:02:06.341
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE45 (GapAdv_setEventMask)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 45 FE 00                      ......E..
    [44] : <Tx> - 04:02:17.678
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
    -Data Length    : 0x04 (4) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     EnableOptions  : 0x00 (0) (GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX)
     DurationMaxEvnt: 0x0000 (0)
    0000:01 3F FE 04 00 00 00 00                         .?......
    [45] : <Rx> - 04:02:17.700
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE3F (GapAdv_enable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 3F FE 00                      ......?..
    [46] : <Rx> - 04:02:17.715
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x09 (9) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0613 (1555) (GAP_AdvertiserScannerEvent)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     EventId        : 0x00000001 (1) (
     AdvHandle      : 0x00 (0)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 09 13 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00             ............
    [47] : <Tx> - 04:02:49.799
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     Interval Min   : 0x0006 (6)
     Interval Max   : 0x0006 (6)
     Properties     : 0x0000 (0)
    0000:01 14 FE 07 00 06 00 06 00 00 00                ...........
    [48] : <Rx> - 04:02:49.830
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE14 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 14 FE 00                      .........
    [49] : <Rx> - 04:02:49.846
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x0619 (1561) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvParams)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 19 06 00                               ......
    [50] : <Tx> - 04:03:32.838
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
    -Data Length    : 0x07 (7) byte(s)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
     Operation      : 0x03 (3) (Complete_Data)
     PayloadLength  : 0x04 (4)
     Data           : 00:11:22:33
    0000:01 15 FE 07 00 03 04 00 11 22 33                ........."3
    [51] : <Rx> - 04:03:32.868
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE15 (GapAdv_setPeriodicAdvData)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 15 FE 00                      .........
    [52] : <Rx> - 04:03:32.884
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x061A (1562) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvData)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 1A 06 00                               ......
    [53] : <Tx> - 04:03:54.239
    -Type           : 0x01 (Command)
    -OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
    -Data Length    : 0x02 (2) byte(s)
     Enable         : 0x01 (1)
     Handle         : 0x00 (0)
    0000:01 16 FE 02 01 00                               ......
    [54] : <Rx> - 04:03:54.264
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x06 (6) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x067F (1663) (GAP_HCI_ExtentionCommandStatus)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
     OpCode         : 0xFE16 (GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
     DataLength     : 0x00 (0)
    0000:04 FF 06 7F 06 00 16 FE 00                      .........
    [55] : <Rx> - 04:03:54.279
    -Type           : 0x04 (Event)
    -EventCode      : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent)
    -Data Length    : 0x03 (3) bytes(s)
     Event          : 0x061B (1563) (GAPAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable)
     Status         : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS)
    0000:04 FF 03 1B 06 00                               ......

    Can you try importing the project and using the same commands I used in my log? Let me know if you have any issues with this.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Jan. I will take over from Mario for these tests. Unfortunately we need to find a window for that :(. I will come back here once I have the results.

  • Hello,

    No worries! If you need any further instructions on how to run the test, then please let me know.

    Best Regards,
